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The New Environmental Paradigm scale: Has it outlived its usefulness?
ABSTRACT: The authors report a study that is based on the premise
that, although it continues to be desirable to chart public
attitudes toward the natural environment, the widely used 12-item
New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale, published by R. E. Dunlap
and K. D. van Liere in 1978, is in need of revision if it is to
measure the public's more recent and sophisticated understanding of
complex environmental issues. A quantitative and qualitative 2-
stage international survey was conducted via the Internet in which
respondents not only completed the NEP scale but also commented
critically and in depth on the scale items. The authors determined
that the NEP scale is limited with respect both to the anachronistic
wording of items and its inability to capture people's increasingly
thorough understanding of the nature, severity, and scope of
environmental problems over the last 2 to 3 decades. Several
suggestions are offered for updating the NEP scale if it is to
continue to be a useful research tool.
Key words: environmental attitudes, environmental paradigms,
Internet survey, New Environmental Paradigm
Social scientists and other scholars have been studying human
attitudes toward nature for several decades. One of the challenges
in the research has been to develop meaningful, accurate, and
replicable measures of this affective domain of the human
experience. Because most of the work has been conducted under the
rubric of quantitative research, the measures have had to be
conducive to that type of analytical methodology. One such measure
is the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) scale pioneered by Dunlap
and van Liere in the 1970s and published in their seminal article,
"The `New Environmental Paradigm': A Proposed Measuring Instrument
and Preliminary Results" (Dunlap & van Liere, 1978).
The NEP scale has been used widely in a variety of settings since
then, with varying success. Like many similar instruments, the NEP
scale, in its original form, was a product of its time with respect
to both conceptual content (then-- current understanding and
articulation of the nature and scope of key environmental issues and
values) and the language in which the concepts were couched.
Consequently, administration of the unmodified scale to contemporary
populations may be problematic because several items in the original
scale are anachronistic with respect to substance and wording. This
may be particularly true if the participants in a study are well
educated and informed by a more recent and more sophisticated level
of ecological and scientific understanding than the NEP scale was
designed to or is able to capture.
Notwithstanding the limitations of quantitative research and the
insights that accrue from qualitative investigations, administration
of the NEP scale or a similar scale in diverse settings, to a
variety of populations, and at different points in time, provides
two important sets of benefits. First is the opportunity to explain
variations in public attitudes toward the environment via the
statistical analysis of associations among variables. Second is the
potential for temporal, geographical, and social comparisons.
However, when social scientists attempt to measure environmental
attitudes, they face a dilemma that is common to all quantitative
social research in which one of the objectives is to chart changes
in aspects of human perceptions, attitudes, and behavior over time,
space, and society. On the one hand, social scientists can choose to
continue using a standardized scale for the purposes of
comparability and replication; yet, if the instrument is outdated or
otherwise tainted in some way, then the equally desirable objectives
of relevancy and accuracy must be sacrificed. On the other hand, it
may be preferable to forgo the benefits of comparability and
replication in the interest of developing a more accurate, relevant,
and contemporary instrument.
This article is based on the premise that it continues to be
desirable to conduct large-scale quantitative research on
environmental attitudes for the reasons already enumerated, but that
the NEP scale is outdated enough to warrant serious revision, if not
outright replacement. In this article, therefore, we report findings
from a study that combined quantitative and qualitative methods to
explore various dimensions of environmental attitudes. This
orientation not only yielded quantitative data but also elicited
critical comments and constructive suggestions from the respondents
about the content and wording of the statements that make up the NEP
Researchers using the NEP scale have explored the extent to which
people have rejected the various components of what Dunlap and van
Liere (1984) referred to as the Dominant Social Paradigm (DSP) in
favor of the New Environmental Paradigm. The former includes the
following views: (a) the environment is an unlimited source of the
resources that human beings require to exist and that they are
justified in exploiting to suit their needs; (b) advanced technology
is the key to averting resource scarcity and declines in
environmental quality; and (c) economic growth is not only desirable
but also represents the most appropriate measure of human success in
exploiting natural resources (Dunlap & van Liere, 1978, 1984;
Jackson, 1985, based on Cosgrove, 1982; Kahn, Brown, & Martel, 1976;
Maddox, 1972; Milbrath, 1984; Miles, 1976; Simon & Kahn, 1984). The
NEP, in contrast, reflects the "ecological consciousness" that
emerged and was expressed widely in popular literature and in the
media in the late 1960s and early 1970s (Dunlap & van Liere, 1978;
Jackson, 1985; Kuhn & Jackson, 1989; Milbrath, 1984). In essence,
according to Jackson (1985, p. 25), proponents of this position held
a limited biosphere [imposes] constraints on technology and the
possibilities for economic growth, which in turn is viewed as
undesirable, given the negative environmental and social
consequences which . . . are inevitable unless the "growth ethic" is
rejected. A redirection of material aspirations is therefore
demanded, and the quality of life is assessed in qualitative and
less tangible terms.
