'Ab‡ Bas’r (son of H‡j’ Muhammad-Husayn, who repulsed the 'Ir‡qi regiment at Zanj‡n),
Nab’l gives acknowledgment in his account of upheaval of Zanj‡n, 580
'Abb‡s M’rz‡. See M’rz‡ Buzurg
'Abb‡s-Qul’ Kh‡n, instigates martyrdom of Vah’d at Nayr’z, 494
'Abb‡s-Qul’-Kh‡n-i-L‡r’j‡n’, 339, 341, 375, 386, 391
'Abdu'l-'Al’ H‡j’ Shaykh (Vah’d's father-in-law, distinguished among the notables of Nayr’z), 476, 498
'Abdu'l-'Al’-Kh‡n-i-Mar‡ghiy’ (Captain of Prince Hamzih's artillery and a loyal friend to Mull‡ Husayn at Mashhad), 290, 324
'Abdu'l-Kar’m-i-Qazv’n’, Mull‡, of Qazv’n) also named M’rz‡ Ahmad by Bah‡'u'll‡h), 159, 162, 163, 168, 170, 176, 212, 227, 439
'Abdu'l-'Azim-i-Khu'’, Siyyid (surnamed Siyyid-i-Kh‡l-D‡r) (one of the survivors of Tabars’), 362, 471
'Abdu'l-B‡q’, Siyyid, was noted for his learning, (present when B‡b dictated Tablet to H‡j’ M’rz‡ Jan’ at K‡sh‡n; afterwards became a believer), 219, 221
'Abdu'l-Ham’d-Kh‡n (whose son was healed by the B‡b), 195, 197, 372
'Abdu'l-Qas’m-i-'Al‡qih-Band-i-Isf‡h‡n’, 587
'Abdu'l-Vahh‡b, H‡j’, 7;
story of, 87
'Abdu'l-Maj’d, H‡j’ (Father of Bad’, bearer of Bah‡'u'll‡h's Tablet to N‡siri'd-D’n-Sh‡h),
325, 580
'Abdu'll‡h-Mull‡, a native of Sh’r‡z (recounts the murder of Mull‡ Taq’), 276
'Abdu'll‡h Kh‡n-i-Turkam‡n (Head of army ordered by the Sh‡h to attack Tabars’), 359,
360 (note 2)
Abu'l-'Aliy-i-Har‡t’ (An enemy of Mull‡ Husayn), 159, 161
Abu'l-Hasan-i-Bazz‡z, H‡j’ (A traveller with the B‡b to Hij‡z), 156
Abu'l-Hasan-i-Sh’r‡z’, H‡j’, 130
Abu-T‡lib, Siyyid (The kad-khud‡ of a district in Nayr’z and one of the companions of
Vah’d), 407, 408, 481
Abu'l Qas’m, M’rz‡ (Son-in-law and trusted disciple of the mujtahid, M’rz‡ Muhammad
Taq’), investigates the message of Bah‡'u'll‡h, 114, 116
Abœ-Tur‡b, Shaykh (a native of Ishtih‡rd, one of the disciples of Siyyid K‡zim) (See note
p. 39), 293, 299, 347
Abœ-T‡lib Kh‡n, M’rz‡ (brother-in-law of M’rz‡ Hasan, Bah‡'u'll‡h's half brother), 639
'çbid H‡j’, Siyyid (one of the attendants who accompanied Vah’d to the enemy's camp and to
his martyrdom), 490
Ahmad-i-Ahs‡'’, Shaykh, 1 (notes 1, 2, 3), 1-18, 140, 201
Ahmad-i-Azghand’, M’rz‡ (a learned 'Ulam‡ of Khur‡s‡n), 125, 127, 184, 504, 587
'Akk‡ (reference to the most great Prison), Turkish penal colony, now in the State of Israel,
All‡h-Y‡r, H‡j’ (who with Sulayman Kh‡n transfers the B‡b's remains to Tihr‡n), 519
'Al’ Kh‡n. Siyyid, arrest at Zanj‡n, 557
'Al’-H‡j’, M’rz‡, Siyyid (surnamed Kh‡l-i-A'zam), the B‡b's maternal uncle, also one of
The Seven Martyrs of Tihr‡n, 143, 151, 175, 442, 446
'Al’, M’rz‡, Mull‡, Shaykh (surnamed 'Azim), nephew of the Im‡m Jum'ih of the Masjid-i-Vak’l, 125, 155, 172, 306, 313, 505, 587, 599
'Al’-Askar, H‡j’ (visits B‡b in Tabr’z when imprisoned), 239, 240
relates account of Martyrdom of the B‡b, 518
'Al’-Mard‡n Kh‡n (Fort of), (Hujjat, transferred to), 545, (note 1)
