Directives From the Guardian
163 PREJUDICES (Racial)
"Regarding the solution of the racial problem; the believers
should of course realize that the principle of the oneness of
mankind which is the cornerstone of the message of Bahá'u'lláh
is wholly incompatible with all forms of racial prejudice. Loyalty
to this foundation principle of the Faith is the paramount
duty of every believer and should be therefore wholehearted
and unqualified. For a Bahá'í, racial prejudice, in all its forms,
is simply a negation of Faith, an attitude wholly incompatible
with the very spirit and actual teachings of the Cause.
"But while the friends should faithfully and courageously
uphold this Bahá'í principle of the essential unity of all human
races, yet in the methods they adopt for its application and
further realization on the social plane they should act with tact,
wisdom and moderation. These two attitudes are by no means
exclusive. Bahá'ís do not believe that the spread of the Cause
and its principles and teachings can be effected by means of
radical and violent methods. While they are loyal to all those
teachings, yet they believe in the necessity of resorting to peaceful
and friendly means for the realization of their aims.
"As regards the meaning of the passage on page 188 of the
Gleanings it is an emphasis by Bahá'u'lláh on the importance
of maintaining differences of station and classes in society and
does not refer to the question of race."
Directives From the Guardian
page 61
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