The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 2)

6 April 1928

To the Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Renftle[in Karlsruhe] Dear Friends,

He thanks you very much for your kind Naw-Rúz greetings and he is highly pleased to receive such a sweet message from his friends in Karlsruhe. He hopes and prays that the new Bahá'í year may be full of happiness and prosperity for you all, and may witness a great progress in the spread of the Bahá'í teachings in Karlsruhe.

You will surely make your best effort in that connection and Shoghi Effendi will pray that our dear and departed Master may help you and strengthen you. He will be always glad to hear from you and of your doings there and you should be happy to hold your meetings in such a beautiful home, the photograph of which you had sent....

In the Guardian's own handwriting:

My dear co-workers:

I wish to add a few words in person and assure you of my keen pleasure in receiving your most welcome message, as well as of my prayers for your success and spiritual advancement. I trust that you may each grow to become a radiant star in the firmament of the Cause and exemplify in your life and conduct the radiant spirit that animates the Faith.

Your true brother,


The Light of Divine Guidance (vol 2)
pages 11-12

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