The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)

23 July 1954

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Will you please refer to your letter of June 9th and my acknowledgment of June 28th, in which you raise certain questions. The beloved Guardian has directed me to give you the answers as follows:

Number 2: He feels your plan of giving individuals, who became Bahá'ís in France, but who have not yet given up their church affiliation, one year in which to do so, is satisfactory.

Number 3: Up to the age of 15 years, children are under the direction of their parents. At the age of 15, they may declare their Faith as a conviction, and be registered as Bahá'í youth, whether the parents are Bahá'ís or not. Children under the age of 15, of Bahá'í parents, who wish to attend meetings and associate with the friends as Bahá'ís may do so. If non-Baha'i parents permit a child of less than 15 to attend Bahá'í meetings, and in fact, to be a Bahá'í, this is likewise permissible.

Number 4: The beloved Guardian instructs that whenever an Assembly loses some members between the Ridván periods, bringing the membership to less than 9, the Assembly reverts immediately to Group status. However, when they get a sufficient number of new members to reach 9, then they immediately become an Assembly again.

The beloved Guardian greatly values your devoted services to the Faith, and the manner in which you are undertaking the heavy responsibilities of propagating the Faith, as well as consolidating its institutions.

He assures you of his prayers in your behalf, and sends you his loving greetings.... 27 September 1954 (Summer School) Dear Bahá'í Friends:

The note of loving greeting, which was signed by all those present at the Summer School, has been received by the beloved Guardian, and this is just a brief note of acknowledgment on his behalf.

He was very happy to see that it was possible for so many of the friends to be present, and that you had the bounty of having the favored Hand of the Cause, Dr. Muhlschlegel, with you. He feels sure such a gathering must have released new strength and zeal; and that each one will now determine to double or even treble his past efforts during the second year of this historic Ten-Year Crusade.

He sends you all his loving greetings....

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

May the Almighty bless your efforts, aid you to promote, at all times, the vital interests of His Faith, and contribute continually to the multiplication and consolidation of its nascent and divinely appointed institutions,

Your true brother,


The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)
pages 223-225

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