Some Answered Questions (2015)


References to the text of Some Answered Questions are by chapter and paragraph numbers; references to the Foreword and Authors Preface are by roman numeral page numbers.

Aaron, God's rebuke to, 44.4,44.8-10 

'Abdu’l-Bahá, xi-xii, xiii, xiv-xv, xvi, xix, xx Abel, 64.4 

Abraham, 4, 30.10, 18.2
descendants of, 4.4, 57.6
as Educator, 4.4, 4.6
exile to the Holy Land, 4.2-5
proofs of station as Manifestation, 4.1
religion of, 11.7, 43.5
sign of, 14.13 

Abú Sufyán, 13.6 

Adam, 11.7
cycle beginning with, 41.5
descendants of, 30.8, 30.11
lacked parents, 18.2-5
man's material nature inherited from, 29.2, 29.4, 29.7-8
sin of, 29.9, 30 

Adrianople, 4.5, 9.4n11, 9.5, 9.13, 9.16n13 

Afnán, Hájí Mírzá Muhammad-Taqí, Vakilu'd-Dawlih, 11.36n48

Africa, cannibalism among tribes of, 3.3, 29.5, 77.13 

'Akká, 4.5, 9.4, 9.5, 9.13-16, 10.2, 48.6-7 

'Ali, Imam, 11.12-23, 11.26-30, 37.2nm, 37.8n113.
See also Imams 

Alpha and Omega (Revelation of John), 58.5, 80.7 

Alteration. See Change(s) 

Amity. See Fellowship; Unity 

Amnesty. See Forgiveness 

Ancient Beauty. See Bahá'u'lláh 

Angels, 11.1, 11.3, 11.35 

Anger, 11.45, 57.10 

Animal kingdom, 15.3-6, 32.2, 46.6, 49-3, 73-6, 78.3, 82.17
as captives of nature, 48.9-10
degrees and stations in, 32.6,62.1
distinguishing man from, xiv-xv, 3.3-4, 3.6, 29.5-6, 47.10-11, 48, 49.4, 55.5
existence in, 17.4,49.3, 57.4, 82.11
inability to comprehend, 59.6
need for training, 3.1, 3.3, 57.8
perfections of, 64.1, 70.5
senses of, 48.2, 48.4, 48.5-7, 55.4, 58.2
spirit of, 36.2, 36.3, 48.11, 55.2, 55.4 

Anthropomorphists, 37.5 

Antioch, Peter's tomb in, 34.4 

Apostle of God. Sec Muhammad

Apostles, Christ's, 10.3, 11.36, 18.3-4, 23.6, 45.10, 60.3, 63.3.
See also John (Apostle), visions of;
Peter (Apostle) Holy Spirit's descent on, 24, 25.2-3

Appearance through emanation, 53.3, 53.5, 54.2, 54.4, 82.16-18
through manifestation, 53.3-4, 54.2-3, 54.5-7, 82.16-17 

Arab tribes, Muhammad's education of, 7.3-8, 7.11, 7.13-16, 11.14, 11.18-19, 13.11-12 

Arabian Peninsula, 7.11, 7.16, 11.14, 13.10-12 

Arc of ascent, 81.6, 81.9 

Arc of descent, 81.6, 81.9 

Arguments. See also Proofs
rational, 3.2, 3.17-18, 10, 41.3, 50.1, 50.6, 60.7, 61.4, 83.3-5, 83.7
traditional, 3.17, 10, 83.6 

Aristotle, 5.5, 82.2 

Ark of God's Testament, 11.44 

Artaxerxes, edicts of, 10.11, 10.12, 10.16 

Arts, 3.4, 3.6, 7.16, 48.4, 58.3.
See also Crafts 

Asia, 4.4, 20.5 

Assistance, divine, 70.6-8 

Assyrian Empire, 6.2 

Astrologers, 69.3

Astronomers and astronomy, 7.14, 14.12-13, 35.6, 83.3.
See also Solar system 

Atoms, 1.2, 47.6, 50.2 

Atonement, 29 

Attributes, 33.6-9
divine, 11.7, 11.35, 81.12
human, 16.3, 74.2
knowledge of, 45.2, 59.3-4
of nature, 19.6 

Autumn, 14.9

Báb, the, 8
advent of, 10.15-17, 10.20, 11.6, 13.12-13, 43-5
Bahá'u'lláh as follower of, 9.3
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57.6
Dispensation of, 11.7, 11.28-34
martyrdom of, 11.32-3
proofs of station as Manifestation, 8.3
prophecies regarding, 11.6,11.28, 11.34, 13.5-13
titles of, 8.1n9, 13.5 

Bábís, persecution of, 9.3 

Baghdad, Bahá'u'lláh's exile to,-4.5, 9.4n1l, 9.5-6 

Baha'i Faith, xi, xix-xx, 9.13, 9.15, 10.2, 11.7 

Bahá'u'lláh, 9
advent of, 10.15, 10.18-22, 12.6, 43-5
the Bab's proclamation of, 8.2
chosen ones of, 11.36-7
Covenant of, 11.44-5
descended from Abraham, 57.6
Dispensation of, 11.35, 11-42, 12.4-8, 19.8
exiles of, 4.5, 9.4-6, 9.13-16, 10.2
as follower of the Báb, 9.3
greatness of, 9.13, 9.20, 9.21, 10.1, 37-13
imprisonment of, 4.5, 9.4, 9.13-16, 10.2
knowledge possessed by, 9.5-6, 9.11
laws of, 12.4
Most Great Infallibility of, 45
passing of, 9.4n1l
peace brought by, 12.4, 12.7
and performance of miracles, 9.6-9, 9.19, 9.22, 10.3-5
persecution of, 9.4, 9.12-16, 9.23
proofs of station as Manifestation, 9.5-10, 9.17-18, 9.22, 10
prophecies regarding, 9.15, 10, 11.34-45, 12
renewal brought by, 36.9
Revelation of, 10.22, 11.34-45, 16.8, 37.11, 38.8n116
rod of Jesse applies to, 12.1-2, 12.7
titles of, 9.1n10, 9.25n17
transformation of the Persians by, 84.12
unity brought by, 12.6
as universal Manifestation, 30.7,41.5
Writings of
Book of the Covenant, 11.44-5
epistles to kings and rulers, 9.16-18, 9.22, 16.8, 39.6, 58.5
Hidden Words, 47.9
Kitáb-i-Aqdas (Most Holy Book), 12.4, 45.1,65
Kitáb-i-íqán (Book of Certitude), 26.1, 26.6, 33.2, 33.10, 81.15
Súriy-i-Haykal (Súrih of the Temple), 9.16-18, 9.22, 16.8, 39.6, 58.5 

Balance (scale), 60.7, 83.6 

Baptism, 19, 20, 58.5 

Barbara, Saint, 34.8 

Barney, Laura Clifford, xi-xii, xv-xvi, xix-xx, 62.6n147 

Beast (Revelation of John), 11.20-1 

Being. See Essence(s), Existence 

Belief. See Faith and faithfulness 

Bible. See also Gospel;Torah
concept of return in, 81.13-14
day stands for year in, 10.12, 10.20, 11.5, 11.23, 13-12
verses from
Acts 15:20, 20.2
Dan. 8, 10.17
Dan. 8:13, 10.16
Dan. 9:25, 10.13-4
Dan. 12:6, 10.19
Dan. 12:11-12, 10.21
Deut. 3:26, 44.9
Deut. 5:8-9, 43.9
Exod. 13:21-22, 16.6
Exod. 20:4-5, 43-9
Ezek. 4:6, 10.12, 11.5
Ezek. 30:1-3, 11.34
Ezra 1,10.11
Ezra 6,10.11
Ezra 7,10.11
1 Cor. 15:22, 29.1, 29.4
1 Thess. 5:2, 26.5
Gen. 1:26, 3.7, 3.11, 49.8
Gen. 2:7, 18.4, 54.1
Gen. 2:16-17, 30.2
Gen. 3:5, 30.2
Gen. 3:11-15, 22, 30.2
Isa. 11, 12
Isa. 11:1-9, 12.1
Isa. 43:1, 44.7
Isa. 48:12, 44.7
John 1:1, 39.7, 42.3, 54.5
John 1:12-13, 18.3, 18.4
John 1:13, 60.3
John 1:19-21, 33.3
John 1:33, 19.5
John 3:5, 60.2
John 3:6, 22.6
John 3:13, 23.3, 26.2
John 6:26, 21.3
John 6:33, 21.3
John 6:35, 21.5
John 6:38, 23.3
John 6:42, 6.1, 21.3, 23.3
John 6:50, 29.12
John 6:51, 21.1, 30.9
John 6:63, 21.4
John 10:38, 16.7
John 12:39-40, 22.7
John 14:10-11, 54.7
John 14:11, 38.8
John 16:12, 25.7-8
John 17:5,28.1
John 17:21,38.8, 54.7
Luke 1:26-8,17.3
Luke 3:16, 19.5
Luke 3:22,16.6
Luke 11:2, 39.7
Mark 1:8,19.5
Mark 1:10-11,16.6
Mark 9:11, 33.4
Matt. 3:11,19.5
Matt. 3:13-15,19.1
Matt. 3:16-17,16.6
Matt. 5:39, 77.7
Matt. 6:9, 39.7
Matt. 8:22, 22.6, 30.12, 79.4
Matt. 12:31-2, 31.1
Matt. 13:14-15, 22.7
Matt. 16:18, 34.1
Matt. 17:13, 33.4
Matt. 19:16-17, 44.12
Matt. 22:14, 32
Matt. 23:34-6, 33.7
Matt. 24:3, 10.17
Matt. 24:29-30, 26.1
Matt. 26:26, 21.9
Neh. 2,10.11 
Num. 13-14, 44.4
Num. 14:34, 10.12
Num. 20:13, 44.8
Num. 20:23-4, 44.8
Rev. 11,11
Rev. 11:1-2, 11.1-3
Rev. 11:3, 11.12
Rev. 11:4, 11.13
Rev. 11:5, 11.15
Rev. 11:6, 11.16, 11.17, 11.18
Rev. 11:7, 11.19, 11.20, 11.21
Rev. 11:8, 11.22
Rev. 11:9, 11.23
Rev. 11:10, 11.26
Rev. 11:11, 11.28
Rev. 11:12, 11.30, 11.31
Rev. 11:13, 11.32, 11.33
Rev 11:14, 11.34
Rev. 11:15, 11.35
Rev. 11:16-17, 11.36
Rev. 11:18, 11.38-41
Rev. 11:19, 11.42-5
Rev. 12, 13
Rev. 12:3-4, 13-6
Rev. 12:4, 13.7
Rev 12:5,13.8-9
Rev. 12:6, 13.10-12
Rev. 21, 13.1-4
Rev. 22:13, 58.5
Rom. 9:21, 70.5
Rom. 14:14, 20.2
2 Pet. 3:10, 26.5
Titus 1:15, 20.2
visions recorded in, 71.9 

