Messages To The Bahá'í World: 1950-1957

Review of World Progress of the Faith

Hail the valiant acts during the course of the last twelve months of members of firmly knit, world embracing, divinely propelled Bahá'í Community, singly, collectively, both sexes, all ages laboring in near, and distant fields, in Eastern and Western hemispheres, gathered from diverse classes, creeds and colors; as administrators, in the respective home lands or as settlers or itinerant teachers overseas; whether serving in private capacity or in official association with authorities.

Second half of opening decade of second Bahá'í century befittingly ushered in.

Recent exploits in virgin territories of Western hemisphere, Arabian Peninsula, South and East Asia raised to one hundred the number of sovereign states, and dependencies, enrolled under the banner of the Faith.

Forthcoming celebrations, commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of the Martyrdom of the Herald of the Faith, doubly glorious, through association this historic victory, representing an increase of no less than twenty-two countries in the brief span of six years, since the Centennial of the Declaration of His Mission.

Number of centers in Australasia now exceeds sixty; Canadian Community nearing ninety centers already established; Alaskan territory eleven centers; European goal countries thirty-five, number of newly declared believers almost doubled during course of past year.

Bahá'í literature enriched by translation into Welsh, Eskimo, Swahili, Hausa, Chinyanja, raising the total number of languages to sixty-three.

Languages in process of translation, eleven.

Official recognition, constituting a unique victory in the annals of the Faith in the East, and West, extending to newly formed National Spiritual Assembly of the Dominion of Canada, through granting act of Parliament, enabling the National elected representatives to incorporate as religious organization.

Additional contract placed for the construction of the parapet, crowning the Arcade of the Báb's Mausoleum on Mount Carmel, raising the total tonnage ordered to almost eight hundred.

The erection of the ornamental columns of the Temple interior commenced; ventilation and heating systems installed; number of visitors since the opening of the edifice to the public, over four hundred thousand.

Six year plan of the British Bahá'í Community triumphantly concluded; almost quintupled number of Assemblies in the British Isles; laid basis administrative structure of the Faith in the capital of Eire and in the chief cities of North Ireland and Scotland.

Plan initiated Persian Bahá'í Community consummated 31 Assemblies, 17 Groups, 11 Isolated Centers formed beyond prescribed objectives.

Recognition, long last, accorded by Iraqi authorities to all marriages solemnized by Bahá'í Assemblies in Iraq through official registration of the marriage certificate by court, first instance setting a momentous precedent throughout the Muslim East, constituting a significant landmark in the process of the emancipation of the Oriental followers of the Faith from the fetters of religious orthodoxy.

Certificate authorizing the celebration of Bahá'í marriages issued by the District of Columbia court.

Eight islands of Hawaii granted authority to recognize Bahá'í marriages.

Bahá'í marriage contract legalized by attorney general throughout the territory of Alaska.

Bahá'í Holy Days recognized by Educational Department of the State of Victoria, Australia.

Second European Teaching Conference convened in the capital city of Belgium, attended by hundred and thirty representatives from nineteen countries.

The historic first all-Swiss Bahá'í Conference the latest, most promising fruit of the transatlantic enterprise initiated by the American Bahá'í Community, held in the Swiss capital, presaging the acquisition by the goal countries of an independent status within the family of Bahá'í national Communities.

The process of extension of Bahá'í endowments accelerated through the donation of twenty acre property near Anchorage, Alaska; purchase of twenty-two acres in neighborhood of Auckland, site of projected New Zealand summer school; grant of burial ground by Egyptian authorities to Port Said Bahá'í Community.

Ties binding the Bahá'í International Community to the United Nations reinforced through participation in European Regional Conference of nongovernmental organizations in Geneva; and in Latin American Conferences in Chile, Uruguay; and in similar conferences in Kansas and Lake Success; through submission in response to the request of the UNO Committee of statement on the Bahá'í concept and method of community worship, subsequently transmitted to the Secretariat responsible for the planning of permanent headquarters in the United Nations.

Last but not least, nay the crowning achievement of the year just concluded, are the stupendous exertions of the vanguard of the resistlessly advancing Bahá'í World Community resulting in the raising of half a million dollars, virtually attaining the objective set for the two-year drive to ensure the completion of the interior ornamentation of the Mother Temple of the West in anticipation of its approaching jubilee.

First stage of austerity period resolutely embarked upon, successfully traversed.

Resolution no less grim, self abnegation no less heroic, solidarity in sacrifice no less striking, must needs distinguish the final phase of the stern struggle, still facing the dauntless highminded spartan-souled American Bahá'í Community, designed to liquidate the deficit in the General Fund, marring the otherwise spotless record of collective achievement, as well as to provide financial support imperatively required to meet, through prompt despatch of substantial number of competent pioneers, the emergency existing in Central and South America, thereby ensuring the glorious consummation of the thirteen-year-old enterprise through the formation of the projected twin National Assemblies in Latin America.


[Cablegram, April 25, 1950]

Messages To The Bahá'í World: 1950-1957
pages 3-5

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