Although the 12-item NEP scale originally was proposed by Dunlap
and van Liere (1978) as a unidimensional framework, subsequent
research has revealed that the scale comprises at least three
dimensions: balance of nature, limits to growth, and relations with
nature (Albrecht, Bultena, Hoiberg, & Nowak, 1982; Edgell & Nowell,
1989; Geller & Lasley, 1985; Gooch, 1995; Kuhn & Jackson, 1989; Noe
& Snow, 1989, 1990). The multidimensional nature of the NEP scale
indicates that environmental attitudes, even those generally viewed
as proenvironment, are more complex than was originally supposed.
Today's measuring instruments, then, need to capture that complexity
and attempt to address the methodological problem of multiple
interpretations of attitudinal statements.
A review of the research exploring the validity, reliability, and
dimensionality of the NEP scale encourages us to make four distinct
but interrelated observations:
*Interpreting high NEP scores as a single indication of a
proenvironment stance oversimplifies the analysis (Albrecht et al.,
1982; Geller & Lasley, 1985).
* Using conventional quantitative techniques to analyze the
results obtained through administration of the NEP scale tends to
obscure the complexity of the factors involved in promoting
proenvironmental consciousness (Kanagy & Willits, 1993; van Liere &
Dunlap, 1981).
*Despite growing concern for the environment, public behavior at
the individual and public levels has not changed radically over the
last 3 decades (Gigliotti, 1994; Scott & Willits, 1994; van Liere &
Dunlap, 1983), although recycling programs and urban composting are
examples of specific observed developments.
*Only a portion of so-called NEP studies to date have used the
NEP scale in its original and complete form (Albrecht et al., 1982;
Caron, 1989; Geller & Lasley, 1985; Kanagy & Willits, 1993; Noe &
Snow, 1990; Schultz & Stone, 1994; Scott & Willits, 1994; Shetzer,
Stackman, & Moore, 1991). Most studies have used only parts of the
NEP scale or have reworded particular statements to reflect the
specific focus of the research. Several authors have suggested that
the scale could be reduced without losing precision (Geller &
Lasley, 1985; Gooch, 1995; Noe & Snow, 1990; Pierce, Lovrich, &
Tsurutani, 1987). In most cases, these researchers probably had
justified reasons for making alterations. However, such revision
reduced the validity of comparative statements that may be made
regarding the generalizability of the results and reinforced the
need for research approaches that take such issues into
The survey conducted as part of the present study addressed each
of the previously mentioned concerns. First, it broadened the scope
of the questionnaire to probe aspects of the human experience that
underlie or may be subsumed within the three dimensions identified
in the NEP literature cited. Included were three factors that might
contribute to the formation of respondents' attitudes or broader
global concerns, such as religious beliefs and affiliation, levels
of scientific understanding, and other aspects of individuals'
personal world views. Second, the survey looked more deeply into the
limi\tation in environmental attitude research (identified
previously) to determine whether there are factors underlying human
resistance to act on moral principles that are not readily
discernible or that may not emerge in a survey or other types of
quantitative research. If the general public is expressing greater
concern for the environment, but is not acting in ways that reflect
that concern, research is needed to find out why. Third, the survey
used the NEP scale in its entirety, with only specific word changes
to accommodate gender-inclusive language (e.g., "man" was replaced
with "humankind"). Finally, the survey used a combination of
quantitative and qualitative techniques, thus providing data to
assist in the evaluation of the relevance and validity of specific
NEP scale items. Taken together, these strategies ensured that the
research project built on and extended existing knowledge. Also, by
carefully examining the responses to NEP items and the editorial
comments provided by many of the respondents, we were able to detect
strengths and weaknesses, both in the wording of the original NEP
scale and in the concepts inherent in it.