Blasphemy, 31

Blessed Beauty. See Baha'u'liah 

Blindness, 3.8, 31.4, 50.3,74.4 

Blood, 11.17,20.2,21.2, 30.9 

Body, human, 29.5, 36.3,67.3.
See also Human kingdom; Man; Mind, human; Spirit, human
beauty and perfection in, 32.4, 46.2-3, 46.6-7, 47.9-11
healing of, 72.4, 73.3-5
in sleep, 2.5, 16.8, 61.2-3, 71-8
spirit's connection to, 39.6, 52, 61.4-6, 66, 67.5, 80.4, 81.11
time and place encompassing, 61.1-2 

Body politic, responsibility for punishment, 76.6, 77.2-6, 77.10-11, 77.14 

Book(s). See Bible; Scriptures 

Book, people of.  See Christianity and Christians; Jews 

Born again, true meaning of, 60.3

Bounties, 76.1, 76.4

Brahma, miracles of, 10.3, 22.4

Brain, human. See Mind, human

Branch, 12.1, 12.7-8

Bread and wine, 21

Buddha, 43.8, 43.11

Caiaphas, 64.4

Cain, 64.4

Caliphs, 7.9, 11.20, 11.22, 13.6-7, 77.9

Canaan, 57.7

Candlesticks (Revelation of John), 11.13, 11.29 

Cannibalism, 3.3, 29.5, 77.13 

Capacities, human, 57.3, 57.9-12, 81.10 

Catafago, César, 9.16 

Catholicism, baptismal rite of, 20.5 

Cause of God. See Baha'i Faith 

Cephas. See Peter (Apostle) 

Certitude. See Bahá'u'lláh,Writings of, Kitáb-i-íqán; Faith and faithfulness 

Chaldeans, Israelites' captivity under, 6.2 

Change(s). See also Evolution
in comprehension, 83.3-5
of fate, 68.2-3
in humans, 57.9
Manifestations bring, 3.14, 11.10, 20.3-4, 20.6-8, 43.8-9, 43.12
in physical world, 2.7, 20.2
spiritual reality unchanging, 11.7, 11.11, 11.42, 16.10, 38.8, 54.7, 58.5 

Character, human, 57 

Children, 7.3-8, 20.5, 57.4-5, 62.6, 66.7-8, 78.8 

Chosen ones, 11.36, 71.4 

Christ. See Jesus Christ 

Christianity and Christians, 12.3, 30.10, 84.9-10
Bahá'u'lláh's teaching of, 9.6
baptismal rite, 20.5
Dispensation of, 11.8, 12.8, 34.3
Muhammad's treatment of, 7.9
original precepts not followed, 43.9, 43-12
spread of, 9.25
tales about Muhammad by clergy, 7.1-2, 7.10 

of Arab tribes, 7.3-8, 7.11, 7.13-16, 11.14, 11.18-19
through education, 3.4, 3.6, 57.8
governed by law of nature, 78.2
Manifestations of God establish, 34.10, 49.8-9
true progress of, 77.13, 84.2, 84.9 

Clergy. See Divines 

Commandments. See Law(s) 

Common faculty, 56.2-4. See also Man, powers of 

Compassion, 57.10, 76.4, 78.9. See also Poor, the, care of 

Composition, 1.1, 53.7. See also Elements, composition and combination of 

Comprehension. See Knowledge; Understanding 

Conceptualization, 40.3, 48.6, 71.3 

Concourse on high, 3.11 

Conditions, transformation of, 20.6-7 

Confucius, 43.8, 43.11 

Conscience, 75.1, 84.10 

Consciousness, xv, 1.3,1.5,61.3 

Constantine, Emperor, 3.13 

Constantinople, 4.5,9.5,9.13 

Contemplation, 37.5, 71.3, 80.7 

Copernicus, 7.14n5 

Covenant of Bahá'u'lláh, 11.44-5 

Crafts, 1.4, 3.4, 36.4,48.4,71.6. See also Arts 

Creation. See also Elements, composition and combination of; God, as creator; World, contingent
completeness of, 46.3, 47.8
degrees in, 32.2, 32.5-6, 59.6, 62.1, 84.4
divine, 39.1, 47.5
existence of, 47.2, 79.3, 80.7
goodness innate in, 57.10-11, 74.6
Holy Spirit as mediator between God and, 36.7
of man, 18.4, 64.4
material, 42.2, 74.1
mysteries of, revealed, 12.4-5
order in, 47.5-8
perfections of, 15.2, 62.1
rational soul in, 58.3
renewal of, 14.2, 14.6
as signs of God, 27.5, 64.4
spiritual, 74.1
Sufi concept of, 82.17
weaknesses of, 2.3,27.4 

Criminals, punishment of, 76.6, 77 

Cycles, 14, 36.7, 41. See also Dispensations, Manifestations' founding of 

Cyrus, edict of, 10.11

Daniel, prophecies of, 10.10-17, 13.13. See also under Bible, verses from 

Darius, edict of, 10.11 

Darkness, 16.5, 18.2, 74.6 

David, 43.5 

Dávúdí, Siyyid, 9.19 

Day of God, 11.35 

Day of judgement, 11.39, 26

Dead, the, 11.21-9, 11.39, 14.7, 22.6-7, 30.12, 60.4, 79-4 

Deafness, 50.3, 74.4 

Death, 1.1, 2.5, 29.8-9, 30.12, 53.7, 74.4, 74-6, 84.9
soul's progress after, 62, 64, 66 

Decomposition, 1.1, 53.7 

Deeds, good, 30.12, 65, 66.6, 70.4, 76.1, 78.13, 84, See also Ethics; Morals 

Degrees. See Animal kingdom; God, kingdom of; Human kingdom; Man, existence of, degrees of; Mineral kingdom;Vegetable kingdom
of created things, 32.2, 32.5-6, 46.3, 59.6, 62.1-2, 84.4
of existence, 37.2, 46.2, 52.2, 53.7, 57.4, 60.4, 62.1, 64.3, 81.10
God transcends, 27.3-4
of man, 47.9, 51.3, 57.3, 58.2, 64.2
of perfections, 64.2, 64.5, 66.4
of servitude, 62.3
of the spirit, 16.4, 81.10 

Delusion, 71.3,71.8,71.9 

Destiny, 35.1. See also Fate 

Detachment, 67.7

Discoveries. 3.4, 3.6, 3.10, 36.4. See also Inventions; Spiritual disclosures
man's power to make, 48.4, 48.6-7, 58-3-4
scientific, 71.3
spiritual, 67.2, 71.4 

Diseases. See Illnesses 

Dispensations, Manifestations' founding of, 11.10, 43.3, 43.5. See also Cycles 

Disposition, human. See Character, human 

Divines, 7.1-2, 7.10, 7.14, 8.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.6-14, 9.17, 9.22, 11.8 

Divinity, 47.2, 59.7, 62.1. See also Essence(s), divine; God; Reality, divine
perfections of, 50.1, 59.8 

