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Published by the Office of Public Information Bahá’í International Community - Paris

Faiths gather at Vatican for dialogue

Bahá’ís took part in a five-day global interfaith event at the Vatican in Rome in October, organised by the Central Committee of the Grand Jubilee for the Year 2000. Over 200 people participated from practically every religion.

The Bahá’í contributions on education and the maturation of humanity were included in the final documentation and report which will be published.

The event was an opportunity to make the name of the Faith known and to develop contacts. During the concluding televised ceremony in Piazza San Pietro, in the presence of the Pope, the names of the religions present were read by the director of Interfaith Network for Great Britain, with the Bahá’í Faith mentioned first.

Bahá’ís in Le Monde Diplomatique

The well-respected French review Le Monde Diplomatique published an article on the Faith in its special magazine supplement "Manière de voir". The magazine is bi-monthly, and November/ December’s "Offensive de religions" edition included a three-page article by William Hatcher on "The Bahá’í Faith against fanaticisms".

An initial article on the Faith was published in Le Monde Diplomatique in July, with a distribution of 700,000 copies in French and other languages. The French Bahá’í community launched a major public information campaign during last year’s commemoration of the centenary of the Faith.


(Top)In Cambodia, women living along the Vonsai River listen to an introduction to the Faith after the Chieftain of their tribe became a Bahá’í. (Bahá’í International News Service - 31/10/99)


(Bottom) In Samoa, the choir of the Bahá’í House of Worship was filmed outside for a video series. (Bahá’í International News Service - 15/10/99)