One final point relates to the geographical context of NEP
research. NEP studies to date have focused almost exclusively on
populations within a limited geographical area, usually sampling
people living within a region or attending a university within a
particular country. One exception reported results of a three-
nation study that used five NEP statements in a broad questionnaire
(Milbrath, 1984). Unlike other contributors to this literature,
Milbrath acknowledged significant groups that were underrepresented
in the samples, He noted, however, that his sample was a good cross-
section of "those people who are most likely to understand
environmental questions, to play an active role in contests over
environmental issues, and to be active in abetting or resisting
social change" (Milbrath, 1984, p. 16). Two other exceptions are
Pierce et al. (1987), who compared NEP results in different groups
in Japan and the United States using a 6-item NEP scale, and Gooch
(1995), who looked at the NEP in conjunction with three other
environmental scales in Sweden, Estonia, and Latvia, using the same
6-item scale that Pierce et al. (1987) used. The study on which this
article was based was the first use of (a) the entire NEP scale in a
study explicitly designed to elicit respondents from (b) as many
geographical regions as the Internet (see next section) currently
Data Collection and Respondent Profile
Survey Administration
We collected data for this study by questionnaires that were
distributed using electronic mail. Following a pilot study, we
determined that a two-stage approach would be most effective in
eliciting the depth of response we sought. In addition to
conventional scale items and other closed questions, open-ended
questions were used. We recognized, however, that the inclusion of
open-ended questions could be an inhibiting factor because of the
time and effort required in responding. Thus, we attempted to
attract a diverse respondent pool of approximately 300 people with
the first survey, which was composed primarily of NEP-- scale and
other attitudinal items (closed questions). We then invited those
who were interested in further participation to respond to a second
survey that explored their attitudes and beliefs in greater detail
and elicited longer comments. It should be noted that the NEP-
related editorial comments discussed in the Results section
accompanied respondents' numerical responses to NEP items and were
not solicited by the researchers.
The structure of the questionnaires used for the study followed
standard guidelines for social-science surveys. E-- mail was used to
distribute the questionnaires because it provided a vehicle for
gaining access to a geographically dispersed population that also is
characterized by multiple interests. Although Internet-based
research is becoming more widespread as large numbers of researchers
recognize and take advantage of its benefits, this was the first
study in environmental-attitudes research to use it.2
The first survey was distributed in the early fall of 1996.
Prospective e-mail discussion groups were identified through the
first author's participation in groups related to environmental and
religious issues and following an intensive search of the Internet,
using key words such as "environment" and "religion." This search
yielded approximately 50 potential destinations for the survey.
After receiving permission from e-mail discussion-group "list
owners," we used 20 groups for distribution of the first
questionnaire. In some cases, the list owners posted the
questionnaire themselves; in others, the researcher was invited to
subscribe for the duration of the study. Details regarding the
discussion groups and the methodological and technical issues
related to the survey delivery are discussed in Lalonde (1998,
Respondent Profile
The survey elicited a total of 328 responses from people living
in 23 countries. The second stage of the survey was completed by 222
of these respondents. Thirty-seven percent (n = 121) of the
respondents were women; 63% were men (n = 207). The ages of the
respondents ranged from 18 years to more than 60 years, with roughly
77% falling between 26 and 55 years of age. The largest group of
respondents (n = 218; 66%) was from the United States and
represented 42 states. Thirty-two people (10%) were from Canada, 34
(10%) were from 10 countries in Europe, 22 (7%) were from Australia
and New Zealand, 15 (4.5%) were from Asia and the Middle East, 2
from Africa (specifically South Africa), and 1 was from Brazil.
