The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)

9 December 1936

Beloved Bahá'í Brothers and Sisters,

Shoghi Effendi is just in receipt of the message you have written him through ... dated November 28th. How kind of you to address to him such touching and assuring words on the occasion of the anniversary of the passing of our beloved Master `Abdu'l-Bahá. Your words have sunk deeply into his heart, and have imparted to it fresh encouragement and deep comfort. What a greater satisfaction is there for him indeed than to see the friends, and particularly his well-beloved co-workers in Germany, unitedly and harmoniously striving to spread the glad-tidings of this New Day of God? It is his most fervent hope and the object of his continued supplications at the threshold of Bahá'u'lláh that your community which is already functioning with such a remarkable vigour, unity and efficiency may rapidly gain in numbers and in strength, and become a beacon of light, the radiance of which shall gradually penetrate and envelop all the neighbouring centers and regions.

Esslingen is not only one of the oldest centers of the Cause in Germany, but it is actually one of its most active, prosperous and promising communities. Your center has indeed a glorious tradition behind it, and it is high time that you all, whether young or old, rich or poor, and no matter how limited your resources and numbers, should unitedly endeavour to extend and further consolidate the basis of your teaching as well as administrative activities.

The Guardian wishes you, in particular, to make a supreme effort to widen the scope of your teaching work, but would urge you to proceed in this, as well as in all other fields of Bahá'í service, with the utmost caution and wisdom, so that you may not run the danger of antagonizing or even displeasing the authorities. With this important consideration in mind, exert all your efforts and all your resources for promoting this sacred Cause of teaching in Esslingen and in the surrounding communities.

With warmest greetings and hearty good wishes from the Guardian,...

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

Dearly-loved friends:

I am profoundly touched by your message. I thank you from the depths of my heart. I feel proud of you, of your perseverance, your devotion and your loyalty. Persevere and rest assured. The Beloved is watching over you and will continue to bless your meritorious endeavours.

Your true brother,


The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 1)
pages 85-87

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