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Posted on Wed, Dec. 04, 2002

Letters to the editor

The Baha'i faith: transcending the limitations of numbers

Re: "Interfaith worship is problematic but important" (My View, Nov. 22) by Brant Copeland.

Pastor Copeland's statement that Baha'is "do not conceive the divine in monotheistic terms" was, I'm sure, unintentional, and there are no hard feelings. But that statement was not correct.

Baha'is believe in God with immense passion. In our teaching, there is only one creator of all mankind, even though the different faiths refer to him by different names, espouse different theologies, and speak to him in different ways.

Consider this emphatic passage from our sacred writings: "He is a true believer in Divine unity who, far from confusing duality with oneness, refuseth to allow any notion of multiplicity to becloud his conception of the singleness of God, who will regard the Divine Being as One Who, by His very nature, transcendeth the limitations of numbers."

Our prayers constantly remind us of the oneness of God. Indeed, Baha'i emphasizes the continuity of divine revelation in the ancient tradition that goes back all the way to Abraham: "Rely upon God, thy God and the Lord of thy fathers."

The very oneness of God implies that all human beings are God's children; that we are all united in our need for God, and that the best way we can serve him is to love each other as much as he loves each and every one of us.

Chairperson, Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of Tallahassee

Ecclesiastes and man's relationship with animals

To the lady who quoted Ecclesiastes 3:19 as proof that we "have no preeminence above a beast" (Letters, Nov. 29): This passage does not refer to man and his dominion or lack thereof over animals but rather refers to the condition of man as an inherently sinful creature. Without the saving blood of Jesus Christ, we are no better than those animals. Without this truth, that which befalls all animals befalls man as well.


Sprayfield creates toxic soil and land unfit for human use

Let us be clear on what is being sprayed on the crops at Leon County's Southeast Farm. The human waste, cleaning products, prescription drugs and paint thinners that get dumped into the sewage system are mixed together into a toxic stew that is not rendered safe by current treatment methods.

I would like to know what use is made of this tainted crop so that I never unknowingly consume any product from this "farm."

European countries that employed this method of waste disposal in the past are finding that the soil has become toxic and unfit for human use. Local residents should be fighting for more than a buffer zone. The sprayfield is a terrible idea, and it should be closed before the land and the water are poisoned forever.


Victoria's Secret is a privilege, not a right

People should have a basic understanding of issues and concepts before bringing them to a public forum. Take, for example Royce Lowery ("A constitutional right to know Victoria's Secret," Letters, Dec. 1).

Communism is an economic system in which the means of production are controlled by the people. What does this have to do with Channel 6 or Lowery's right to watch women parade around in their underwear?

Read the Constitution! Where does it give anybody the right to watch women parade around in their underwear? The First Amendment forbids Congress from "abridging freedom of speech, or of the press." It obligates no one to print or air anything. It is this very amendment that protects the right of Channel 6 (a private business) to air or not air any show as it sees fit.

If Lowery wants the Victoria's Secret show aired, he should get a TV station and air it.


Bobby Bowden is not a racist; Proctor should resign

What business is it of County Commissioner Bill Proctor what happens on the FSU football team? By contemplating that this is a racial issue, he has accused one of the most honest men in the community of being a racist without any proof. I call for his resignation.


Only those who were in Vietnam can understand war

Re: "Henry Kissinger is a poor choice to investigate Sept. 11" by Mike Pope (column, Dec. 3).

Where was Pope when Kissinger was committing "crimes against humanity" during the Vietnam War? Was he in the military? Was he in Vietnam? Are his opinions based on observations or just from what he has read?

I was in Vietnam durinG the war and can tell you that the "civilians" Pope is concerned about were North Vietnamese soldiers who were all over Cambodia and South Vietnam trying to kill me! There are no "illegal" air raids when you are being shot at, no matter where you are or what country you are in or near. The targets in Cambodia were not "misreported"; they were North Vietnamese military units. It doesn't matter what the "civilians" are wearing if they have guns and are shooting at you!

What Pope fails to realize is the North Vietnamese government was conducting a war against the South Vietnamese government in South Vietnam with soldiers from North Vietnam! That is not something I discovered by reading about it; I met some of them personally.

There are a number of military men and women who think Pope is young and uninformed. He was not there and cannot know what any of it was like.


Blanket Day is this Saturday

Continuing its annual holiday tradition of collecting blankets - new or clean and like new - the Tallahassee Democrat editorial department will be accepting contributions this Saturday from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the newspaper: 277 N. Magnolia Drive.

Blankets will be given to the Christmas Connection for distribution to needy individuals and families in the area. Donations can also be made directly at Christmas Connection's temporary headquarters in the old Hughes building on West Pensacola Street, south of Tallahassee Community College.

©Copyright 2002, Tallahassee Democrat (FL, USA)

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