We included characteristics such as occupation and income to
demonstrate the respondents' diversity rather than to have them
function as dependent or independent variables. These
characteristics also helped to describe the profile of the overall
research sample. A wide variety of occupations was represented, but
most of the respondents were involved with or in some way affiliated
with universities and other educational institutions. This category
is blurred because some of those who identified themselves as
"scientists" or "consultants" (n = 27; 8%) may also have been
affiliated with academic institutions. A separate category was
created for those scientists and others (n = 24; 7%) who identified
their work as being related to the environment. Other occupations
represented were service or clerical positions; restaurant and
retail; health care, marketing, sales, and finance; computing and
other technical services; and writing and other arts and
entertainment professions. There were 71 university students, 2
members of the Christian clergy, and a few retirees and full-time
parents. More than 55% of the respondents held graduate degrees and
many were still attending university. Thirty-three percent (n = 107)
of the respondents reported earning less than $20,000 per year.
Religion was a significant characteristic in this study (of which
this article forms one part). Although the majority of the
respondents who expressed a religious affiliation were self-
identified Christians (32%), the sample also included other
traditional (Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Judaism) and
nonmainstream or nontraditional religions and spiritual movements
(Baha'i, Paganism, and Unitarianism). A large number of major
Christian denominations and several minor ones were included, with a
significant proportion (37%) being Roman Catholic. There also was
diversity within Paganism, Buddhism, and a scattering of other
religions and spiritual movements, such as Spiritualism, the
Theosophical Society, and Wicca. In addition to those affiliated
with particular religions were those who adamantly were not
affiliated with religion or even with the broader conceptions of
spirituality (i.e., agnostics, atheists, and one "antitheist").
Results, Analysis, and Recommendations
The percentages of support for the NEP statements and the mean
scores for the respondents' NEP scores are provided in Table 1. The
mean score for the entire sample averaged across the 12 items was
4.19 (out of a possible 5), indicating strong overall support for
the NEP statements. The two lowest scores (for NEP I and 10) are due
to bipolar results, which are discussed later in this section.
NEP 3 and 4
The 2 items that yielded the strongest and least ambiguous
responses were NEP 3 ("Humans must live in harmony with nature in
order to survive") and NEP 4 ("Humankind is severely abusing the
environment"). More than 92% of the respondents agreed or strongly
agreed with these statements, producing NEP scores of 4.67 and 4.64
(out of 5), respectively. These 2 statements reveal the respondents'
awareness of and concern for humanity's interconnections with and
impact on nature. (With NEP 1 and 2, they are thought to reflect a
"balance of nature" dimension within the scale; Albrecht et al.,
1982; Edgell & Nowell, 1989; Geller & Lasley, 1985; Shetzer et al.,
Although support for these 2 statements was very strong, analysis
of the few people who disagreed with them revealed some interesting
insights. Only 1 person strongly disagreed with both statements. A
philosophy professor disputed both concepts, stating that NEP 3
"assumes humans and nature are distinct entities," and that NEP 4
reinforces the same concept as NEP 2 ("When humans interfere with
nature it often produces disastrous consequences"). This respondent
stated that "since humans always interact with their environment, it
does not seem to often produce disaster." This person fell well
below the group mean, with a total NEP score of 32 (out of a
possible 60) and an NEP mean of 2.67. The other 19 people whose
responses did not reflect the majority perception in this study were
more moderate in their respective positions, showing mixed agreement
wit\h the 2 statements.
The 6 people who commented on these statements provide insights
into why they did not support them. Two people mildly disagreed and
1 person strongly disagreed with NEP 3. The person who strongly
disagreed, an ecological economist, stated that "Modernity obviously
is alive, but certainly not living in harmony with nature." An
education researcher had a similar perspective; she wrote, "That
remains to be seen. So far, we're oversurviving. That's one of the
problems." The last person, a rancher, disagreed with the word
"must" in the statement, writing that "there are a lot of humans in
large cities that have nothing to do with nature as I believe is
meant here, specifically in that their entire environment is
artificial. There needs to be enough of humanity that is in harmony
with nature, or it is certainly possible to see a nuclear winter and
the inability to survive."