Dove, descent of Holy Spirit in form of, 16.6, 38.9 

Dragon (Revelation of John), 13.5-7 

Dreams, 61.2, 71.3, 71.4, 71.8 

Druze, beliefs of, 81.13

Ears. See Hearing, sense of 

creation of, 17.6-7, 51.5
curvature of, 48.6-7
cycles of, 41.2-3
existence of, 38.5, 47.7
new, 13.1, 13.2
nurtured by the sun, 50.2, 53.2
perfections of, 15.2
renewal of, 16.9 

Earthquake in Shíráz, 11.32-3 

Edirne. See Adrianople 

character acquired through, 57.2, 57.8
regarding crime and punishment, 77.3. 77.7, 77.11-13
human, 3.6, 3.8-10, 3.15
material, 3.5, 3.8-10, 3.15
need for, 3, 64.4
spiritual, 3.7, 3.8-9, 3.11, 3.15, 29.5
of the wicked, 11.18-19 

Educators, true
Abraham as, 4.4, 4.6
the Báb as, 8.2-3
Bahá'u'lláh as, 9.25-6
Christ as, 3.17, 6.5, 29.10
Manifestations as, 3.16-17, 11.37, 39.1, 45.8, 64.2, 64.4-5
man's need for, 3
Muhammad as, 7.3-8, 7.11, 7.13-16, 11.18-19, 13.11-12 

Egypt, 11.22, 13.6 

Elders, four and twenty (Revelation of John), 11.36-7 

Elements, composition and combination of, 36.1-3, 39.2, 46.7, 47.4-8, 48.2, 53.7, 55.4, 82.11

Elias (Elijah)
appearance at Christ's transfiguration, 71.7, 71.9
inspiration received by, 37.11
return of, 10.8, 34.2
John the Baptist as, 33.3-6, 33.9, 81.14

Emanation, appearance through, 53.3, 53.5, 54.2, 54.4, 82.16-18 

Embryos, human, stages of development, 47.7-11, 49.6-8, 51.2-4 

Equality, 78.3,78.5-7 

Equilibrium, 48.2, 73.3-5 

Equity, 12.4, 70.3, 78.2, 84.9 

Essence(s), 33.6, 82.8, 82.17
divine, 27.5, 27.7,27.8, 37.2-7, 54.4-7, 82.5-6, 82.16
of human species, 47.10-11, 49.2, 49.4, 49.8, 50.1
infallibility in, 45.2-5
knowledge of, 45.2, 59.3-7
of Manifestation, 16.10, 39.3, 40.6, 81.14
transformation of, 47.10-11, 81.8 

Ether, the, 16.3, 37.12, 48.12 

Ethics, 5.5. See also Morals 

Eucharist, 21 

Europe, 4.4, 7.1, 20.7 

Eve, 30.2, 30.4-6. 30.8, 30.11 

Evil, 57.9-12, 74. See also Knowledge, of good and evil 

Evolution, xiv-xv, 46, 47, 48.3, 49, 51-4 

Existence, 1.5, 2.4, 3.10, 15.1, 32.2, 46.6, 47, 63.1, 77.8, 79, 82, 84.4. See also Animal kingdom; Essence(s), Human kingdom; Mineral kingdom; Non-existence; Pre-existence;Vegetable kingdom; World, contingent
accidental, 82.8-9, 82.11-12
causes of, 47.4, 80.3
common, 82.7-8, 82.12
of creation, 47.2, 79.3, 80.7
degrees of, 37.2, 46.2, 52.2, 53.7, 57.4, 60.4, 62.1, 64.3, 81.10
evil not innate in, 57.11, 74.6
evolution of, 51.4
human, 1.6, 48, 49, 57.4, 67.3, 67.9, 80.5-6
motion in, 63.1-2, 69.3
necessary, 50
need for an educator, 3
no beginning to, 47.1, 47.3
perfections of, 46.2-8, 50.3-4, 62
positive, 74.3, 74-5-7
relative nature of, 80.5-7
renewal of, 81.8
spiritual, 16.4, 22.7
true, 22.7, 82.3, 82.12, 82.16
unity of, 82
world of, 38.5, 42.2, 47.6, 79.2, 80.6 

Eyes, 37.12, 49.5, 61.4, 74.2, 83.2. See also Sight, sense of 

Ezekiel, 37.13, 43.5

Fairness. See Equity

Faith and faithfulness, 32.5, 67.7. See also Spirit of faith
in God, 67.8
lack of, 32.7, 84.11
and works, 65 

Falsehood(s), 60.3, 64.4, 71.3, 75.1, 76.3 

Families, 57.5, 57.6, 62.6 

Fasting, 11.24-5 

Fate, 68. See also Predestination 

Felicity, 6.3, 15, 16.4, 78.4 

Fellowship, 3.13-14, 11.37, 12.3, 12.6, 84.4.
See also Unity 

Figures of speech, xix, 16.4-9, 24.2, 34.3 

Fire, 1.3, 16.6, 19.6 

First Intellect, 53.5-6, 58.4 

Flowers, 54.3, 62.2, 63.1, 67.4. See also Plants 

Followers and promulgators, 43.4, 43.5-6.
See also Prophethood and prophets 

Food, 21.6, 73.2, 73.5, 73.7

Christ's teachings on, 76.1, 77.10
of God, 31.5, 54, 62.3-7, 65.3, 76.4-6, 77.8
human, 77.2, 77.5-6
prayers for, 62.3-7 

Forms. See Intelligible realities; Sensible realities;Things 

Fornication, 20.2

Founders of religions. See Manifestations of God 

Free will, 35, 70 

Friend of God. See Abraham 

Fruit, 3.2, 14.3, 73.2, 73.7.
See also Seed(s);Tree(s), fruit of

Galen, 5.5, 84.9-10

Galileo, 7.15

Gate, the. See Báb, the

God. See also Grace, of God; Holy Spirit; Manifestations of God; Reality, divine; Trinity
assistance from, 70.6-8
attributes of, 3.11, 7.13, 37.2, 37.5-8, 47.2, 50.3, 59.7, 60.3, 81.12
belief in, 65.2-4, 67.8
bounties of, 3.11, 34.10, 59.9-10, 60.4, 65.3, 66.6, 84.3
Christ's relationship to, 12.2, 16.7, 27.7, 38.8-9, 54.7
as creator, 2.1, 2.6-7, 18.4, 36.7, 52.3, 53, 80.7, 82.17
eternity of, 47.3
existence of, 50, 79.2-3, 80.6-7
proofs of, 2, 20.8, 46.6, 81.5-6
forgiveness from, 31.5, 62.3-7, 65.3, 76.4-6, 77.8
guidance from, 11.13, 11.28-29, 45.3-4
human spirit's procession from, 53.1-5, 54, 82.18
indifference towards, 75.1
justice of, 76, 77.8
kingdom of, 30.12, 33.3, 60.2,65.4, 67, 82.17
about, 11.24, 12.3-4, 19.6-8, 37.7, 45.2, 59, 82.6, 84.2-3, 84.7-12
possessed by, 35.1-4, 82.5-6, 82.13-14
laws of, 11.7,  11.10, 13.2, 20, 34.3, 47.9, 51.3-5
love of, 11.20, 11.24, 19.6-8, 24.3-4, 44.5, 67.7, 84.3-5, 84.7-13
man in image and likeness of, 3.7, 3.11, 49.8, 64.4
Manifestations' relationship to, 37, 44
mercy of, 76, 77.8
names of, 3.11, 37.5-8, 47.2, 50.3, 81.12
nearness to, 62.4
oneness of, 4.1-3, 5.3, 27.10, 43.8, 43.11, 81.6
perfections of, 2.3,2.6, 7.13, 27.4, 35.2, 37.6-7, 62.1
Holy Spirit manifesting, 31.2, 54-5
man partaking in, 50.1-4, 82.18
in Manifestations of God, 37.5
as pillar of fire, 16.6
power of, 2.3, 3.12-13, 3.18, 4.1, 6.5, 9.13, 11.15, 15.8, 36.6, 45.2, 70.5, 70.8
pre-existence of, 53.5-6, 80, 82.13-14, 82.16
recognition of, 65.2-4
signs of, 27.5, 37.3, 38.5, 50.3, 64.4
sovereignty of, 1.5, 1.7, 11.37, 30.9, 70.8
spirit of, 12.1
veiled from, 60.3, 65.3, 66.1-4, 67.8, 67.10, 75.2
will and purpose of, 32.5, 70.5
wisdom of, 11.13, 20.8, 47.5, 47.8
worlds of, 60.2, 81.12, 82.17 

Goodness, 30.5-6, 57.10-11, 74
See also Knowledge, of good and evil 

Gospel, 83.6, 84.12.
See also under Bible, verses from
the Báb prophesied in, 10.17
miracles recorded in, 10.3,10.5, 71.7
Muhammad's defence of, 7.12, 11.12
prophecies regarding Twin Manifestations, 10.8 

Governments, 3.6, 3.13-14, 7.16, 78.10-12.
See also Body politic, responsibility for punishment 

