Class leaders say teacher gets credit
Two students insist they learned because one of their
teachers taught them that good enough is not good enough.
© St. Petersburg Times, published May 16, 2001
NEW PORT RICHEY -- Social studies teacher Brian Cohen must be doing something
right at Ridgewood High School. That's got to be a given when both the
valedictorian and salutatorian from the class of 2001 list his portable
classroom, also known as "The University of the Ghetto," as their favorite
spot on campus.
"He really challenges his students," said class valedictorian Kelly Miller.
"In a lot of classes you can do enough to get by, but he demands more. He's
really taught me a lot about work ethics. He's one of those teachers who has
prepared me for college. He's a combination of hard work and fun."
"He's pretty much everyone's favorite," said salutatorian Jennilynn Rachael
Greene. "I'm really going to miss Mr. Cohen's class -- and playing spades
after AP (Advanced Placement) tests."
With graduation looming and Advanced Placement exams nearly behind them, both
Kelly and Jennilynn say they're ready to move on -- perhaps eventually to
some far-away places.
Kelly -- who says her religion, the Baha'i Faith, has helped to keep her well
grounded -- will attend Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H.
"I'm kind of a city girl and Dartmouth is in the middle of nowhere," she said.
Still, the girl with family roots in Maine thinks she'll be able
to handle it -- especially if she learns to ski.
"I fell in love with the area. It's just really beautiful and
really different from here," said Kelly, adding that she was looking
forward to the college experience even though she will miss Ridgewood.
"The familiarity is what I'm going to miss. I've gone to school
with some of these people since elementary school, so I've become
comfortable. I guess I'll miss that initially until I re-make that where
ever I end up."
As for Jennilynn, eventually she hopes to land an ambassador-type
position in Belgium, France or England. But first she'll be attending
college close to home, at the University of South Florida and then
perhaps on to grad school.
Jennilynn, who racked up some of her community service hours
helping out at the Richey Suncoast Theater, says she, too, is eager to
attend a university.
"I'm looking forward to learning things that they don't teach you
in high school, like (a choice of) different languages," Jennilynn said.
"Maybe learning Chinese -- I think that would be fun."
©Copyright 2001, Petersburg Times