Some respondents who viewed this statement as problem-atic took
issue with the term "harmony," viewing it as ambiguous. For example,
a water-resource educator asked, "What does harmony mean? E.g., no
human presence, interfaced human/natural ecosystems, managed nature
preserves according to current human definitions and desires, etc."
Although contemporary ecological knowledge and the higher than
average level of education of this study's participants may be
factors in their discontent, their criticisms raise a flag. Terms
like "harmony" and "balance" were ubiquitous in environmental
literature 20 years ago and still appear today in environmentalist
propaganda; however, the terms are somewhat problematic. Scientists,
in particular, have difficulty with such terms being used in
conjunction with scientific concepts and processes known to be
highly complex. Thus, although they may support the thrust of this
NEP statement, they may find its wording problematic.
Two people strongly disagreed and 1 person mildly disagreed with
NEP 4. The comments offered by these 3 respondents reflect a similar
sentiment, highlighting the perception that the statement is too
broad. Like NEP 2, NEP 3, and the "dominance" dimension of the NEP
scale (NEP 9-12), NEP 4 implies a disconnection between human beings
and the rest of nature that is rejected by many people today. Anyone
who strongly believes that humanity is in a nonhierarchical
relationship with nature is likely to respond to this statement in
ways not anticipated when the NEP scale originally was devised.
Respondents who wrote comments expressed a preference for a narrower
focus on particular segments of society. If those who commented are
representative of others who disagreed with the statements, then
their disagreement does not represent an anti-environmental stance,
but rather a more discriminating assessment of the particular focus
of this and other NEP statements.
NEP 6, 7, and 8
Previous research has revealed that NEP 6 ("Earth is like a
spaceship with only limited room and resources") and NEP 7 ("There
are limits to growth beyond which our industrialized society cannot
expand") are correlated strongly, producing a "limits to growth"
dimension within the NEP scale. This study's respondents seemed to
be clearly aware of and concerned about the limits to which nature
can be pushed by industrial society, a finding that reflects one of
the stronger themes--concern about population growth-- expressed by
the participants in this study, especially in the open-ended
questions. The respondents viewed NEP 6 and 7 as capturing this
concern more accurately than the statement one might perceive as
more directly relevant, that is, NEP 5 ("We are approaching the
limit of the number of people the earth can support"). This
apparently paradoxical result is addressed later in this section.
One factor that may have prevented stronger support for NEP 6 is the
"spaceship" metaphor. Many people objected to the metaphor even
though they agreed with the concept it symbolizes.3 This dynamic in
the NEP scale reflects the 2 decades between its original emergence,
based on the environmental propaganda of the 1970s when the
spaceship metaphor was a popular image in the media, and the themes
and concerns of today, when such an image no longer is prevalent nor
is it perceived as an accurate reflection of current understanding.
Rather, it has been replaced by the more abstract, but scientific,
notion of carrying capacity. If that scientific principle could be
articulated in vernacular language for a revised NEP scale, it would
be a useful update of the original wording of the statement and
would represent an equally effective alternative to traditional
JudeoChristian views of unlimited natural abundance.
