Messages To The Bahá'í World: 1950-1957

Jubilee Centenary

Convey all National Assemblies Bahá'í world the following momentous announcement.

Approaching Great Jubilee commemorating Centenary termination Bábí Dispensation, birth Bahá'u'lláh's Revelation in Siyáh-Chál, Tihrán, as well as imperative necessity adopt effectual measures insure befitting inauguration third concluding phase of initial epoch in the execution `Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan destined culminate hundredth anniversary of Declaration of Founder of Faith in Baghdád, impel me summon entire Bahá'í world, through eleven National Assemblies already functioning in East and West, bestir itself, arise during sixteen months ahead through supreme concerted sustained effort, prepare for demonstration of Bahá'í solidarity of unprecedented scope and intensity during entire course Bahá'í history.

Forthcoming celebrations must be signalized through inauguration long anticipated intercontinental stage in administrative evolution of Faith marking its gradual development through successive phases of local, regional, national, international Bahá'í activity. Initiation this highly significant measure further cementing Bahá'í National Assemblies in five continents of globe will be acclaimed by posterity as counterpart to consolidation Faith at its World Center through recent formation International Bahá'í Council in Holy Land.

Centennial festivities of Year Nine continuing throughout Holy Year commencing October 1952 must include, apart from consummation plans initiated by various National Assemblies both hemispheres, the formal dedication for public worship of Mother Temple of West in heart North American continent, and possible termination superstructure of Báb's Sepulcher in Holy Land, the convocation of four intercontinental Bahá'í Teaching Conferences to be held successively in course historic Year on continents of Africa, America, Europe, Asia.

First conference will be convened by British National Spiritual Assembly in Kampala, Uganda in early spring, representative of British, American, Persian, Egyptian, Indian National Spiritual Assemblies, to which Bahá'ís residing in America, Persia, Indian subcontinent, British Isles, every territory African continent will be invited attend, aiming planting banner of Faith in remaining territories and neighboring islands east, south, west African continent.

Second conference will be convened by United States National Spiritual Assembly in Wilmette, in Ridván period, representative of chief trustees `Abdu'l-Bahá's Plan, their ally and associates United States, Canadian, Latin American National Assemblies, to which Bahá'ís every State American Union, every Province Canada, every Republic Latin America will be invited attend, designed pave way establishment Faith in remaining territories of the Americas and neighboring islands in both Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Third conference will be convened by American European Teaching Committee in Stockholm, Sweden, during summer, representative of American, British, German National Assemblies, to which Bahá'ís of each ten goal countries Europe and England, Scotland, Wales, Eire, France, Germany, Austria, Finland, will be invited attend, for purpose gradual introduction of Faith into remaining sovereign states European continent and neighboring islands Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, North Sea.

Fourth conference will be convened by National Spiritual Assembly subcontinent India in New Delhi, autumn, representative of National Assemblies of Persia, Indian subcontinent, Iraq, Australasia, United States, Canada, Central and South America, to which Bahá'ís residing in every sovereign state and dependency in Asia, North, Central, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania will be invited attend, in order deliberate measures calculated open Faith remaining Asiatic states and dependencies, particularly South East Asia and islands of South Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Address plea particularly to convenors above mentioned conferences to arise within short time at their disposal, prayerfully consider, carefully plan, energetically prosecute, respective sacred delegated tasks, take immediate preliminary steps issue invitations, fix procedure, provide smooth working, accord wide publicity, insure resounding success, epoch-making conferences immortalizing Centenary of memorable Year, anticipated by St. John the Divine, foreshadowed by Shaykh Ahmad, eulogized by the Báb, extolled by both Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá, and constituting prelude to Most Great Jubilee, which will alike commemorate Centenary formal assumption by Author of Bahá'í Revelation of His Prophetic Office, and mark, God willing, worldwide establishment Faith forecast by Center of Covenant in His Tablets prophecied by Daniel in his book, thus paving way for advent of Golden Age destined witness world recognition, universal proclamation, ultimate triumph of the Cause of Bahá'u'lláh.


[Cablegram, November 30, 1951]

Messages To The Bahá'í World: 1950-1957
pages 16-18

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