Posted by Mark Zalter ( on November 07, 2002 at 05:39:22:
November 7, 2002
The following entities are one and the same:
Mark Zalter, Stuart Gilman, Jennifer Ripley, Anon, Die Rebbe, Mary Lortie, D B Crilley, and a few others we do not know about.
Mark specifically has been chastised and informed that all posts from these entities would be re-cast as Stuart Gilman, which is unfair to Stuart Gilman even though they do indeed occupy the same physical body.
Baha'i relevance - I would like anyone to point out where in any writing a person who is a multiple - that is, who suffers from MPD - is somehow a sinner. Further, if all the multiples within a single person are Baha'i, what problem does that pose? And again, I cannot find a source where this is denied. Nor a text whose interpretation might be stretched into a denial of either the existence of a Multiple Personality or a commandment that those who are MPD cannot be or become Baha'i.
SINCE subjects like vampirism and ablutions and bigamy are given total legitimacy by the Forum, certainly Bahai and MPD deserve the same respect. When I am writing as Mark I am not writing as Jennifer. I am Mark, not Jennifer. If I were to co-author anything the names of my other author(s) would be published. But Mark never writes poetry. Stuart Gilman does. Mark never changes his unique character, nor do any other of the names mentioned here.
This is a serious matter. MPD is not considered a psychotic condition, but a personality disorder. The DSM-V provides specific guidelines for determining whether a person is MPD. This scientific and official. The inclusion of science - one of the most important and basic tents of Bahai should be respected in this instance as in other areas of Bahai and science.
Mark Zalter, myself, does not identify at all with Mr. Crilley. Why would anyone "insult" me by designating one persona for all of me?
If this continues, there could be a major legal mess. Not by me, but by a direct appeal to the UHJ for a ruling on this subject.
Mark Zalter
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