NEP 8 ("To maintain a healthy economy, we have to develop a
steady state' economy where industrialized growth is controlled")
elicited fairly strong support (72% agreed with the statement). This
support, however, was weakened to a certain extent by the datedness
of the concept "steady state." Some respondents confessed ignorance
of its meaning (see also Noe & Snow, 1989, 1990); others asked if it
referred to Herman Daly's theories and expressed dissatisfaction
with the limitations of the concept in light of the 2 decades of
research that have revealed the complexities underlying links
between the environment and the economy. Popularized in the media in
the 1970s, the term is no longer part of the popular or even the
general academic vernacular, although it may still be used by
economists. Because a more generalized wording to eliminate the
dated term would be almost identical to NEP 7 (which received very
little critique from the respondents), it might be possible to
eliminate NEP 8 from the scale. As an alternative, a statement
related to the concept of "sustainable development" could be
NEP 9, 10, 11, and 12
Previous studies have suggested that NEP Items 9-12 reflect the
notion of "dominance" in human relations with nature. NEP 9, 11, and
12 elicited strong NEP support, whereas NEP 10 ("Humans have the
right to modify the natural environment to suit their needs")
revealed a bipolarity of views among the participants in this study,
particularly regarding the terms "right" and "modify." For example,
an investment counselor who mildly disagreed with the statement
wrote, "All life forms modify their environment," and a university
student in Malaysia who mildly agreed with the statement wrote, "All
species have rights and coevolve with the environment." A researcher
in New Zealand asked, "Do you mean this as an absolute right? What
if we are (as I happen to strongly believe) an integral part of the
environment? Then the concept of a 'right' becomes almost
These four statements appear to distinguish between those who
subscribe to the conventional Judeo-Christian attitude expressed
most directly in chapter 1 of Genesis and those who do not. However,
these statements do not incorporate the notion of "stewardship" that
has emerged from the environmental ethics and ecotheological
literature of the 1980s and 1990s. This area needs attention in any
scale used to discern environmental attitudes among the public and
even among academic populations today. The terms in the statements
that drew the most fire from the participants in this study were
"rule," "right," "modify," and "adapt." Most concerns related to the
extent to which human beings are part of or above nature. The
biocentric principles espoused by contributors to the deep ecology
movement and changing attitudes among exponents of Christian
ecotheology seem to have had an impact on public consciousness and
would need to be reflected in any revisions to the NEP scale,
especially in this portion of it (see also Lalonde, 1998, 2000b).
NEP 1 and 2
NEP 1 ("The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset")
generated a bipolar response and the second lowest NEP score, with
roughly 30% of the respondents disagreeing, 60% agreeing, and 10%
indicating neutrality, which is relatively high when compared with
neutral responses to other statements in this study. To help
ascertain the reasons for this mixed response, we conducted further
analyses of the respondents to see if variables such as income,
education, age, or other factors were playing a role. The results
suggest that education and area of expertise may have been important
factors. Table 2 shows the relationship between education and
support for this statement. A relatively high proportion of the
respondents with above average levels of education (holding a
master's or PhD degree) at least mildly disagreed with this
statement. If a neutral response reflects an ambiguous reaction,
possibly revealing discomfort with the semantics of a statement,
then the lack of support for NEP I among those with a university
education is even more evident. This speculation is further
reinforced when one compares the level of support among those who
had a university education with those who had not completed a
university degree. More than 85% of the respondents who had not
completed college agreed with the statement, in comparison with
55.2% who had completed at least one university degree. This finding
is clarified even further when we recall that a high proportion of
the respondents in this study were not only highly educated but also
educated, employed, or both in environmental fields such as biology
and forestry.
NEP 1, as it currently is worded, may be more suggestive of a
superficial and possibly unscientific perception of environmental
durability that has been popularized by environmental organizations
and the media.4 Agreement with the statement may reflect a limited
understanding of environmental problems rather than indicate support
for a new environmental paradigm. Those who have greater scientific
knowledge of the complexity of ecosystems and the processes that
sustain them seem to object to such a superficial or overly
romanticized labeling of the na\tural environment. For example, a
biology professor who strongly disagreed with the statement wrote:
I think most ecologists would agree that this concept is a bit
dated. Ecosystems function in particular ways, but these ways are
not predetermined. There have been many different communities in the
past, and likely will be in the future. They all function in
different ways.
A biologist and former U.S. National Park ranger offered the most
detailed critique of the notion of "balance" in this context:
Are we talking about the "balance" in a pond, a forest, the
biosphere, or the universe? And are we talking about the
physiological "balance" of an individual organism, the ecological
"balance" of an ecosystem, or the "balance" of fundamental laws of
"nature" that allow all of these things to continue? The lower (more
fundamental) in this "hierarchy" of "laws" and "systems" we are, the
more difficult it is to upset the balance. In fact, at the level of
ecosystems, "balance" may not even be a good metaphor, as these are
dynamic and always shifting, the rate depending in part on the
spatial and temporal scales we're looking at.
This person's use of the term "dynamic" was echoed in other
responses. However, in some cases, the respondents seemed to set the
two terms in opposition to one another, as if they represented
mutually exclusive concepts.
