Re: THE BAHA'IS: Christians of the Second Advent

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Posted by Nick Stone on April 16, 2101 at 04:25:18:

In Reply to: Re: THE BAHA'IS: Christians of the Second Advent posted by Alexander on April 11, 2101 at 17:12:11:

I just checked out this site, and in general it is good, though there are some things that are presented as "facts" that I would quite strongly agree with. The most siginificant thing of which was the identifying of Rome as the 666 beast thing. As far as I know, 'Abdu'l-Baha explained this related to the Ummayads dynasty and I read in Robert Riggs' Apocalypse article that it related specifically to one of those Ummayad rulers.

There were a few other minor things, but never mind about those.


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