A Traveler's Narrative
page 9
and disputations naught was effected with him in
that assembly. The late king therefore bestowed on him a staff
and fifty tumans for his expenses, and gave him permission to
At all events, this news being disseminated through all parts
and regions of Persia, and several proselytes arriving in Fárs,
the doctors perceived that the matter had acquired importance,
that the power to deal with it had escaped from their
hands, and that imprisonment, beating, tormenting, and contumely
were fruitless. So they signified to the governor of Fárs,
Husayn Khán, "If thou desirest the extinction of this fire, or
seekest a firm stopper for this rent and disruption, an immediate
cure and decisive remedy is to kill the Báb. And the
Báb has assembled a great host and meditates a rising."
So Husayn Khán ordered `Abdu'l-Hamíd Khán the high
constable to attack the house of the Báb's's maternal uncle at
midnight on all sides, and to bring Him and all His followers
handcuffed. But `Abdu'l-Hamíd Khán and his hosts found no
one in the house save the Báb, His maternal uncle, and Siyyid
Kázim of Zanján; and as it chanced that on that night the
sickness of the plague and the extreme heat of the weather had
compelled Husayn Khán to flee, he released the Báb on
condition of His quitting the city.
On the morning after that night the Báb with Siyyid Kázim
of Zanján set out from Shíráz for Isfahán. Before reaching
Isfahán He wrote a letter to the Mu'tamídu'd-Dawlih, the
governor of the province, requesting a lodging in some suitable
place with the sanction of the government. The governor
appointed the mansion of the Imám-Jum'ih. There He abode
forty days; and one day, agreeably to the request of the Imám,
He wrote without reflection a commentary on [the Súrih of]
V'al-`Asr before the company. (7) When this news reached the
7. Qur'án 103.
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