Grace, 36.3, 82.17, 84.3
of Christ, 21.3-4,21.7-8,21.10, 29.12
of God, 19.6-7, 21.2-4, 25.2, 25.3, 27.8, 29.3, 30.9, 32.5, 36.6, 37.11, 58.4, 60.3, 62.2, 62.7, 66.6, 67.3, 80.7, 81.8, 81.10
heavenly, 11.16,40.6
of Holy Spirit, 19.6-7, 27.8, 29.2, 31.2, 31.5, 67.4, 83.8
of the Manifestations, 38.4, 39.4, 42.3, 43.3, 45.3 

Gravity, 48.12 

Greece, 6.2, 43.11
philosophers of, 5.3, 5.5, 82.2 

Greed, 29.5-6, 57.10, 78.1, 78.11 

Grief. See Sorrow

Growth, power of, 37.13, 64.1, 82.17 

Guidance, 11.13, 29.12, 34.10, 39.1, 43-4, 45-4

Hagar, 4.4

Happiness. See Felicity

Harmony. See Unity

Hasan 'Amú, Mullá, 9.6, 9.10

Healing and health, 2.5, 10.7, 72, 73
See also Illnesses; Medicine; Physicians

Hearing, sense of, 48.5, 50.3, 56.1, 56.4, 61.1, 83.2, 84.7 

Hearts, 42.3, 57.8, 67.6 

Heaven, 3.11, 11.30, 11.42-3, 13.-2, 21.3, 23.4-5, 26.1-3, 67, 81.3 

Hell, 29.9, 30.10, 60.2, 81.3 

Hermes, 46.2n128

Hindus, and miracles of Brahma, 10.3 

Hippocrates, 5.5 

Holiness, 36.7, 37.2, 67.7, 82.18. See also Sanctification/sanctity 

Holy City
as material law, 11.11
religion as, 13.1, 13.3-4 

Holy Land
Abraham's exile to, 4.2-5
Bahá'u'lláh's manifestation in, 4.5, 9.15
Jews returning to, 12.7-8 

Holy of Holies, 11.3-8, 11.11, 11.42 

Holy Spirit, 2.8,25, 36.7-8, 55.2.
See also God;Trinity
blasphemy against, 31
breaths of, 3.11, 18.4, 29.3, 36.6, 67.3
Christ born of, 6.1, 17, 18.5, 29.4
descent of, 16.6, 24, 25.2-3, 38.9, 58.5
grace of, 19.6-7, 27.8, 29.2, 31.2, 31.5, 67.4, 83.8
manifestational appearance of, 36.8, 38.4, 54.5-6
power of, 24.3, 36.9, 72.7 

Human kingdom, 34.10, 49.4, 78.4, 84.4. See also Body, human; Man; Spirit, human
degrees in, 32.7, 70.5, 81.10
existence in, 1.6, 49, 79.2
forgiveness in, 77.2, 77.5-6
motion in, 16.8, 70.6
perfections in, 32.2, 84.7
true happiness in, 15.3, 15.7-9

Ibn-i-Nawfal,Varaqih, 10.22 

Ibnu'l-'Arabi, 82.1n161 

Idols. See Images, worship of 

Ignorance, 2.4, 34.11, 64.4, 74.3, 75.1, 77.13.
See also Knowledge
darkness symbolizing, 16.5, 18.2
as imperfection, 37.7 

Illnesses, 2.5, 61.5. See also Healing and health; Medicine
in animals, 73.6
causes of, 73.2-4, 74.4 

Illusions(s), 71.5, 71.8 

Images, worship of, 37.10, 43.8, 43.9, 43.11 

Imagination, 25.3, 56.2, 56.3, 56.4, 71.2, 71.3, 71.8 

Imams, 9.6n12, 11.36, 13.4, 37.2n111, 37.8n113 

Imperfection. See also Weaknesses
in contingent world, 2.3, 27.4, 46.3-4
human, 32.4, 64.2
ignorance as, 37.7
material nature as source of, 29.2-3, 29.6, 29.8
substance of, 81.8
as torment, 75.1 

Income. See Wealth, disparity between poverty and 

Industry, 3.6

Inequality, 78.2. See also Equality 

Infallibility, 45 

Infanticide, 7.3 

Iniquity, 70.3-4, 75.1, 76.3, 77.10. See also Evil; Sin(s) 

Injustice, 70.3, 70.7,78.4. See also Justice 

Inspiration. See Revelation, divine; Understanding; Vision(s) 

Intellect, First, 53.5-6, 58.4

Intelligence, 3.10, 48.2, 57.3, 83.3-5 See also Mind, human 

Intelligible realities, 16, 25.3-5, 48.4, 74.1-3, 82.6

Intention, goodly, 84.6, 84.10. See also Deeds, good 

Intercession, 62.4-7 

Interpretation, 11.7, 13.13-14, 16.9, 26.1, 30.4 

Inventions, 7.15, 17.5, 48.4, 58.3, 71.3, 71.6. See also Discoveries 

Iran. See Persia and Persians 

Isaac, 57.6

Isaiah, 22.7, 37.11,43.5. See also under Bible, verses from
prophecies regarding the Messiah, 26.4
visions of, 71.2, 71.9 

Ishmael, 4.4, 57.6

Islam. See also Muhammad; Muslims
decline of, 11.26, 11.28
Dispensation of, 11.5-6, 11.25, 13.4-7
prophecies regarding Twin Manifestations, 10.8
traditional medicine in, 20.4n80 

Israel and Israelites. See also Jews
Christ's renewal of, 6.2-3
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57.6
God's rebukes to, 44.4,44.7-10
ingathering of, 12.7-8
Moses as, 5.2-3, 6.2
prophets of, 37.11, 37.13
rejection of Christ by, 6.4
twelve tribes of, 11.36 

Istanbul. See Constantinople

Jacob, 4.4,44.7

Jeremiah, 34.2, 37.11,43.5, 71.2

conquest of, 11.4-6
Orthodox patriarch of, 7.9
rebuilding of, 10.10-11, 10.14, 10.16, 11.6
religion as new, 11.22,13.1, 13.3-4
Temple in, 11.3-8, 11.11, 11.42

Jesse, rod of, Bahá'u'lláh as, 12.1-2,12.7 

Jesus Christ, 6, 21.6, 30.9, 36.8, 60.6, 64.3, 76.4. See also Trinity;Word of God
advent of, 10.10-15, 10.16, 11.8, 20.5, 26.2-4, 43.5, 84.5
ascension of, 10.14, 23-7
baptism of, 16.6, 19.1-5, 38.9, 58.5
birth of, 17
blasphemy against, 4.1
bread and wine symbolizing, 21
chosen ones of, 11.36, 11.37
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57.6
divinity of, 21.6-7
as Educator, 3.17, 6.5, 29.10
end of Dispensation of, 11.8
forgiveness of, 76.1, 77.10
God the Father's relationship to, 12.2, 16.7, 27.7, 38.8-9, 54.7
grace of, 21.3-4, 21.7, 21.10, 29.12
greatness of, 18
Holy Spirit's relationship to, 17, 25.8, 29.4
humanity of, 21.3, 21.6-7, 64.4
Jews failed to recognize, 13.14, 14.15, 26.4, 28.4-5
martyrdom of, 10.5, 10.10, 10.12, 10.14, 11.22, 21.6, 22.5, 28.4, 35.5
miracles of, 10.3, 22
as mirror, 27.6-7, 54.5-7
mission of, 29.10
Mosaic Dispensation abrogated by, 6.2-3, 20.2-3, 20.5
Most Great Infallibility of, 45.10
peace brought by, 3.13-14, 12.3
perfections of, 21.2, 21.4, 21.10, 29.12, 31.2, 37.13, 54.5
popes' conduct compared to, 34.5-10
pre-existence of, 28
proofs of station as Manifestation, 22.3-5, 24.3
prophecies regarding, 13.14, 26.4
reality of, 25.2, 27.5, 27.8, 29.7, 30.7, 39.4, 63.2
religion of, 11.7, 11.8, 11.12
resurrection of, 23
return of, 10.8, 26
sacrifice of, 29.3, 29.10-13, 30.9, 30.11
sign of, 14.13, 38.7
spirit of, 21.3-5, 21-7. 27.8, 29.7
spirituality of, 24.3-4, 29.2
station of, 30.7, 38.8-9
teachings of, 21.4, 21.7
transfiguration of, 33.4, 71.7, 71.9
truth of, 22.5
unity brought by, 3.13-14, 12.3
virtues of, 37.13 

Jews. See also Israel and Israelites
Bahá'u'lláh's teaching of, 9.6
end of Mosaic dispensation, 11.8
failure to recognize Jesus Christ, 13.14, 14.15, 26.4, 28.4-5
laws given to, 30.10, 76.2
Muhammad's treatment of, 7.9
Persian captivity of, 6.2, 10.11-12
returning to Holy Land, 12.7-8 

John (Apostle), visions of, 11,13, 71.2, 71.9 

John the Baptist, 19.4, 20.5
as return of Elias/Elijah, 33.3-6, 33-9, 81.14 

Joseph (father of Christ), 12.2 

Joseph (OldTestament), 4.4, 11.36, 30.10 

Joshua, 11.12, 11.17-18, 44.10 

Justice. See also Injustice
acting with, 57.10, 64.4, 70.3-4, 70.7, 84.9
Bahá'u'lláh brought, 12.4
of body politic, 77.10-14
of God,76, 77-8
grace contrasted with, 32.5, 62.7
laws of, 29.5
strikes and, 78.2, 78.3, 78.9

