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European Conference on Huqúqu’lláh in Germany


9th-10th October 1999


It was an uplifting and spiritually galvanizing Huqúqu’lláh Conference blessed by the presence of the Trustee of Huqúqu’lláh, the dear Hand of the Cause of God, Dr Ali-Muhammad Varqa, He inspired the 1000 participants, who had gathered from 41 countries from all over Europe and abroad (Western Europe 19, Eastern Europe 11, other countries 11), in his uniquely gentle, loving and touching manner.


Dr Varqa addressed the friends on both days giving them deep spiritual insights into the mighty and sacred Law of Huqúqu’lláh, encouraging them in their services to the beloved Cause, particularly at this important juncture in its development, and helping them to realise their precious trust and pledge as followers of the Blessed Beauty.


These talks by the Hand of the Cause of God were the very heart and highlight of this truly historic conference which radiated an atmosphere of immense joy, renewed dedication and servitude. The children and pre-youth were given the wonderful opportunity of having a special meeting with the Hand of the Cause of God Dr Varqa and receiving his heartening and emboldening words to them. This experience will, without doubt, leave a lasting impression on these future standard-bearers of the Faith.


The European Huqúqu’lláh Conference in Hofheim, Germany, was also greatly enriched by Counsellor Dr Firaydoun Javaheri of the International Teaching Centre, who accompanied the beloved Hand of the Cause. In his address, Dr Javaheri emphasised the constant interplay of the spiritual and the material, and illustrated the right attitude towards Huqúqu’lláh with stories from African believers. Furthermore, he dwelt on the importance of a systematic approach to advancing the Faith, above all with regard to individual teaching. The believers were delighted with his vivid accounts of victories of the Faith in other parts of the world.


At the beginning of the conference Counsellors Dr Shapoor Rassekh and Larissa Tsutskova gave introductory talks on certain social and spiritual aspects of the Law of Huqúqu’lláh. Thus the audience was prepared for the main session and keynote speech on Saturday afternoon to which Counsellor Uta von Both welcomed the Trustee of Huqúqu’lláh, Hand of the Cause of God Dr Varqa, by elaborating on his life and service and the legacy of his distinguished family.


Dr Varqa opened the hearts and minds of the friends to the significance of the Right of God and the high station of this outstanding law. They gained a broader understanding of the gradual evolution of Huqúqu’lláh and its social, spiritual and economic dimensions. This was also supported by a showing of the Huqúqu’lláh video. The unfolding of the Institution of Huqúqu’lláh in recent years was made visible when the members of the Board of Trustees of Huququ’llah in Europe, the Regional Boards of Trustees and the representatives of Huqúqu’lláh were shortly introduced to the friends.


The National Assembly presented each participant of the conference with a gift, a beautifully printed prayer by Bahá’u’lláh on the giving of Huqúqu’lláh in English, German, and Arabic.


The language of music was spoken during the whole conference culminating in a classical concert on Saturday evening when violinist Mr Bijan Khadem-Missagh from Austria enchanted the audience with his playing.


National Spiritual Assembly of Germany


Hand of the Cause of God Dr Varqa, speaking in Germany



Mount Carmel Projects - Terrace 19 showing the entrance to the underground tunnel and observatory area on Louis Promenade, along Panorama Road.


Bahá’í International News Service


INDIA - Bahá’í prayers chanted on anniversary of the birth of Mahatma Gandhi


The nation’s President, Prime Minister, Government Ministers, political leaders, and a large number of other distinguished people, including Ambassadors of different countries in India, gathered at the resting place of Mahatma Gandhi in Delhi to commemorate the anniversary of his birth on 2nd October. For the first time, Bahá’í prayers - one in English and one in Hindi - were chanted among the other religious offerings.


Millions of people must have viewed the function on television as it was broadcast live. We are grateful to Bahá’u’lláh for having made this achievement possible.

  (Report through the Continental Board of Counsellors received 7th October)


The Lotus Temple at sunset – the Baha’i House of Worship, New Delhi, India. Photo by Jens von Krogh


House of Worship - After more than 10 years the Lotus Temple is an integral part of lives


A man visiting the Mashriqu’lAdhkar in New Delhi in August asked how he could give service to the Temple. He stated that he had been going there with his father ever since its inauguration in 1986, and had grown up around it. "I bring all of my relatives and friends here, it is a very peaceful place and I have a special attachment to it." He was told that the best service he could give was to use the place for the purpose for which it was made.


A local boy of about 9 or 10 years old goes to the House of Worship as often as four times a week. He sits inside in a particular place for more than an hour in absolute silence, gazing at the dais, very relaxed, then slowly walks out. As he walks around the Temple he stops and tries to see through the glass windows, as though trying to catch the last glimpse, and then very silently leaves.


Clearly, the Lotus Temple has become an integral part of the lives of those people who live around it.


Meanwhile, three-quarters of a million people visited the House of Worship in June, July and August. Among the tourists were large groups from Asia, Europe and South America, while the dignitaries included the Ambassadors to India from Libya and Yugoslavia.


Some of the interesting comments made in the visitors’ book are: "The Temple is beautiful, but also is inspiration for peace and love in our world." - Cuba. "This place is open, friendly and gives space for my belief." - Switzerland. "It’s a sacred place, a good place to stay on your own and think everything over. Thank you." - Kazakhstan


(Reports from the House of Worship)




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