Messages To America


Bahá'ís have established residence in seventy-eight countries, fifty-six of which are sovereign states. Bahá'í literature has been translated and published in forty-one languages. Translations have been undertaken in twelve additional languages. Thirty-one races are represented in the Bahá'í world community. Five National Assemblies and sixty-one local Assemblies belonging to ten countries are incorporated and legally empowered to hold property. The Bahá'í international endowments held in the Holy Land are estimated at a half million pounds sterling. National Bahá'í endowments in the United States are estimated at one million, seven hundred thousand dollars.

The area of land in the Jordan Valley dedicated to the Bahá'í Shrines is over five hundred acres. The site purchased for future Bahá'í Temple of Persia comprises three and a half million square meters. The cost of the structure of the first Bahá'í Temple in the West has been one million, three hundred thousand dollars.

In every state and province of North America Bahá'í Assemblies are functioning. In thirteen hundred localities of the United States and Canada Bahá'ís reside. Bahá'í Centers have been established in every republic of Latin America, fifteen of which possess Spiritual Assemblies. The Faith in the Western Hemisphere now stretches from Anchorage, Alaska, to Magallanes, the world's southernmost city. Sixty-two Centers have been established in India, twenty-seven with Spiritual Assemblies.

Among the historic sites purchased in Persia are the Tihrán home of Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb's shop in Bushire, the burial place of Quddús, part of the village Chihriq, three gardens in Badasht, and the place where Tahirih was confined.

Bahá'í administrative headquarters have been founded in Tihrán, Delhi, Cairo, Baghdád, Wilmette and Sydney. Bahá'í endowments in the Holy Land and the United States have been exempted from taxes by the civil authorities. Civil recognition has been extended to Bahá'í Assemblies in five states of the United States to solemnize Bahá'í marriages.
May 9, 1944

Messages To America
pages 71-72

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