'Al’ Kh‡n-i-M‡h-Kœ'’ (warden of the Castle of M‡h-Kœ), 230, 243, 247, 256, 302
'Al’y-i-Bastam’, Mull‡ (one of the Letters of the Living)
arrival with companions in Sh’r‡z, 66, 87;
suffering of, 89
'Al’y-i-Mudhahhib, Mull‡ (one of the attendants who bore Vah’d to his martyrdom), 490
'Al’y-i-Zunœz’, Siyyid (a notable of Tabr’z, Muhammad-'Al’y-i-Zunœz’'s stepfather), 307, 509
Am’r-Niz‡m-Taq’ Kh‡n, M’rz‡ (Grand Vaz’r of N‡siri'd-D’n Sh‡h), 332, 500, 504, 506, 526, 539, 547, 595
Am’r-Tuman. See Muhammad Kh‡n
çq‡ Kh‡n-i-Nœr’, M’rz‡ (the I'tim‡du'd-Dawlih who succeeded M’rz‡ Taq’ Kh‡n), 120, 279, 502, 522, 598, 650
çq‡s’, H‡j’, M’rz‡ (Grand Vaz’r of Muhammad Sh‡h), 120, 121, 204, 226, 231, 244, 254, 259, 280, 301, 525, 531
çq‡ J‡n, M’rz‡ (Bah‡'u'll‡h's Amanuensis), 460
çq‡ J‡n Kh‡n-i-Khamsih (known also by the name of Khamsin and N‡sir’), colonel of the body guard, executioner of the B‡b), 514
çq‡y-i-Kal’m (Bah‡'u'll‡h's brother), 183, 255, 286, 288, 397, 432, 441, 582
çq‡y-i-Rik‡b-S‡z, M’rz‡ (one of those present in the Masjid-i-Vak’l and heard the B‡b, he
afterwards suffered martyrdom), 156
Asadu'll‡h, H‡j’ (a noted merchant of Qazv’n), one of the first to be martyred in Qazv’n, 281
Asadu'll‡h, M’rz‡ (surnamed Dayy‡n by the B‡b), 303, 304
çyatu'l-Kurs’ (verse of the Qur'‡n, commentary on, by Siyyid K‡zim), 10
'Az’m. See 'Al’, M’rz‡, Shaykh
'Aziz (uncle of Bah‡'u'll‡h), 113
'Az’z Kh‡n-i-Mukr’ (surnamed Sard‡r-i-Kull), his meeting with Hujjat, 556
B‡b ('Al’ Muhammad, M’rz‡, of Sh’r‡z), 27, 30, 52
early days of, 72
His birth, 72
school days, 75
marriage, 76
stay in Bœshihr, 77
farewell address to Letters of Living, 92
reference to His mother and wife, 191
His arrest and outbreak of the plague, 196
release of, 197
farewell to His relatives and departure from Sh’r‡z, 198
His letter to Manœchihr Kh‡n. 199
honours accorded by the people to, 202
His commentary on Sœrih of Va'l-'Asr, 201, 202, 203
death warrant of B‡b issued by 'ulamas of Isf‡h‡n, 209, 211, 212
His prediction of the approaching death of Manuchihr Kh‡n. 213
His three days at the home of H‡j’ M’rz‡ J‡n’ in K‡sh‡n, 219
His joy at the gift and message from Bah‡'u'll‡h, 227
Muhammad Sh‡h, letter from, 229
last stage of His journey to Tabr’z, 235
His farewell to His guards, 236
welcomed by a youthful disciple on arriving at Tabr’z, 237, 238
incarceration in the castle of M‡h-Kœ, 243
incident in the life of, at M‡h-Kœ, 252
dream of, prior to declaration of His mission, 253
His words to Mull‡ Husayn, 258
His farewell to Mull‡ Husayn, 260
His epistle to the believers, 269
incarceration at the castle of Chihr’q, 302, 303
His examination at Tabr’z, 315
indignities inflicted upon Him, 319
return to Chihr’q and His epistle to H‡j’ M’rz‡ çq‡s’, 323
effects of the M‡zindar‡n disaster on Him, 430
disposal of His documents, 504
arrival at Tabr’z, 506
His confinement in the barracks, 507
His warning to the Farr‡sh-B‡sh’, 508
