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"Wolfgang A. Klebel"

  1. Bahá'u'lláh's "Most Sublime Vision", by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 9 (2008). Examines the question: What philosophical viewpoints are necessary to understand what Bahá’u’lláh calls "Thy transcendent unity," i.e., the concept of unity and oneness, which are ubiquitous in the Bahá’í Writings? Published Articles. [about]
  2. Emergence, Enchantment, Entanglement and Excellence of the Cosmos, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 9 (2008). Science is gradually revealing Bahá'u'lláh's vision that the universe is God’s creation and every created thing in this world is leading to God -- as illustrated by developments in neuroscience, neurocardiology, and quantum physics. Published Articles. [about]
  3. Essence of Man, The: Towards a Bahá'í Understanding of Human Nature and Psychology, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 12 (2011). Commentary on a section from Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet to Mírzá Hádí, about "the essence of man." This paper attempts to provide an understanding of what is expressed in these Words and understand "Who is Man." Published Articles. [about]
  4. Finding a Trace of the Traceless Friend: Reflection on Bahá'í Scholarship as a Journey in the Valley of Search, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 15 (2014). Prerequisites of search; independent investigation and the role of the heart, culture and tradition; dealing with distractions; exclusivity of search and sacrificing; seeking truth in every soul; and the standard of Majnún — seek her everywhere. Published Articles. [about]
  5. Freud's Transference and the Four States of Bahá'u'lláh, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 16 (2015). On the tetrarchic structure of Bahá'u'lláh's "Firstness and lastness, outwardness and inwardness" and Freud's concept of transferences, which are impulses from the past that the patient experiences as present and mistakenly relates back to the therapist. Published Articles. [about]
  6. I know Not How to Sing Thy Praise: Reflections on a Prayer of Bahá'u'llah, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 13 (2012). Theology and the language of revelation vs. atheism and scientific discourse, and apophatic "not-knowing" vs. the impossibility of knowing god. Published Articles. [about]
  7. In the Heart of All That Is: "Heart" in Bahá'í Writings and Science, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 10 (2009). The “Heart,” and the “City of the Heart,” are central concepts in the Bahá’í Writings. The idea of the heart being the site where the spiritual and the physical meet. Published Articles. [about]
  8. In the Pure Soil of Thy Heart: "Heart" in Bahá'í Writings and Neurocardiology, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 10 (2009). How the physical heart in its new discovered properties can actually be the seat of knowledge and right decisions. Published Articles. [about]
  9. Language of the Heart, The: From Dream Language towards Understanding the Language of the Heart, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 17 (2016). On the form and style of the language of the heart; ways this language differs from our normal language and thinking as it is developed in the human brain; the language and logic of dreams; effects of heart transplants. Published Articles. [about]
  10. Lawh-i-Hikmat, Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Wisdom: Towards a Progressive Bahá'í Theology, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 7 (2006). The primary focus of Bahá'í studies must by on the Writings of the Faith, and the philosophical understanding and interpretation need to follow and be enlightened by the Revelation. We must look at modern philosophy critically in that light. Published Articles. [about]
  11. Path of God, The, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 11 (2010). A comparison of the 'Global Ethic' (Hans Küng) with the Bahá'í Faith. The core ethical principles found in all religions are the most likely first step towards the unification of all religions: an inspiration for Unity in Diversity. Published Articles. [about]
  12. Sow the Seeds of My Divine Wisdom in the Pure Soil of Thy Heart: Towards Coordinating Langs' Communicative Approach of Psychoanalysis with the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 20 (2019). On correlating the contemporary world and the Bahá’í Revelation through the psychoanalysis of Robert Langs, who postulated that "divine wisdom" lies inherent deep within the human unconscious mind. Published Articles. [about]
  13. "These Four States Conferred Upon Thee": Tetrarchic Thinking in Philosophy, Theology, Psychology, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, 14 (2013). We follow Bahá’u’lláh’s new principles and forget old patterns of thought in order to find peace, not only in the world, but also in our hearts. One new paradigm includes four-fold relationships, like Firstness/Lastness vs. Inwardness/Outwardness. Published Articles. [about]
  14. True of Thyself: The Mystical Writings of Bahá'u'lláh and Ken Wilber's System of Integral Philosophy, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 6 (2005). A comparison of Wilber's integration of the tradition of liberalism with a genuine spirituality and Bahá'u'lláh’s progressive Revelation, with an attempt to formulate some principles of an integral and progressive theology. Published Articles. [about]
  15. Unity and Progressive Revelation: Comparing Bahá'í Principles with the Basic Concepts of Teilhard de Chardin, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 5 (2004). An attempt to correlate specific Bahá'í teachings with the corresponding concepts of Teilhard de Chardin, allowing us to compare the Faith with the 'progressive movements of today' and promote the study of the Bahá'í teachings more deeply. Published Articles. [about]
  16. Word is the Master Key for the Whole World, The: The Bahá'í Revelation and the "Teaching and Spirit of the Cause" in Dialogical and Personal Thinking, by Wolfgang A. Klebel, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 8 (2007). The Word of God is the master key that opens all doors; it assures the opening to the meaning of the whole world and its relationship to heaven; it is the key to the hearts of men and the human spirit, which opens this world towards the doors of heaven. Published Articles. [about]
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