Karbilá, Iraq, 9.6 

Khadiiih. 10.22

Kindness. See Compassion; Loving-kindness Kingdoms. See Animal kingdom; Degrees; God, kingdom of; Heaven; Human kingdom; Mineral kingdom;Vegetable kingdom 

Knowledge, 56.2, 56.4, 59.6, 83. See also God, knowledge of; 

acquisition of, 25.4, 32.5, 37.2, 57.10
of attributes, 59.3-4
of the Báb, 8.1-3
of Bahá'u'lláh, 9.11, 64.4
conceptual, 40.2-3, 48.6, 71.3
divine, 40.6, 82.5-6
earth to be filled with, 12.4-5
essential, 35.2
extent and limitations of, 3.10, 58, 59.5, 59.6, 59.7
formal, 40.2
of good and evil, 30.2, 70.3, 70.5-7
human, 16.1-3, 40.2-5, 83.7
intuitive, 40.2,40.4
of Manifestations, 40, 59.9
of Muhammad, 7.13
objects of, 82.6, 82.13
as perfection, 37.7
of the pre-existent, 82.5-6, 82.14
religion as establisher of, 34.10-11
search for, xvi-xvii, 10.7
sensible, 16.2,16.4-8
true, 14.12
water symbolizing, 19.6, 19.7 

Kosher laws, 76.2

Lamp(s), 66.3, 68.2-3
lights relationship to, 25.6, 25.8, 33.9, 36.2, 37.12, 39.4, 44.5, 46.7
spirit compared to, 55.4, 55.6 

Last Supper, 21.8-10 

abrogation of, 20.2-3, 20.5, 20.6-8
of Bahá’u’lláh, 12.4
brought by Manifestations of God, 11.37
European, 20.7
of God, 11.7, 13.2, 20, 34.3, 47.9, 51.3
material, 2.5, 11.11, 11.12
Mosaic, 6.2-3, 11.12, 20.2-3, 20.5, 20.8, 43.5, 43-9, 76.2
of motion, 1.2, 81.9, 83.2
of nature, 1,22.1, 47.5-6, 51.3, 78.2
penal, 77
religious, 76.2, 76.3, 76.4
spiritual, 11.11
Ten Commandments, 43.9 

Learning. See Knowledge 

Letters of the Living, 11.36n48 

Life, 1.1, 19.7, 30.12, 42.2, 67.3, 74.6. See also Creation; Elements, composition and combination of; Nature
everlasting, 22.6-7, 30.9, 30.12, 60.4, 67, 84.2-3
attainment of, 21.2, 21.5, 21.7, 21.10, 29.12
of rational soul, 36.6, 38.8 

Light, 16.5, 31.3-7, 48.12, 74.6. See also Lamp(s),
light's relationship to of the sun, 28.2, 37.12, 39.3, 39.6, 42.2, 53.2-3, 84.10 

Lord of Hosts, prophecies regarding, 10.8. See also Bahá'u'lláh 

Lot, 4.2

Love, 16.3, 32.5, 48.4. See also God, love of
of Bahá'u'lláh, 12.4, 12.6
of Manifestations, 11.37, 42.3 

Loving-kindness, 43.12, 84.12 

Lying, 57.12, 64.4, 75.1, 76.3

Magicians, 10.3-4 

Magnanimity, 77.2, 77.10 

Mahdi, prophecies regarding, 10.8 

Man. See also Body, human; Embryos, human, stages of development; Human kingdom; Mind, human; Senses; Spirit, human
ascension of, 64.7
attributes of, 40.7, 47.9, 64.4, 74.3
body of world compared to, 20.4
cannot create life, 47.5
capacities of, 57.3, 57.9-12, 81.10
character of, 57
completeness of, 46.3-8, 47.9-11, 48.2
comprehension of God by, 59
creation of, 18.4, 64.4
distinguished from animals, xiv-xv, 3.3-4, 3.6, 29.5-6, 47,10—11, 48, 49.4, 55.5
evolution of, xiv-xv, 46, 47
degrees of, 47.9, 51.3, 57.3, 58.2,64.2
existence of, 1.6, 48, 49, 57.4, 67.3, 67.9, 80.5-6
in image and likeness of God, 3.7, 3.11, 49.8, 64.4
knowledge of, 16.1-3, 40.2-5, 83.7
love of transcendence in, 48.8
mastery over nature, 1.4, 48.9-10
nature of, 29.2, 8.46
need for an educator, 3, 64.4
originality of, 47.10-11, 50
origination of, 17.7, 38.5-6, 80.4
perfections of, 38.6, 49.8, 60.3-4, 62.2, 64.1-7, 70.5, 74-3
acquiring, 7.16, 81.4
powers of, xv, 3.18, 30.12, 48.2, 48.5-7, 48.11, 56
reality of, 54.4, 57.10, 60.3, 71.6, 81.12, 82.17, 84.4
manifestations of, 15.8, 50.4, 81.10
sanctifying, 19.6, 30.9
senses, 61.1, 67.6
soul as, 38.3
station of, 64
vestigial organs and limbs in, 47.11, 49.3-6
weaknesses of, 2.3
will of, 1.3 

Manifestation, appearance through, 53.3-4. 54.2-3, 54.5-7, 82.16-17 

Manifestations of God. See also Educators, true; Miracles; Prophecies; Prophethood and
prophets; Revelation, divine; and individual Manifestations
appearance of, 11.35, 13.5-13, 14.7, 27.4, 82.6
change brought by, 3.14, 11.10, 20.3-4. 20.6-8, 43.8-9, 43.12
civilization brought by, 49.8-9
compared to sun, 42.2, 43.3
cycles of, 41.3-4
Dispensations founded by, 11.10, 43.3, 43.5
distancing oneself from, 31.3-7
essence of religion unchanged by, 11.7-9, 11.12, 11.24, 11.42-43
God's relationship to, 37, 44
grace of, 38.4, 39.4, 42.3, 43.3, 45.3
guidance from, 39.1, 43.4
as hollow reed, 11.2
knowledge of, 40, 59.9
love of, 11.37, 42.3
morals reformed by, 6.2-3, 7.11-12, 8.1-2, 9.1, 11.26, 43.5, 43.8
Most Great Infallibility of, 45
perfections of, 18.6, 38.1, 42, 45.5
as Perfect Man, 11.1-2, 27.5, 44.12, 50.5, 59.8
powers of, 11.37, 22.2, 22.8, 42, 58.5
proofs of, 3.17, 20.4, 22.3-5, 24.3, 41.4
rays emanating from, 25.2
realities of, 16.10, 39.3, 39.4-6, 45.5
resurrection of, 23.2
return of, 33, 81.14
sovereignty of, 11.37
stations of, 30.7, 31.2, 38, 39
corporeal, 58.5
divine, 38.1, 38.4, 38.8, 39.1, 39.4, 39.6, 58.5
material, 38.1, 38.2, 38.8, 39.1
rational soul, 38.1, 38.3, 38.8, 39.1, 39.6, 58.5
unity brought by, 11.37
universal, 30.7, 41.4, 59.8
wisdom of, 45.5-6 

Mankind. See Man 

Martyrdoms, 61.3. See also Báb, the, martyrdom of; Jesus Christ, martyrdom of 

Marván, 13.6

Mary (mother of Christ), 17.3 

Mathematicians and mathematics, 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 35.6, 82.4, 83.3 

Matter, 47.4, 47.8, 53.7, 82.12 

Maturity, stages of, 51.2-3. See also Embryos, human, stages of development 

Maxwell, May Bolles, xi 

Medicine. 73.2, 73.7. See also Healing and health; Illnesses; Physicians
healing without, 72
Islamic traditional, 20.4n80 

Memory, 56.2, 56.4, 74.3
in animals, 48.5 

Mercy, 76,77.8 

Messengers of God. See Manifestations of God 

Messiah, prophecies regarding, 10.8, 26.4 

Metaphor, 16.4-9,24.2, 34.3 

Microbial particles, 72.3 

Mind, human, 39.6, 51, 52.3, 61.4, 82.12.
See also Discoveries, man's power to make; Intelligence; Reason; Thought(s)
acquisition of knowledge by, 25.4, 32.5, 37.2, 57.10
as intelligible reality, 48.4,74.2
Manifestations' enlightenment of, 42.3, 42.5
perception through, 40.5, 59.4, 74.1, 74.2
perfections of, 64.1
place and time traversed by, 67.1-2
power of, 16.3, 55.6, 83.3 

Mineral kingdom, 3.1, 40.7, 51.3, 59.6, 82.17
degrees and stations in, 32.5, 32.6, 62.1-2, 63.3
existence of, 32.2, 57.4, 67.3, 67.9, 79.2, 80.5-6
happiness in, 15.2, 15.6
perfections of, 46.6, 64.1 