Comments accompanying responses to NEP 1 revealed weaknesses in
the original wording of that item for contemporary populations. The
current understanding of nature, as understood by those who are
educated about the complex dynamics of its processes, is not
delicate by any means. It is, in fact, quite robust, ably coping
with anthropogenic impacts. If that were not the case, the entire
biosphere might well have collapsed in the face of human activities
since the onset of the Industrial Revolution. Such considerations
seem to be necessary in any proposed revision of the scale.
NEP 2 ("When humans interfere with nature it often produces
disastrous consequences") produced relatively strong support for the
NEP (4.31), but it also elicited critique. Several of the
participants in the study objected to the term "interfere" on the
grounds that they view human beings as being as much a part of
natural systems as other creatures are. Another area of contention
was the term "disastrous." Human beings tend only to view as
disastrous events that cause human suffering, often to the point of
overlooking the anthropogenic causes of such events. For example, if
the Red River valley was not heavily populated, the 1997 flooding in
southern Manitoba (Canada) and North Dakota (United States) would
not have been (perceived as) a "disaster," except perhaps by those
few landowners immediately affected. However, the impact of the
flood seems to have been exacerbated by the City of Winnipeg
(Manitoba) floodway, a human-engineered system designed to minimize
the impact within that city of the perennial flooding of the Red
River. Just as Arcury and Christianson (1990) studied Kentucky
residents for their different NEP responses in conjunction with a
natural disaster, we believe it might be interesting to see how
responses to this statement from residents of Manitoba and North
Dakota might differ, depending on whether they live in Winnipeg or
south of that city.
Because the wording of NEP 2 seems to be based on environmental
thinking of the 1970s, it is possible that our current understanding
of ecological processes may lead today's public to express a
different attitude than this statement originally was designed to
identify. Although not as problematic as other NEP statements, NEP 2
also seems to need revision to more accurately tap into current
A strong pattern in the comments accompanying responses to NEP 5
("We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can
support") provides an unambiguous explanation for the relatively
weak support for this statement. Among those respondents who
disagreed and wrote a comment, 63% indicated that, in their
judgment, we have long since exceeded the limit of people that the
earth can support. Thus, a merely quantitative measuring of the
response is insufficient to determine these participants' true
attitude, which cannot be revealed by the NEP statement as it
currently is worded. Indeed, a few of the people who agreed with the
statement criticized the wording because a literal interpretation of
it prevented them from expressing the opinion that we have exceeded
the limit.
This one factor alone provides a significant and compelling
argument for revision of the NEP scale if it is to be viewed as a
valid and reliable tool for measuring environmental attitudes. It is
clear from responses in this study that human population growth is a
serious concern that is not addressed adequately by the original NEP
scale. Furthermore, the related concept of overconsumption, which
does not appear explicitly in the current scale, has become an
almost interdependent corollary of concern about overpopulation.
Revisions would need to take that fact into consideration if
assessment of current public concerns is the goal of the research.
Discussion and Conclusions
One of the most important findings from the present research is
the degree to which the NEP scale is limited by (a) problems in its
wording and (b) a shift in orientation and an increasingly
sophisticated understanding of the nature, severity, and scope of
particular environmental problems over the last 2 to 3 decades. This
observation does not imply that a transition from the so-called
Dominant Social Paradigm to a New Environmental Paradigm has not
occurred. On the contrary, there is ample evidence that such a shift
has indeed happened, especially in Western industrialized countries.
NEP research and other environmental attitude and behavior studies
have revealed the extent to which public attitudes and values
regarding the environment have changed in the last 2 decades.
However, the degree to which the original NEP scale remains a valid
and reliable measurement tool is open to discussion.
In terms of the wording problems, many of the most highly
educated participants in this study had very clear objections to the
wording of many items on the scale and its superficial articulation
of some highly complex ecological principles. The bipolar responses
to NEP 1 ("The balance of nature is very delicate and easily upset")
and NEP 10 ("Humans have the right to modify the natural environment
to suit their needs"), and the editorial comments regarding NEP 5
("We are approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can
support") and NEP 6 ("Earth is like a spaceship with only limited
room and resources") emphasize a crucial point: The NEP scale
clearly needs revision if it is to reflect the current knowledge
base in this area.
