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Women's Religious Group Expresses Shared Values, Beliefs

Source: Columbian
Publication date: 2002-11-04

Christians, Muslims, Jews and Baha'is worship differently, but they all share a belief in the Golden Rule and love. That was the focus of the Church Women United event held Friday morning as part of World Community Day. The theme this year was "Daughters of Abraham, Called to Peace."

The title refers to the belief that Christianity, Judaism and Islam all grew from the teachings of Abraham.

Those religions, as well as Baha'i and Buddhism, also share allegiance to some form of the Golden Rule: treat others as you would like to be treated.

"The Golden Rule is not exclusive to any one religion," said Jane Buchanan, a member of both Church Women United and the Baha'i faith.

The goal of Friday's celebration was to give women of faith an opportunity to understand each other.

The approximately 50 women at the gathering heard from several speakers who highlighted their own faiths.

Faiza Noor, a former Vancouver resident who now lives in Hillsboro, Ore., spoke about Islam. Muslims are called on to be "people of the middle path." That means living in a clean, respectful, modest manner. They also believe God has sent several messengers throughout history.

Those ideas were echoed by Barbara Haluapo as she outlined the beliefs of the Baha'is. She also talked about the central focus of many religions.

"All religions agreed, the basis of all religion is love," she said.

The event concluded with the singing of "Shalom Chaverim," a Jewish song that translates to say, "Farewell, good friends, may peace be with you till we meet again."

As they finished singing, the participants silently held up their hands and made the peace sign.

©Copyright 2002, Columbian (Canada)

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