Bahá’í Glossary
Marzieh Gail
Bastr.w. fastRight of sanctuary. The law could not touch a fugitive taking sanctuary or bast in Muslim mosques and shrines.
Baṭḥábat-hawMecca, hemmed in by bare hills, lies in an “ill-ventilated couloir.” Its center and lowest part is Baṭḥá. Some buildings here were so close to the Ka‘bih that their shadows merged with its shadow mornings and evenings.
Bayán (Arabic)buy-awnWork of the Báb; Smaller, less weighty than Persian Bayán (GPB 25).
Bayán (Persian)buy-awnExposition; “The repository of the laws ordained by the Báb.” (GPB 17). “Peerless among the doctrinal works of the Báb” (GPB 25). “Designedly severe.... drastic....” (Ibid.) Interspersed with “unnumbered which He fixes the date of the promised Revelation....” GPB 28). Title given by the Báb to His Revelation, particularly His Books.
Bayán, Point ofThe Báb (GPB 98).
Bayt-i-A‘ẓambait-eh-a...zamThe Most Great House of Bahá’u’lláh in Baghdád, known at one time as House of Mírzá Músá, the Bábí. (GPB 129); “situated in the Karkh quarter, in the neighborhood of the western bank of the river....” (Ibid., 130).
Baytu’l-‘Adl-i-A‘ẓambait-ol-adl-eh-a...zamThe Universal House of Justice, of which the Guardian is the permanent head, and the members are elected by the members of the National Houses of Justice. This body makes and can abrogate its own laws; it legislates on “whatsoever has not been explicitly and outwardly recorded in His (Bahá’u’lláh’s) holy Writ.” (WOB 23). “...the twin pillars that support this mighty Administrative Structure—the institutions of the Guardianship and of the Universal House of Justice.” (WOB 147). There are also Local Houses of Justice, at present termed Local Spiritual Assemblies, in cities, townships, etc. where nine or more Bahá’ís reside. These, elected by Bahá’ís within their jurisdiction of 21 years of age and over, direct the affairs of the Faith; National Spiritual Assemblies (future Houses of Justice) are elected by delegates who are themselves elected by adult Bahá’ís of each state, territory, province etc. within a given country, and have jurisdiction over Bahá’í affairs within the country as a whole.
Baytu’l-Ma‘múrbait-ol-ma...moorThe Frequented Fane, Qur’án 52:4. In Islám, the Ka‘bih or its archetype in heaven.
Baní-Ḥáshimban-ee-haw-shemSons of Ḥáshim, the Prophet Muḥammad’s great grandfather; family from which Muḥammad descended.
Bismi’lláhi’r-Raḥmáni’-Raḥímbessm-ell-lah-hair-ra-h-mawn-eh-ra-heemIn the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Used at the head of every surih of the Qur’án except the ninth. Used at beginning of meals, putting on new clothes, beginning a new undertaking (by Muslims).
Bigbeg (often, back)Honorary title lower than Khán.
Biḥáru’l-Anvárbeh-hawr-ol-AnvawrSeas of Lights, a compilation of Shí‘ah traditions.
Bishárátbesh-awr-awtGlad-Tidings, a Tablet of Bahá’u’lláh (Holy Land).