Miracles, 22
Bahá'u'lláh and, 9.6-9, 9.19, 9.22, 10.3-5
of Brahma, 10.3
of Christ, 10.3,22 

Mirrors, 27.6-7, 36.3, 61.5-6, 66.3, 79.3.
See also Sun, mirror's relationship to 

Moderation, 78.5-7 

Moon, 13.4, 35.6, 63.3
light of, 28.2, 39.3
promulgators and followers compared to, 43.4 

Morals. See also Deeds, good; Ethics
in Africa, 3.3, 29.5, 77.13
degradation, 77.11-12
Manifestations' reformation of, 6.2-3, 7.11-12, 8.1-2, 9.1, 11.26, 43-5, 43-8
rectification of, 84.2, 84.10 

Moses, 5, 11.12, 14.13, 30.10, 39.4, 64.4.
See also Law(s), Mosaic
appearance at Christ's transfiguration, 71.7, 71.9
chosen ones of, 11.36
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57-6
Dispensation of, 11.7, 11.8
as Educator, 3.17
God's rebuke to, 44.4, 44.8-10
miracles of, 22.4
Muhammad compared to, 11.17 

Most Great Luminary. See Bahá'u'lláh 

Most Great Name. See Bahá'u'lláh 

Most Great Prison, 9.4, 9.15, 10.2.
See also 'Akká 

Most Holy Book. See Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of, Kitáb-i-Aqdas 

of existence, 63.1-2, 69.3
human, 16.8,70.6
laws of, 1.2, 81.9, 83.2
of souls, 44.5
of spiritual cycles, 14.7, 14.12 

Mount Carmel, Bahá'u'lláh's arrival on, 9.15 

Mu'aviyih, 13.6

Muhammad, 7. See also Educators, true, Muhammad as; Islam; Muslims
advent of, 11.34
Arab tribes civilized by, 7.3-8, 7.11, 7.13-16, 11.14, 11.18-19, 13.11-12
chosen ones of, 11.36
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57.6
Dispensation of, 11.5-6, 11.12-28, 43-5
emigration of, 10.18,10.20, 10.22n24
God's rebukes to, 44.11
laws and teachings of, 10.22, 11.16
military expeditions of, 7.2, 7.7-9
persecution of, 7.2, 7.7
proof of station as Manifestation, 7.2
prophecies regarding, 11.5-7, 11.34, 13.4
religion of, 11.7, 11.8, 11.12-28, 13.4-7
tales about, 7.1-2, 7.10
treatment of Christians by, 7.9 

Muhammad-Taqí Afnán, Hájí Mírzá (Vakilu'd-Dawlih), 11.361n48 

Murder, laws against, 76.3 

Muslims. See also Arab tribes, Muhammad's education of; Islam; Muhammad
Bahá'u'lláh's teaching of, 9.6
calendar of, 10.20, 13.13
God's rebukes to, 44.11
persecution of, 7.2, 7.7 

Mutavakkil, 77.9 

Mysteries. See also Discoveries
divine, 42.3, 55.5, 81.15
found in man, 64.4

Najaf, Iraq, 9.6

Najrán, 7.9

Napoleon, Bahá'u'lláh's epistle to, 9.16

Nasiri'd-Din Shah. Bahá'u'lláh's epistle to, 9.17, 9.22, 16.8 

Nature, 1. See also Animal kingdom; Human kingdom; Mineral kingdom;Vegetable kingdom
attributes of, 16.3, 19.6
innate, 57.4, 57.9-12
law of, 78.2
man's dominance over, 1.4, 48.9-10
perfections in, 15.8 

Now' (species), 46.1n127 

Necessary relationships, 40.8-9 

Noah, 11.7, 30.10, 57.7 

Non-existence, 2.4, 60.5, 63.1, 79.2. See also Existence
absolute, 47.3, 53.7
evil as, 74.3-4, 74-6-7
relative nature of, 80.5-7 

Nusayris, beliefs of, 81.13

Olive trees (Revelation of John), 11.13 

One, the, 82.2n162, 82.4

Oneness. See God, oneness of; Unity 

Oppression, 76.6, 77.10, 78.4 

in contingent world, 2.5
natural, 1, 22.1-2, 47.5-6, 51.3, 51.5, 52.5, 81.10
social, 3.6, 3.9
universal, 47.9, 82.11 

Original sin, 29.9, 30. See also Sin(s) 

Originality, 47.10-11, 49.2-8, 50 

Origination, 17.7, 38.5-6, 53.5, 80, 82.12-14 

Orthodox Christians, baptismal rite, 20.5 

Ottoman Empire, moon as emblem of, 13-4

Palestine, 12.8 

Papacy, 34, 43.12

Paradise, 11.35, 42.5, 60.2, 60.3, 61.3. See also Heaven
Adam and Eve expelled from, 30.4, 30.6 

Parents, 57.5,62.6. See also Families 

Paul (Apostle), 20.2, 29.8 

Peace, 11.37, 78.4
brought by Bahá'u'lláh, 12.4, 12.7
brought by Christ, 3.13-14, 12.3 

Pen of the Most High. See Bahá'u'lláh 

Pentecost. See Holy Spirit, descent of 

Perception, 56.1, 61.3,71.7, 74.1-2 

Perfection(s). See also God, perfections of; Man, perfections of
acquisition of, 32.5, 47.9, 52.2-3, 81.4, 81.11
of Bahá'u'lláh, 9.5
of Christ, 21.2, 21.4, 21.10, 29.12, 31.2, 37.13, 54.5
of creation, 15.2, 62.1
degrees of, 64.2, 64.5, 66.4
divine, 3.7, 18.2, 18.6, 30.7, 31.3, 36-7, 39.1, 59.8, 64.5
human, 32.4, 46.2-3, 46.6, 47.9-11
of Manifestations, 18.6, 31.2-3, 37.11, 38.1, 42, 45.3
material, 1, 77.13
pre-existent, 82.14
return of, 33.9, 81.8, 81.14
spiritual, 29.2,77.13
of the universe, 32.2-5 

Perfect Man, Manifestations of God as, 11.1-2, 27.5, 44.12, 50.5, 59-8 

Persia and Persians
Bahá'u'lláh's transformation of, 9.13, 9.24, 84.12
captivity of Jews in, 6.2, 10.11-12
dominion of, 13.6
religious fanaticism of, 8.1, 9.1
sun as emblem of, 13.4 

Peter (Apostle), 9.25, 20.2, 34, 62.3, 63.2 

Pharaoh, 11.17, 64.4 

Pharisees, 13.14

Philosophers and philosophy, 59.7, 83.4, 84.9-10
ancient, 5.3, 5.5, 53.5, 81.13, 82.2, 83.2-5
divine, 17.2, 17.5-7, 48.4, 76.3
European, 46.8,49.3, 83.2
material, 17.2, 17.4-6, 48.2-3, 48.8, 48.11, 50.6
on one cause of all things, 82.13, 82.16 

Physicians. See also Healing arid health; Medicine
Galen, 5.5, 84.9, 84.10
Hippocrates, 5.5
lying to patients, 57.12
Manifestations as, 45.6
Prophets as, 20.4, 40.8
spiritual, 10.7, 72.6 

Pilgrims, Western, xi 

Plagues (Revelation of John), 11.18 

Planets, 1.2, 42.2

Plants, 17.4, 32.5, 82.17. See also Flowers; Tree(s);Vegetable kingdom
existence of, 49.3, 57.4
healing through, 73.5, 73.7
perfections of, 70.5 

Plato, 5.5, 7.14, 83.3, 84.9 

Plotinus, 82.2n1.62 

Pole Star, 48.6-7 Polygamy, 7.1, 7.4-5 

Poor, the, care of, 76.1, 78.12 

Popes. See Papacy 

Poverty, 2.4, 74.4, 74.6, 82.14
disparity between wealth and, 78:2-8, 78.12 

Power(s), 37.7,71.3. See also God, power of
extraordinary, 5.5-6
of growth, 37.13, 64.1
of Holy Spirit, 24.3, 36.9, 72.7
of man, 3.18, 30.12, 48.2, 48.5-7, 48.11, 56
of Manifestations, 11.37, 22.2, 22.8, 42, 58.5
material, 18.3, 56.1
Satanic, 64.2, 64.4
spiritual, 36.4, 56.2, 72.5, 73.1
of the two witnesses, 11.17-18, 11.21
universal, 84.4 

Prayer(s), 11.24-25, 62.3-7, 66.6 

Predestination, 35. See also Fate 

Pre-existence, 80. See also Existence
of Christ, 28
essential, 28.2, 80.2-4
of God, 53.5-6, 82.13
of knowledge, 35.4-5, 82.5-6, 82.13-14
temporal, 28.3, 80.2, 80.3 

Priests. See Divines 

Primal Point. See Báb, the 

Primal Will, 53.5-6. See also Will 

Profit-sharing, 78.5-8 

Progress, 63
human, 3.6, 64.6
Manifestations' influence on, 42.5
of soul after death, 62, 64, 66

Promised One, prophecies regarding, 13-5-9,25-7-8, 35-3- See also Manifestations of God

