Help wanted
Are you an interfaith couple?
If so, and if you wouldn't mind being interviewed about your
situation, we'd like to hear from you.
We're looking for married couples who come from different faith
backgrounds. If one spouse converted, we'll want to know things like
how you deal with the "unconverted" extended family. If both spouses
remained practicing members of their faiths, we'll want to know how
you deal with the issues involved in that situation, especially
around holiday time.
"Interfaith," by the way, means people coming from completely
different religions, for example, a Christian marrying a Jew or a
Muslim marrying a Baha'i.
A Presbyterian marrying a Catholic, a Baptist marrying a Methodist
or a Reform Jew marrying an Orthodox Jew are not considered
interfaith marriages for this story.
If you'd like to be considered for the story, contact Mike Miller
at the Journal Star, 1 News Plaza, Peoria, IL 61643; call him at 686-
3106 or toll-free at (800) 225-5757, Ext. 3106; send him e-mail at; or send a fax to 686-3296.
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