Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Baghdádbag-dodCity where Bahá’u’lláh declared His Mission, to His companions, in 1863. Called by Him the City of God, and (prophetically) in the Qur’án the “Abode of Peace.” (10:26; 6:127). (GPB 110).
Bahá’íBa-há-eeOf or pertaining to Bahá’u’lláh.
Bahá’í CycleBa-há-eeBegan May 22, 1844, at 2 hours and 11 minutes after sunset, in Shíráz, Persia. Destined to last for no less than 5,000 centuries. GPB xi, 55, 100.
Bahá’í EraBa-há-eeBegan May 22, 1844, at 2 hours and 11 minutes after sunset in Shíráz, Persia. The first century of this Era comprises the “Heroic, the Primitive, the Apostolic Age...and also the initial stages of the Formative, the Transitional, the Iron Age” ushered in by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s Will and Testament. (GPB xi, xiii). The Bahá’í Revelation is “the consummation of all the Dispensations within the Adamic Cycle, inaugurating an era of at least a thousand year’s duration, and a cycle destined to lost no less than five thousand centuries....” (GPB 100).
Bahá’í RevelationBa-há-eeRevelation from God “signalizing the end of the Prophetic Era and the beginning of the Era of Fulfillment....” (GPB 100).
Bahá’u’lláhBa-há-eeThe Glory of God. “ appellation specifically recorded in the Persian Bayán, signifying at once the glory, the light and the splendor of God....” (GPB 93–94). “The Supreme Manifestation of God and the Dayspring of His Most Divine Essence.” (BA 11). “...never to be identified with that invisible Reality, the Essence of Divinity itself,” He is “the complete incarnation of the names and attributes of God.” (WOB 114, 112). The Promised One of all the ages. Born Ṭihrán, Persia, Nov. 12, 1817; ascended Bahjí, Palestine, now Israel, May 29, 1892.
BahjíBa-h-geeDelight. Denotes that part of the plain of ‘Akká where the Shrine and Mansion of Bahá’u’lláh are situated.
Bahraynba-h-rainBahrein islands in Persian Gulf.
Bálá-Saríbaw-law-sa-reeAbove or over head. Term denotes Muslim worshippers who recited their prayers in the upper section of the Shrine of the Imám Ḥusayn at Karbilá. (DB 84).
Balálba-lallEthiopian convert to Islám and the first muezzin. A speech defect caused him to mispronounce the letter “sh” (shín) as if it were “ss” (sin).
Báqiríbaw-care-eeSect of the Imámites.
Baqíyyatu’lláhback-ee-yat-ol-láhRemnant of God; a title of Bahá’u’lláh and also of the Báb.
Barfurúshbawr-fo-rooshTown where Quddús was publicly martyred by the dregs of the inhabitants, May 1849.