Promulgators, followers and, 43.4-6 

Proofs. See also Arguments; God, existence of, proofs of;
Manifestations of God, proofs of; and under individual Manifestations
rational, 10, 60.5, 60.7, 81.5, 83.7
traditional, 83.7 

regarding the Báb, 11.6, 11.34, 13.5-13
regarding Bahá'u'lláh, 9.15, 10, 11.34-45, 12
from Book of Revelation, 11
regarding Christ, 13.14, 26.4
from Daniel, 10.10-17, 10.19, 13.13
regarding the Messiah, 10.8, 26.4
regarding Muhammad, 11.5-7, 11.34, 13.4
regarding the Promised One, 13.5-7, 25.7-8, 35.3
in Tablets to the kings, 9.18
regarding Twin Manifestations, 10.8-22 

Prophethood and prophets, 43. See also Manifestations of God; and individual prophets
announcements of, 35.3, 35.5
cycles of, 14.7-15
descended from Abraham, 4.4, 57.6
as educators, 64.5
God's rebukes of, 44
on goodly deeds, 84.11
independent, 43.2, 43.3, 43.5-6
of Israel, 37.11, 37.13
miracles attributed to, 10.5, 22 cause of all things, 82.13
perfections of, 31.2, 62.1
as physicians, 20.4, 40.8
power of, 58.4
return of, 33, 81.14-15
station of, 27.8, 38.8
visions of, 71.4
on worlds of God, 82.17 

Ptolemy, 7.14,7.15, 81.13, 83.3 

being veiled from God as, 67.8, 67.10, 75.2
body politic’s responsibility for, 76.6, 77.2-3, 77.6, 77.10-11, 77.14
physical, 75.2
spiritual, 60.3, 81.3, 84.9
ultimate, 60.2,60.4 

Purification, 19.6, 30.7, 67.7
through repentance, 19.3-4, 20.5 

Pythagoras, 7.14

Qualities. See Attributes;Virtues 

Quddús, 11.28-31 

Qur'án, 7.11, 7.13, 7.15
dispensation of, 11.5-6, 11.23, 11.25
verses from
2:105, 32.1
3:74, 32.1
6:103, 37.4
17:60, 81.8
19:17, 17.3
23:14, 47.9, 60.4
36:36, 17.4
36:38, 7.14
36:40, 7.14
37.62-6, 81.8
37:180, 81.12
44:43-6, 81.8
48:1-2, 44.11
48:8, 11.12
56:52-3, 81.8
59:2, 37.10, 81.13

Reality. See also Change, spiritual reality unchanging; Intelligible realities; Man, reality of; Sensible realities
of Christ, 25.2, 27.5-8, 27.8, 29.4, 29.7, 30.7, 39.4, 63-2
contingent, 62.2
degrees of, 82.17-18
discoveries of, 48.4, 58.4
divine, 27.2-8, 29.3, 37, 43.3, 54.2-7, 55-5, 59-4, 59-8-9, 82
individual, 39.6, 82
of Manifestations, 16.10, 39.3, 39.4-6,45.5
progress of, 54.3, 62.3
search for, xx
spiritual, 18.3
uncompounded, 82.2, 82.6
universal, 59.8 

Reason, xiv, 36.4, 60.7, 76.2-3, 83.3-6, 84.7.
See also Mind, human 

Reed (Revelation of John), Perfect Man as, 11.1-2 

Reincarnation, xiii, 81 

Relationships, necessary, 40.8-9 

Religion. See also Manifestations of God, Dispensations founded by; and individual religions
as a bride, 13.1, 13.4
chosen ones of every, 11.36
cycles of, 14.7-12, 43.9-12
decline of, 11.22-6
foundations of, 11.24, 60.2
of God, 11.7-10
harmony of science and, xiv
as Holy City, 13.1, 13.3-4
influence on civilization, 84.9
Manifestations' founding of, 40.8-9, 43-3, 43-5, 43-9
material aspects changing, 11.10, 13-2
as necessary relationships, 40.8
as New Jerusalem, 13.1, 13.3-4
as promoter of truth, 34.10
spiritual foundation unchanging, 11.7-9, 11.12, 11.28, 11.42-43

Repentance, baptism of, 19.3-4,20.5 

Retaliation. See Revenge 

Return. See also Reincarnation
of Christ, 10.8, 26
in material world, 14.6, 14.11
of Prophets, 33, 81.14-15 

Revelation, divine, 3.18, 11.2, 35.3, 35.5, 37.11, 37.13. See also Bahá'u'lláh, revelation of; Word of God; and under Bible, verses from 

Revenge, 43.12, 76.5-6, 77-2, 77-5-7 

Rewards, 60.2-4, 81.3, 84.9 

Righteousness, 29.5. See also Deeds, good 

Rod, 11.2
of Jesse (Isaiah), 12.1-2,12.7 

Rome, 5.5, 6.2, 13.6, 34.4, 34.9 

Rumelia. See Adrianople

Sa'adat (felicity), 15.2n68

Sackcloth (Revelation of John), 11.12

Salvation, 10.7, 65, 84.2

Samuel, 37.13

Sanctification/sanctity, 19.6, 30.7, 67.7, 82.16, 82.18 

Science(s), xiv, 34.10-11, 48.4, 57.10, 58.3, 71.6. See also Discoveries; Evolution; Medicine

Scriptures, 10, 30.5,43.3, 83.6. See also Bible; Qur'an 

Seasons, 14.1-11. See also Autumn; Spring; Summer; Winter 

Seed(s), 14.3, 29.11, 37.13, 53.4, 82.16
procession of trees and flowers from, 47-7, 51-3-4. 54-3 

Seekers, 10.7, 14.12, 22.4, 84.6 

Self-sacrifice, 67.7 

Sensations, 62.2, 64.1, 82.17 

Senses, 67.6, 71.7
animal, 48.2, 48.4-7, 55.4, 58.2
comprehension through, 16.2, 61.1, 83-2,83.7
perception through, 67.5, 74.1-2
power of, 36.2, 48.11, 59.6 

Sensible realities, 3.10, 16, 25.3, 74.4, 83.2
discoveries of, 48.6-7
perception of, 36.2, 74.1, 74.2 

Serpent, and sin of Adam and Eve, 30.2, 30.6, 30.8, 30.11 

Servitude, 62.1-3 

Shoghi Effendi, xv-xvi, xvi-xvii 

Sight, sense of, 56.1,61.1. See also Blindness; Eyes
in animals, 48.5
power of, 3.8, 56.1, 56.3, 56.4, 59.6, 84.7 

Simon. See Peter (Aposde) 

Sin(s), 29, 30. See also Evil; Iniquity 

Sleep, 16.8-10, 38.8, 39.6, 58.5, 61.2-3, 71.8 

Smell, sense of, 16.2, 16.3, 48.5, 56.1, 56.4, 73.2, 73.6, 83.2 

Socrates, 5.3 

Sodom, 11.22

Solar system, 7.14-15, 42.2, 48.7, 83.3 

Solomon, 11.4, 43.5 

Some Answered Questions
'Abdu'l-Baha’s review of, xii, xiii
first editions of, xii, xvi
Persian text, xii, xix, xx
Shoghi Effendi's endorsement of, xvi-xvii
subject matter of, xii-xiii, xvi
translations of, xii, xv-xvi, xvii, xix 

Son of God. See Jesus Christ 

Sophists, 79.1 Sorrow, 16.4, 39.6, 48.4 

Soul(s), 55, 58.3, 60.4, 71.7. See also Manifestations of God, stations of, rational soul; Spirit, human
attributes of, 57.9, 59.7-8
blindness of, 31.3-6
healing other souls, 72.5-6
prayers for departed, 62.3-4, 62.6-7, 66.6
progress after death, 62, 64, 66
veiled, 65.3, 67.10 

Species. See also Animal kingdom
evolution and transformation of, 46, 47-6-11, 49
human, 17.7, 46, 47.9-11, 49.2, 49.4-8, 50.1-4, 64.1
originality of, 47.11, 49.2-8
origination of, 38.5-6
return and recurrence of, 81.7
use of term, xiv, 46, 1n127 

Speech, 61.1, 84.7 

Spirit(s), 55. See also Holy Spirit
animal, 36.2, 36.3, 48.11, 55.2, 55.4
baptism by, 19.5-7
conversing with, 71
degrees of, 16.4, 81.10
education of, 57.8
heavenly, 36.6
kinds of, 36, 55.2
mineral, 36.1n110
vegetable, 36.1, 37.13 

Spirit, human, xv, 36.3-5, 40.5, 51. See also Soul(s)
body's connection with, 52, 80.4, 81.11
bondage of, 30.6, 30.8-9
essential pre-existence of, 80.4
immortality of, 5.3, 60, 61
life of, 67.3-5
Manifestations' enlightenment of, 42.3, 42.5
origination of, 38.5-6
perfections of, 52.3, 52.5
power of, 30.12, 48.6-7, 48.11, 55.5-6
procession from God, 53.1-5, 54, 82.18
progress of, 63.2
reality of, 16.3, 16.4, 48.4
as sign of God, 37.13, 38.5-6
in sleep, 61.2-3
space and time traversed by, 67.2, 67.5
understanding modes of, 61.1 