issue of His death warrant, 510
S‡m Kh‡n's request, 512
miraculous escape, 513
renewed and final attempt on His life, 514
transference of His remains to Tihr‡n, 519
effects of His martyrdom, 523
Badasht (Hamlet of), conference of, 288, 293
significance of gathering, 293, 297
departure of Bah‡'u'll‡h from, 298
Baghd‡d, 271, 650
Bah‡'’ Martyrs
execution of first in Persia, 280
massacre of Qav’n, 282
list of martyrs at M‡zindar‡n, 414
execution of the seven martyrs of Tihr‡n, 446
burial of the seven martyrs, 463
names of martyrs at Nayr’z (Fort of Kh‡jih), 487
martyrs of Zanj‡n, 580
Bah‡'u'll‡h (M’rz‡ Husayn 'Al’ of Nœr), 12, 32, 103, 118, 120, 269, 284, 286, 292, 297
incident in N’y‡l‡ as related by, 299
His visit to Fort of Shaykh Tabars’, 348, 368
reference to His activities prior to the declaration of mission, 372, 433, 459
His journey to Karbil‡, incidents related by, 582, 586, 591, 593, 596
His meeting with 'Azim, 599
His imprisonment in S’y‡h-Ch‡l, 607
incident in the S’y‡h-Ch‡l, related by, 631, 635
His possessions plundered in M‡zindar‡n, 637
release and banishment to Baghd‡d, 650
Bah’yyih Kh‡num. "The Greatest Holy Leaf," see Dedication page
B‡l’-Sar’, explanation of the term, 84
B‡rfurœsh, 183, 261, 336, 339, 408
B‡qir, Mull‡ (the im‡m of the Chin‡r-Sœkhtih), 476
B‡qir-i-Tabr’zi, Mull‡ (one of the Letters of the Living), 368, 505
Bas’r-i-Hindi, Siyyid (converted to the faith by Shaykh Sa'id-i-Hind’ in India), 588 (note 1)
Bay‡n, Persian, reference to journey of B‡b to Mecca and Medina in, 130
Bœshihr, 51, 142, 671
Buzurq-i-Nœr’, M’rz‡ (M’rz‡ 'Abb‡s, Father of Bah‡'u'll‡h; one of the wisest administrators among the Vaz’rs of the King), 11, 109, 234
Chihr’q, Castle of, B‡b's transference to, 259, 301
attitude of people toward the B‡b, 302, 303
believers dismissed from, 306
B‡b's return to, 323
Farr‡sh-B‡sh’, the B‡b's warning to, 509, 513
F’rœz, M’rz‡, Prince (the Nusratu'd-Dawlih, of Nayr’z), 482
Fath-'Al’ Sh‡h, 5
Genealogy of B‡b, lviii
Genealogy of Muhammad, liv
Ghul‡m-Rid‡-i-Yazd’ (accompanied Vah’d to Nayr’z; one of the martyrs of Kh‡zih), 474, 486
Ghul‡m-Rid‡y-i-Kœchik (accompanies Vah’d to Nayr’z), 474
Gurgin Kh‡n (successor to Manœchihr Kh‡n), 213
his communication to Muhammad Sh‡h, 214, 215
H‡d’ (Hujjat's infant son, killed at Zanj‡n), 572
H‡d’, M’rz‡ (brother of Prince M’rz‡ Muhammad 'Al’), 159, 161, 461
Hasan, 'Aka, Siyyid, of Yazd (brother of Siyyid Husayn-i-Yazd’), 227, 245, 257
Hasan-i-Zunœz’, Shaykh, 25, 30, 212, 245, 307, 593
Hujjat-i-Zanj‡n’ (Muhammad-'Al’y-i-Zanj‡n, Mull‡)
conversion of, 178
activities prior to conversion, 529
acceptance of message of B‡b, 531, 534
incarceration in Tihr‡n, 537, 539, 540
his petition to N‡sirid-D’n Sh‡h, 554
death of his wife and child, 572
his death and his interment, 573
indignities inflicted on his body and fate of his kinsmen, 578
Husayn-i-Bushrœ'’, Mull‡ (B‡bu'l-B‡b, First Letter of the Living), 47, 48