In addition to the problems related to the language used in the
NEP scale, there are conceptual problems. These problems are
partially revealed by the specific wording of some NEP statements;
others are more deeply submerged. Some are related to the fact that
the scale was developed in response to environmental thinking of the
1970s and, thus, uses terms and concepts that were popular at the
time. Other problems derive from the fact that there have been
significant changes in public attitudes, social conditions, and
scientific understanding of human environmental relations since
It is clear that the NEP scale, as it currently is constructed,
has outlived its usefulness. It has been very effective in
determining the extent to which different populations have rejected
the so-called dominant social paradigm and adopted a new
environmental paradigm. However, it is no longer effective for
shedding light on the components of that paradigm. If it is to
continue to be a useful research tool, it will need to reflect more
adequately current environmental attitudes and their complexity.
Furthermore, the components of the New Environmental Paradigm may
need to be updated to reflect a shift in emphasis from the prominent
1970s' issues of air and water pollution to current planetary
concerns, such as global climate change, deforestation, reductions
in biodiversity, and sustainable development.
Several themes come to mind. First, imbalances in the consumption
of resources in different regions of the world need to be addressed
in any environmental attitude scale that seeks to investigate
current concerns. The general public is much more aware of the
inadequate distribution of resources around the world, with the
current imbalance between the "haves" and "have nots." Second, the
tension between those promoting purely technocratic solutions and
those opposed to such solutions should be made more explicit. Third,
the distinction between the notions of stewardship and human
dominance needs to be addressed to reflect current popular
sensibilities. Fourth, growing sensitivity to spiritual perspectives
arising within ecology has received less attention in social science
literature than may be warranted. The growth and influence of the
biocentric attitudes associated with the deep ecology movement and
environmentalist propaganda have had an impact on public attitudes
regarding the environment for both good and ill. Finally, attitudes
regarding radical expressions of environmental activism, such as
treespiking and animal liberation, are potential subjects for
consideration that did not exist when the original NEP scale was
1. It should be noted that a revision of the NEP scale has been
created by Riley Dunlap and some colleagues. Although it has been
used in recent research (Floyd, Jang, & Noe, 1997; Stem. Dietz, &
Guagnano, 1995), the scale itself has not been published and, thus,
is limited to use by social scientists who may be interested in
determining the extent to which it addresses some of the issues of
datedness and language raised her\e.
2. A doctoral student used e-mail to communicate with
environmentalists in Russia on their use of e-mail in their
activities (see O'Lear, 1996).
3. This finding is similar to Arcury and Christianson's (1990)
experience in 1984, when several of the participants in their study
of Kentucky residents remarked that the statement was "weird" and
threatened to discontinue the interview. The researchers decided to
exclude the responses to that statement from their analysis and
deleted it from the interviews conducted in 1988 (1990, p. 393). A
sample of those from this study who commented reveals the thrust of
their collective objection. A plant ecologist wrote: "I agree that
there is limited room and resources, but I dislike Fuller's
spaceship analogy because it implies we are the center of the earth,
and that we have control over it." A philosophy professor wrote:
"not like a spaceship, which has a destination and a purpose outside
of itself:' A biologist wrote: "I guess I never found this to be a
really convincing metaphor; the earth is just too beautiful and
organic to be described by such a mechanical analogy." And a
doctoral student in environmental education wrote: "I HATE the
metaphor of a spaceship-too technocratic. In this metaphor, humans
are often seen as the drivers of the spaceship, which I consider
4. This speculation is reinforced by findings from a non-NEP
study that probed the depth of environmental concern and knowledge
among the general public. The authors of that study found that
although concern for the environment was high, knowledge of the
complexities of the issues involved and willingness to make changes
in personal lifestyle were weak.
The researcher concluded that "current public interest in
environmental matters does not have much depth" (Krause, 1993, p.
140). See Arcury et al. (1986) and Arcury and Christianson (1990)
for further discussion of the links between environmental attitude
and environmental knowledge, reinforcing Krause's observation.
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Roxanne Lalonde is a lecturer and Edgar L Jackson is a professor
in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the
University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.
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