Spirit of faith, 36.6, 55.2, 55.5. See also Faith and faithfulness 

Spirit of God. See Jesus Christ, spirit of 

Spiritual disclosures, 71 

Splendour, heavenly, as station of Manifestations, 38.1, 38.4, 38.8 

material, 14.2, 14.6, 16.9, 36.7, 42.4, 67.4
spiritual, 14.7-8, 14.11, 36.8-9, 42.5, 43.5 

Stars, 1.2, 23.5, 26.1, 26.5, 37.12, 69 

Statues, worship of, 43.8, 43.9, 43.11 

Steadfastness, 67.7 

Strikes, 78 

Substance, 82.8-12 

Sudan, people of, 3.3 

Suffering, 75

Sufis, 82.1-7, 82.12, 82.15, 82.16, 82.17 

Summer, 14.3, 14.8-9, 42.4 

Sun, 13.4, 35.6, 36.3, 63.3, 84.10
cycles of, 14.12-13, 14.15, 42.4
earth nurtured by, 53.2
as emblem of Persia, 13.4
existence of, 26.5,46.5
light of, 28.2, 37.12, 39.3, 39.6, 42.2, 53.2-3, 84.10
Manifestations compared to, 42.5, 43.3
mirror's relationship to, 24.2, 25.4-5, 27.4-6, 36.7, 37.5, 39.4, 54.5-6. 55.5, 61.6, 67.5, 81.11
perfect organization of, 1.2, 18.2
prophethood compared to, 38.7
rays of, 31.2, 36.7, 45.2, 49.5, 50.2-3, 52.3, 52.5-6, 55.6, 80.4, 82.16-18
reality of, 59.4, 59.8
as source of life, 42.2, 53.2

Tablet of the Testament. See Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of, Book of the Covenant 

Taste, sense of, 56.1, 56.4, 83.2
in animals, 48.5, 73.6 

Teachings, divine
of Bahá'u'lláh, 9.13
of Christ, 21.4, 21.7
spread of, 13.2, 42.5
true happiness found in, 15.8, 84.11
unchanging nature of, 11.42-43 

Telegraph, 1.4, 17.5, 48.4. See also Inventions 

Temple (Jerusalem), 11.3-8, 11.11, 11.42 

Ten Commandments, 43.9 

Tests. See Martyrdoms;Torment 

Theft, laws against, 11.10, 76.3 

Theosophists, 81.9, 82.1-7, 82.12, 82.15 

discoveries of, 58.4
excellence or baseness of, 76.2-3
existence of, 80.3, 80.7
imperfection of, 38.6
knowledge of, 45.2, 59.3-4, 82.5-6
non-existent, 60.5
progress of all, 63
realities of, 3.10, 20.2, 22.1, 35.4, 40.8, 71.6, 84.2 

Thought(s), 20.7, 56.2, 56.3, 56.4. See also Mind, human
Manifestations' enlightenment of, 42.3, 42.5 

Tihrán, Bahá'u'lláhs exile from, 9.5 

Time, 39.7, 47, 67.1-2. See also Pre-existence 

Torah, 54.1, 83.6, 84.12. See also under Bible, verses from
advent ofTwin Manifestations foretold in, 10.16-22
commandments and laws in, 11.12, 20.5, 20.8, 43.9, 76.2
day stands for year in, 10.12, 10.16
Muhammad's defence of, 7.12
regarding Christ, 13.14
regarding Promised One, 35.3
regarding Twin Manifestations, 10.8
sin of Adam and Eve in, 30 

Torment, 75

Touch, sense of, 56.1, 83.2 

Tradition(s), 10.3, 14.9, 20.4n80
as criterion of comprehension, 83.6-7
of Imam ‘Ali, 37.2 , 37.8
proofs from, 10.6, 10.8-22 

Transfiguration, day of, 33.4, 71.7, 71.9 

Transformation, 53.7, 81.8, 84.12. See also Change(s) 

Transmigration, 81.3, 81.5, 81.11 

Treachery, 64.4, 75.1, 76.3 

Tree(s). See also Seed(s);Vegetable kingdom
beauty and perfection of, 32.3
fruit of, 49.4, 50.5, 51.3-4, 52.4, 55.6
of good and evil, 30
inability to comprehend, 59.6
process from seed to, 51.3-4, 54.3, 82.16
Prophets compared to, 44.5
recurrence and return of, 81.7, 81.8
religions compared to, 43.10 

Tree of Zaqqúm, 81.8n157 

"Trefah" (unclean), 76.2 

Tribunal, universal, 12.4 

Trinity, 16.7,27. See also God; Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ 

Trustworthiness, 64.4 

Truth and truthfulness, 64.4, 67.7
of Christ, 22.5
Manifestations as centres of, 40.8-9, 42-3, 45-5
religion as promoter of, 34.10
search for, 10.7, 14.12, 14.14
spiritual, 11.7, 25.7-8 

Twin Manifestations, prophecies regarding, 10.8-22. See also Báb, the; Bahá'u'lláh

Umayyads, 11.20, 11.22, 13.6-7 

Understanding. See also Knowledge
animals' powers of, 48.2
lack of, 1.5,74.3
spiritual, 61.1, 71.6, 71.7 

Unity, 27.8, 47.3. See also God, oneness of
brought by Bahá'u'lláh, 12.4, 12.6-7
brought by Christ, 3.13-14,12.3
of existence, 82
of Manifestations, 11.37
of souls, 71.7 

Universal House of Justice, xiv, 45.4 Universal tribunal, 12.4 Universe

existence of, 80.6, 81.12, 81.13

infinite, 81.12, 81.13

mysteries of, 3.10, 34.11,64.4

order in, 32.2-7

origin of, 47

Valid, 13.6

Vegetable kingdom, 64.1, 82.11. See also Flowers; Plants; Seed(s);Tree(s)
degrees and stations in, 32.6, 40.7, 62.1-2
happiness in, 15.3, 15.6
need for cultivation in, 3.1, 3.2
perfections of, 32.2, 32.3, 46.6, 51.4, 82.16
spirit of, 55.2, 55.3
transformation in, 49.3-4, 49.7 

Vengeance. See Revenge 

Vestigial organs and limbs, 47.11, 49.3-6 

Vices, 36.5, 57.12, 60.3, 64.4 

Violence, Christ's teachings against, 43.12. See also Revenge

acquisition of, 3.4, 15.7, 36.5, 81.11
of Christ, 37.13
human, 11.7-9, 11.19, 11.24-25, 60.3, 64.4, 74.2
of Manifestations, 38.1
spiritual, 11.7, 29.3, 84.2-3, 84.6, 84.10
true happiness lies in, 15.7 

in Bible, 71.2, 71.9
physical, 37.12, 50.3, 61.1, 83.2
spiritual, 2.8,61.2,71

Wakefulness, 16.8, 38.8, 61.2, 61.4, 71.4 

among Arab tribes, 7.4, 7.6,
by beast (Revelation of John), 11.20-1
among Christians, 43.12
between France and Germany, 9.16
Muslim law of, 7.9
will be banned, 12.4 

Water, 1.3, 11.17, 19.5-7, 20.5 73.7 

Weaknesses, 2.3, 37.7, 57.5, 74.4, 82.14. See also Imperfection 

Wealth, 2.4, 15.6, 62.4, 62.5, 74.6, 82.14
disparity between poverty and, 78.2-8, 78.12 

Welfare, human, 3.6, 78.12 

Will, 1.3, 32-5
free, 35, 70
Primal, 53.5 

Winter, 14.5, 14.10 

of God, 11.13, 20.8, 47.5, 47.8
human, 49.5
of Manifestations, 45.5-6

Witnesses, two (Revelation of John), 11 

Woes (Revelation of John), 11.34 

Woman clothed with sun (Revelation of John), 13.4-12 

Women, treatment of by Arab tribes, 7-3-7 

Word of God. See also Jesus Christ; Revelation, divine
is word of Manifestations, 44.5
manifestational appearance of, 54.5-7
man's spiritual nature inherited from, 29.2, 29.7, 30.9
pre-existence of, 28.3, 28.4, 80.7
revelation from, 37.11
station of, 30.7, 38.4, 38.7, 38.9 

Work and workers, 76.1, 78.1, 78.4-11 

Works and faith, 65. See also Deeds, good 

World, contingent, 2.3-6, 3. n, 11.10, 20.2, 20.4, 29.5. See also Creation; Existence
attachment to, 30.6, 30.8-9, 30.12
cycles in, 14.1-6
degrees and stations in, 32.6, 46.3
existence of, 38.5, 42.2, 47.6, 79.2, 80.6
God's knowledge in, 35.4
imperfection in, 2.3, 27.4, 37.7

Yahyá, Mirza, 64.4 

Yazid, 13.6

Zaqqúm, Tree of, 81.8n157 

Zodiac, signs of, 14.12-13. See also Solar system 

Zoroastrianism, prophecies regarding Twin Manifestations, 10.8