interview with B‡b in Sh’r‡z, 52
dismissal of, 85
B‡b's parting words to, 96, 97, 123
his letter to the B‡b, 126
his departure tor Khur‡s‡n, 170
departure for Mashhad and pilgrimage to M‡h-Kœ, 254
visit to Tihr‡n, 255
arrival at M‡h-Kœ, 256
words of B‡b to, 258
farewell of B‡b to, 260
his arrival at Mashhad, 267
attack by the people of B‡rfurœsh, 329
repulse by, 330, 338, 363, 378
last moments of, 379
death of, 381
reference to his burial and achievements, 382, 386
listed as second of martyrs of Fort Tabars’, 415
Husayn-i-Mutavall’, Siyyid (betrays Quddœs to enemy), 384, 398
Husayn-i-Tursh’z’, Siyyid (a native of Tursh’z, a village in Khur‡s‡n), and one of the seven martyrs, 455
Husayn-i-Yazd’, Siyyid (the B‡b's amanuensis in M‡h-Kœ and Chihr’g and one of the
Letters of the Living), 192, 193, 212, 219, 227, 243;
account of his life and martyrdom, 257, 507, 508, 513;
in Tihr‡n, 629
Husayn Kh‡n-i-êrv‡n’ (Governor of the province of F‡rs; surnamed çjœd‡n B‡sh’ and generally designated in those days as Sahib Ikht’y‡r), 145, 146
B‡b's meeting with, 151, 195, 196
Ibr‡h’m, M’rz‡ (brother of M’rz‡ Muhammad-i-'Al’y-i-Nahr’), 208
Im‡m-Jum'ih, 201, 202
visit of Mull‡ Husayn to, 97
B‡b's sojourn in, 199. See reference, 671
Ism‡'il-i-Qum’, H‡j’, Mull‡ (a native of Far‡h‡n and one of the seven martyrs), 453
J‡n’y-i-K‡sh‡n’, H‡j’, M’rz‡ (surnamed Parp‡), 217, 219, 368, 436
Ja'far-Qul’ Kh‡n-i-Namd‡r, 254, 279, 391, 394
Jav‡d-i-Karbil‡'’, H‡j’, Siyyid (was called the Siyyid-i-Nœr), 188 (notes 2 and 3)
Jay‡d-i-Kirman’, H‡j’, Siyyid, 180, 593
Kang‡var (arrival of the believers and their meeting with Mull‡ Husayn), 158
Karbil‡, 2, 17, 32, 268, 582
Karbil‡'’ 'Abdu'l-Bag’ (death of his five sons), 561
K‡sh‡n, 8, 101, 217, 223
K‡zim-i-Rasht’, Siyyid, 10
mission of, 19
his allusion to the promised one, 24
visit to the B‡b, 26
B‡b attends his class, 27
his death, 45
Khusraw-i-Q‡d’-Kal‡'’ (a notorious scoundrel), 339, 342
Khur‡s‡n ("Land of Kh‡"), 10, first believers of, 125, 254, 267, 268, 286, 296
See reference, 671
Kin‡r-Gird (Fortress of), 225
Kirm‡nsh‡h, 13, 272, 587. See reference, 671
Kulayn (Village of), 226
Letters of the Living, see Tablets to, in front of Book
names of, 80, 82
B‡b's farewell address to, 92
instruction of B‡b to, 123
M‡h-Kœ (Castle of)
B‡b's incarceration, 30, 183, 243, 244, 250
incidents in the life of the B‡b at, 252, 256
Mahmœd-i-Qamsar’, M’rz‡, 8
Manuchihr Kh‡n, the Mu'tamidu'd-Dawlih, 199, 203, 205, 211, 213, 214
Mashhad, 12, 267, 288, 324. See reference, 671
upheaval of, 299, 324, 362, 378, 387, 394, 396
general massacre, 404
list of martyrs, 414. See reference, 671
Mecca, 132, 138
Medina, 18, 140
Mihd’-Qul’, M’rz‡, Prince, 332, 363, 368, 389, 393, 399, 583
"Most Great Branch" (Title given to 'Abdu'l-Bah‡, 'Abb‡s Effendi who was Bah‡'u'll‡h's eldest son and whom He left as the interpreter of His Cause), 209, 440
incident related by, 616
