Posted by Rob on May 31, 2101 at 02:26:14:
In Reply to: Re: Baha'i Marriage posted by Jonah on May 30, 2101 at 21:44:33:
To answer your original question:
"Why then are homosexuals not allowed to marry, since they also cannot have children, but can aid in each other's spiritual growth?"
Since spiritual growth, as defined by the writings I've shared, means struggling to over come homosexual and transexual behavior, and for that matter, heterosexual behavior outside of the context of the Baha'i marriage between a man and woman, it would be wholly inconsistent with the Baha'i view to accept the practice of homosexual marriage or companionship marriage by a true believer.
Aiding anyone with their spiritual growth is just as possible outside of the institutions of marriage, and there are certainly no prohibitions on that in the Baha'i writings.
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