Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Ḥáfíẓhaw-fezzPersian mystic poet, A.D. 1320–1390, author of unsurpassed odes in the ghazal form.
Haft-Vádíhaft-vaw-deeSeven Valleys, revealed by Bahá’u’lláh in answer to questions of Shaykh Muḥyi’d-Dín and describing “the seven stages which the soul of the seeker must needs traverse ere it can attain the object of its existence.” (GPB 140).
Ḥájíhaw-geeOne who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca.
Ḥájí Mírzá Áqásíhaw-gee-mere-zaw
Prime Minister of Persia; the Antichrist of the Bábí Revelation. (GPB 164).
Ḥájí Mírzá Ḥaydar-‘Alíhaw-gee-mere-zaw-
Noted early Bahá’í called “the Angel of Carmel.”
Ḥájí Mírzá Karím Khánhaw-gee-mere-zaw-ka-reem-conWriter condemned by Bahá’u’lláh for advocating the study of the science of metaphysical abstractions, of alchemy and natural magic, which Báha’u’lláh refers to as “vain and discarded learnings.” (Cf. Íqán, 186). Author of a vicious attack on the Bábí Faith, written by request of the Sháh. (GPB 91).
Ḥájí Mírzá Muḥammad-Taqíhaw-gee-mere-zaw-mo-
Cousin of the Báb and chief builder of the Temple at ‘Ishqábád, to which he dedicated his entire resources. His state title was Vakílu’d-Dawlih. (GPB 268, 300).
Ḥájí Mírzá Siyyid ‘Alíhaw-gee-mere-zaw-
Maternal uncle of the Báb, who reared Him.
Ḥájí Muḥammad-Riḍáhaw-gee-moham-mad
70-year old Bahá’í stabbed to death in broad daylight in ‘Ishqábád at the instigation of the Shí‘ahs, whose guilt was subsequently established by the Czar’s military court. The aggrieved Bahá’ís intervened on behalf of the murderers and had their sentences commuted to a lighter punishment. (SW 77; GPB 202).
Ḥájí Sulaymán Khánhaw-gee-sol-ay-mon-conMartyr who danced and recited poetry in the streets of Ṭihrán as lighted candles burned into his flesh. (GPB 78; DB 618).
Ḥájíbu’d-Dawlihhaw-jeb-od-doe-lehPersian official who devised hideous tortures for the Bábís and is described by Browne as “infamous monster.” (DB, 617; “A Traveller’s Narrative,” 52, n.1).
Ḥakímha-keemMan’s name; wise, also doctor.
Hamzihham-zehUncle of Muḥammad and “The Prince of Martyrs.”
Ḥaqíqathag-es-gatTruth, the goal of the mystic wayfarer.
Ḥaramhar-amSanctuary at Mecca, a sacred area where no blood may be spilled.
Ḥaram-i-Aqdashar-am-eh-ack-dassThe outer Sanctuary of Bahá’u’lláh’s Sepulcher.