Muhammad, Mull‡ (son of Mull‡ Taq’ and_husband of T‡hirih), 113, 116, 117, 273, 275
Muhammad-'Al’, M’rz‡ (brother of Bœyœk-çq‡ and a distinguished Siyyid of Khuy), 303
Muhammad-'Al’, M’rz‡ of Tabr’z (who suffered martyrdom with the B‡b), 509, 510, 512, 513
Muhammad-'Al’y-i-Nahr’, M’rz‡, Prince (whose daughter, Munir’h Kh‡num, was married to the "Most Great Branch" ('Abdu'l-Bah‡), 159, 161, 208, 461
Muhammad-'Al’y-i-Qazv’n’, M’rz‡ (one of the Letters of the Living), 273, 290
Muhammad-'Al’y-i-Zanj‡n, Mull‡ (The B‡b named him Hujjat-i-Zanj‡n’). See Hujjat-i-Zanj‡n’
Miihammad-B‡qir-i-Rasht’, Haj?, Siyyid (known as H‡r‡t’), 19, 97, 264
Muhammad B‡qir (nephew of Mull‡ Husayn and one of the Letters of the Living), 287
Muhammad-Big-i-Ch‡parch’, 215, 226, 442, 536
Muhammad-Hasan-i-Qazv’n’ (given the name of Fat‡'l-Qazv’n’), 287
takes message from T‡hirih to Quddœs, 294
Muhammad-Husayn-i-Mar‡ghi'’ (one of the seven martyrs), 458
Muhammad-Kh‡n (the Am’r-Tœm‡n), 556
Muhammad-i-Furœgh’, M’rz‡, Mull‡, 125, 332, 334, 353, 404, 580
Muhammad-i-Gulp‡yig‡n’, Siyyid (pen name was Ta'ir, whom T‡hirih styled as Fat‡'l-Mal’h), 273
Muhammad-i-M‡m‡q‡n’, Mull‡ (noted and learned disciple of Shaykh Ahmad-i-Ahs‡'’), 11, 314, 509
Muhammad-Mihd’ (surnamed Safihu'l-'Ulama), 205
Muhammad-Mihd’y-i-Kand’, Mull‡ (bearer of message from Bah‡'u'll‡h to the B‡b), 227, 440
Muhammad-Mustaf‡ (an Arab native of Baghd‡d), 271, 273
Muhammad-i-Nœr’, Mull‡ (surnamed Mu'allim of Nœr), his meeting with Mull‡ Husayn;
his message to Bah‡'u'll‡h, 104
Muhammad-Rid‡, Siyyid (the B‡b's father), 14
Muhammad-Rid‡y-i-Mansh‡d’, Mull‡ (one of the enlightened 'ulamas of Manshad), Bah‡'u'll‡h gave him the name of Rada'r-Rœh, 473
Muhammad-Taq’, M’rz‡ (the leading mujtahid in S‡r’, M‡zindar‡n), 300, 346, 351, 357, 407
Muhammad-Taq’y-i-Har‡t’, Mull‡, 202, 208
Muhammad-Taq’y-i-Mil‡n’, 239
Muhammad-Taq’y-i-Nœr’, M’rz‡ (a celebrated mujtahid of Nœr), his meeting with Bah‡'u'll‡h, 111
two dreams of, 111, 112
Muhammad-Taq’y-i-Kirmani, H‡j’, (one of the seven martyrs), 456
Muhammad Sh‡h, 121, 171, 177, 215, 229, 253, 525, 531, 537, 539
Muhit-i-Kirm‡n’, M’rz‡ (the declaration of the B‡b to), 134, 136, 137, 138
Murtad‡, Siyyid (a noted merchant of Zanj‡n, and one of the seven martyrs), 457
Mustafa Big-i-Sanandaj’ (a dervish; surnamed Majdhœb, one of the first to recognize the station of Bah‡'u'll‡h), 118
Nab’l-i-A'zam, Muhammad-i-Zarand’, 169, 434, 580, 586, 592
Najaf, 2, 7, 50
N‡siri'd-D’n Sh‡h (the Vali-'Ahd, See Glossary), 314 (note 1), 358, 365, 400, 500, 539
Hujjat's petition to, 554
attempt on life, 599
Navv‡b Hamzih M’rz‡ (Governor of çdhirbayj‡n), 504
Navv‡b-i-Radav’ (the most prominent of Vah’d's adversaries), 467, 471
Nayr’z (upheaval of), 465, 474, 479, 642
Naw-Rœz (feast of), 191, 219, 256, 466
N’y‡l‡ (incident related by Bah‡'u'll‡h), 299, 301, 324
N’y‡z-i-Baghd‡d’, H‡j’ (incident related by), 138
