Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Aqṣá Mosqueack-saw“The Most Remote” Mosque, at Jerusalem; built on Temple area, and save Mecca alone, the most sacred spot in Islám. Also called as-Ṣakhrah, “The Rock,” also “The Holy House.”. (GPB xiii).
‘Arvfiha-raff-ehVigil of the Feast of Sacrifice, when the Mecca pilgrims proceed to Mt. ‘Arafát. The 9th day of the month of Dhi’l-Ḥijjih. (DB 32).
Arḍ-i-Sirrar-zeh-sairLand of Mystery (Adrianople). The numerical value of Sirr (mystery) is identical with that of Adimih (Adrianople) (i.e., 260).
Ardishír Mírzáar-desh-sheer-mere-zawA governor of Ṭihrán.
‘Árífawr-effMystic knower, gnostic.
Ashrafash-raffMan’s name.
‘Ashúráash-oo-rawThe tenth of Muḥarram on which day the Imám Ḥusayn was martyred.
Ásíyihawe-see-yehQur’án 66:11, the wife of Pharaoh. To Muslims one One of four perfect women, the others being Sarah, the Virgin Mary, and Fatimih (See GPB 75) N.B. The reference in PUP 1, 170 and index should be corrected to read Ásíyih, not Ayesha. The commentators say that because she believed in Moses, Pharaoh set a rock on her breast, fastened her hands to four stakes and left her in the blazing sun.
Asmá’ul-Ḥusnáa-smaw-ol-hoss-nawMost Beauteous Names (of God); phrases occurring in Qur’án 7:179, 17:110, etc. According to a ḥadíth, Muḥammad said, “Verily there are 99 names of God, and whoever recites them shall enter Paradise.” The traditions also maintain that the Almighty has a hundredth name, the “Most Great Name,” and that whoever calls on God by this Name shall obtain all his desires. Down the ages, various mystic orders have striven to, and claimed to, possess the Greatest Name—which was not revealed until the Advent of Bahá’u’lláh. The Greatest Name is referred to as Ism-i-A‘ẓam.
‘Aṭṭárat-tar (r.w. tar)Shaykh Farídu’d-Dín ‘Aṭṭár, “the Druggist”, one who deals in attar of roses, etc. Great Persian mystic poet of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, born Níshápúr. His copious works include the Manṭiqu’ṭ-Ṭayr in which the birds, in search of the Símurgh, pass through the seven valleys of Search, Love, Knowledge, Independence, Unification, Amazement, Destitution and Annihilation.
‘Aválimav-awe-lem“Worlds.” Title of a work prophesying the opposition of the divines to the Promised One.
‘Aynu’l-Baqarain-ol-bak-kar (ar as in Harry)The Spring of the Cow, in ‘Akká.
Ayyám-i-Hál-yawm-eh-haw“Days of H.” H according to the abjad system equals 5; the letters in the name of the Báb also total 5. The intercalary days.
Ayyam-i-Shidádl-yawm-eh-shed-oddDays of Stress: the supreme crisis in Adrianople, engineered by the diabolical Siyyid Muḥammad. (GPB 163).