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Monologues on the Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah and Howard University Visit Commemoration

AuthorVasu Mohan
Author 2
Donna Denize
Author 3
Nadim van de Fliert
Title of item
Monologues on the Bicentenary of the Birth of Baha'u'llah and Howard University Visit Commemoration
Date of this edition 2017-10/2018-04
Permission author
Posted 2021-08-06 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Biographies and Scripts and screenplays
Abstract Five biographical monologues delivered in the fictionalized voices of Harriett Gibbs Marshall, Laura Dreyfus Barney, Louis Gregory, Alain Locke, and Pocahontas Pope.
Notes The first three monologues were delivered at the Bicentenary celebrations in Washington, D.C., October 22, 2017. Mohan, Denize, and van de Fliert each wrote one script, and all three collectively edited them.

The last two were done for the Commemoration of Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 visit to Howard University, April 22, 2018. Mohan wrote and performed "Locke." Van de Fliert wrote "Pocahontas Pope" and it was performed by Denize. See a page about this event, including a press release, at []

Tags Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Alain Locke; Arts; Centenaries; Drama; Harriett Gibbs Marshall; Howard University; Laura Clifford Barney; Louis Gregory; Pocahontas Pope; Race (general); Race unity; Universities
Locations United States (documents); Washington DC
Page views 928 hits since 2021-08-06
Last edited
2021-08-06 23:32 EST. See previous versions [].

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