Nœr (in province of M‡zindar‡n), 112;
effects of Bah‡'u'll‡h's visit to, 118
Qahru'll‡h (name given by the B‡b to the dervish from India, af Isk’-Shahr), 305, 306
Qazv’n, 260, 269, 273;
massacre of, 282
Quddœs (B‡b bestowed upon him the name of Ismu'll‡hu'l-çkhar: literally "The Last Name of God"; The last Letter of the Living)
arrival in Sh’r‡z, 69
visits B‡b's maternal uncle in Sh’r‡z, 143
meeting with Sadiq-i-Khur‡s‡n’, 145
visits Kirm‡n, Tihr‡n, and M‡zindar‡n, 179, 180, 182, 183
visit from Mull‡ Husayn in B‡rfurœsh, 261
Instruction to Mull‡ Husayn, 265
departure for M‡zindar‡n, 290
meeting with Bah‡'u'll‡h in Sh‡h-Rœd, 292
incarceration of, 351
arrival of Quddœs at Fort of Shaykh Tabars’, 352, 355
injury sustained by, 367
assists at last moments of Mull‡ Husayn, 381
martyrdom of, 410
Qum, 101, 223
Qurban-'Al’, M’rz‡ (a native of B‡rfurœsh one of the seven martyrs), 449 (note 2)
S‡diq-i-Khur‡s‡ni, Mull‡ (formerly known as Muqaddas and surnamed by Bah‡'u'll‡h, Ismu'll‡hu'l-Asdaq), conversion of, 100, 145, 184
Sadru'd-Dawl’y-i-Isf‡h‡n’ (grandson of H‡j’ Muhammad-Husayn Kh‡n-i-lsf‡h‡n’ and a general in the imperial army), 547
Sa'idu'l-'Ulam‡ (the chief divine of B‡rfurœsh), 265, 266, 358
Salih, H‡j’-Mull‡ (T‡hirih's father), 273
S‡m Kh‡n (Colonel of the Christian regiment of Urœmiyya), 510, 512, 514, 516
Sayy‡h (M’rz‡ 'Al’y-i-Sayy‡h-i-Mar‡ghih’), 431 (note 3), 432, 433
Sh‡h-Rud (village of), 292, 299
Sh’r‡z, 4, 30
B‡b's stay in, 143
reference to those who embraced the faith in, 156. See reference, 671
S’y‡h-Ch‡l (literally black pit)
reference to, 372, 377
Bah‡'u'll‡h's imprisonment in, 607, 631
Siy‡h-Dih‡n (village of, near Qasv’n), 235 (note 2)
Sulaym‡n Kh‡n, H‡j’, 610;
martyrdom of, 617, 618
Sulaym‡n Kh‡n-i-Afshar, 235, 391, 402
Sult‡n-i-Karbil‡'i, Shaykh, 190, 270, 593
Sœrih of Va'l-'Asr (B‡b's commentary), 201, 202
T‡hirih (also known as Qurrat-i-'Ayni, and Zarnn-TaJi)
reference to, 81
response to appeal of B‡b, 269
activities in Karbil‡, 270
activities in Baghd‡d, 271
stay in Kirm‡nsh‡h, 272
confinement in Qazv’n, 273
her deliverance by Bah‡'u'll‡h, 284
removal to Tihr‡n, 284
her attitude to the B‡b and Bah‡'u'll‡h, 285, 286, 287
Taq’, Mull‡ (uncle of T‡hirih), 273, 276, 277, 278
Tihr‡n, 13, 101, 261, 287, 389, 433. See reference, 671
Umm-i-Ashraf, (one of the women who distinguished themselves by the tenacity of their faith in Zanj‡n), heroism of, 562
Yahy‡y-i-Darab’, Siyyid (surnamed Vah’d)
interview with B‡b, 173, 177
journey to Tihr‡n and Yazd, 465
declaration of, to people of Yazd, 469, 472, 474
his departure for Nayr’z, 474, 481, 483, 486, 489
martyrdom of, 494, 495 (note 2)
account of death, 495 (note 3)
Yazd, 5, 465, 642. See reference, 671
Yœsuf-i-Ardib’l’, Mull‡, 187, 367, 399
Zanj‡n (upheaval of), 260, 527, 528, 532, 543
Zaynab (a village maiden), heroism of, 550
Zaynu'l-'çbid’n Kh‡n (governor of Nayr’z), 476, 484, 490