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January, 2002

A monthly newsletter dedicated to serving the principles of

physical and spiritual health envisioned in the Baha'i Teachings.

Volume 5, Issue #5




- Dreams about Baha'u'llah's Destiny
- A Dream
- Understanding Dreams
- No More Nightmares
- An Exercise for Children
- Guidance from the Writings about Dreams
- A Reader Requesting Assistance from the Readers
- Website
- Question of the Month
- Purpose of the Newsletter




Taken from "Robe of Light", by David S. Ruhe, p. 26

"Omens of the boy's (Baha'u'llah) future came through dreams, which in that time and culture were given great credence. Two of the dreams were such as to call for interpretation by soothsayers.

At the age of five or six Husayn-Ali (Baha'u'llah's name as a child) had dreams which he related to his father, describing a desert garden in which huge birds were attacking him from every side but without harming him; and he told also of swimming in waters where birds of the air and fishes of the sea were attacking him while he remained unscathed. The Vazir called upon a famous seer who explained the visions as indicating that the child would become the founder of a great cause and that, despite the attacks of the leaders and learned of the world, the birds and the fishes of the dream, no harm would come to him but rather that he would be victorious over all.

At another time, Mirza Abbas (father of Baha'u'llah) himself dreamed that the boy appeared to him swimming in a vast, limitless ocean. His body shone upon waters with a radiance that illumined the sea. Around his head, which could distinctly be seen above the waters, there radiated, in all directions, his long, jet-black locks, floating in great profusion above the waves....a multitude of fishes gathered round him, each holding fast to the extremity of one hair. Fascinated by the effulgence of his face, they followed him in whatever direction he swam. Great as was their number, and however firmly they clung to his locks, not one single hair seemed to have been detached from his head, nor did the least injury affect his person. Free and unrestrained, he moved above the waters and they all followed him."




Anonymous by request

This past summer was a challenging time for me marked with numerous tests. When I prayed about my situation, the answer was always "Relax" or "Take it Easy" ... but as always I felt the urgency or need to do what I felt needed to be done. On a particularly difficult day, I finally made it to bed and had a dream. In the dream, I was watching a truck driver trying to manouever a huge tractor trailer on a very narrow mountain road going up. The road was so narrow that it looked like the truck would go off the road and tumble down the side of the mountain. Even though I was watching the scene, I could tell that I was the truck driver. My task was made worse by the fact that I was tired and my eyes kept closing and I would wake up just as the truck was almost off the road. As I am driving on this beautiful mountain road, I can see all the beauty from above the mountain and as I'm driving I pass an inn with lots of people around, looking happy etc. I think to myself for a minute that I should probably stop here and have a rest ... but decide to continue, feeling again the urgency of getting to my destination as soon as possible, and ignoring my fatigue and exhaustion. But just as I pass the inn and am turning the corner, I realize how absolutely tired I am and there is something that tells me I should really stop and rest before continuing. So with great difficulty, I turn the truck around and go back to the inn. I am amazed that I was able to turn the truck around and feel there is some higher power assisting me. Anyway, as I get to the inn and park my truck, I see this woman running toward me with a clip board in her hand. I come down from my truck just in time to meet her smiling greetings. I say hello back, introduce myself and ask if it is possible to get a room for the day. She says, "we have a room all ready for you, we've been expecting you!" I am utterly surprised and ask her how she could have known that I would be coming by and how did she know to reserve a room for me? She responds that a man had come by and told them that a tired traveler would be stopping for a rest, given them my name, and asked them to reserve a special room for me to rest in! I am now stupefied and ask her to describe this person who would have known of my condition and had cared enough to get me a room. As she begins describing the person, He appears behind her like a ghost. First the beautiful white turban, then His white, flowing hair, then his lovely beard flowing on his chest, then the long brown coat 'abba' covering him ... It was Abdu'l Baha who had stopped at the inn to get me a room.

This special dream had great significance ... I felt again that I was under Abdu'l Baha's protection. That he knew of my burden (the truck) and the difficulty I was having carrying it (the narrow road) and how tired I was, and was trying to tell me that it was time to slow down, take care of myself and rest. This dream reiterated my answers to prayer, in an emphatic visual form. It was wonderful and still every time I think of this precious dream, I get emotional.




Written by Lee Scheingold, M.S.W., Published by McKessonHBOC Clinical Reference Systems. (This article is taken from website:


Dreams are images and stories that appear to all of us as we sleep, much like the thoughts and daydreams that we have during the day. Every human being dreams. The dreams we are likely to remember occur during periods of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep, which we have several times each night.


* Most dreams have in them several people familiar to the dreamer.
* Most dreams have as their setting a building, home, or recreational area. Few take place at work.
* Strong feelings (like fear or anger) may occur in dreams.
* Dreams feel very real to the dreamer, who may be watching them or acting in them.
* Elements from the previous day's experiences can often be found in dream content.


Since dreams contain thoughts that we are not usually aware of, some therapists believe that remembering our dreams can be useful in understanding ourselves better and even in solving our problems.

You may discover you have mixed feelings about a particular situation you thought you were sure about. For example, a man nearing retirement had a dream in which he went to his office and discovered it was completely empty. He was very angry and sad. Before he had the dream, he thought he had only happy feelings about retirement. Afterward, he realized retirement felt like a loss as well.

Dreams are not reality, but they provide important clues about how each of us sees reality. They also tell us about complicated parts of ourselves of which we may not otherwise be aware.


Some people remember more dreams than others. Some people in long-term psychotherapy keep a dream journal and write in it each morning. Some people have trouble remembering dreams because they do not think they are important and do not pay attention to them. Others try to forget their dreams because they fear that remembering them might leave them with disturbing feelings. Or they worry that the angry or sad feelings the dreams stir up might linger on during their waking hours. Some people feel embarrassed about their dreams and would prefer not to think about them.


Many psychotherapists agree with the following three ideas about dreams:

* Dreams have important meaning.
* The content of a dream may be related to the waking life of the dreamer.
* Dreams serve some important biological and psychological needs.

Dreams can contain symbols of internal conflict. For example, the dreamer may have questions about his or her feelings or what to do about a situation. Most feelings in dreams are negative (dread, fear, confusion, anger, or sadness). Happy dreams are less frequent for most people. Dreams are absorbing and help us stay asleep.


In order to understand and learn from dreams, it is important not to take them too literally. The images and actions in dreams are often unrealistic and logically impossible. A therapist may be able to help you understand your dreams, but you are the expert on what they may mean because the symbols come from your mind.

To increase your chances of understanding a dream, follow these steps:

* Upon awakening, try to remember if you dreamed. Immediately write down the details of any dream you can remember.
* Read what you wrote about the dream. Go over each element and write down any details you may have forgotten to include the first time.
* Relax and try to think of anything the dream reminds you of. This may be a memory from years ago or it may be something that happened recently.
* Write down the memory or incident that the dream reminds you of. What happened, where did it happen, how did you feel, who else was there?
* Read over what you have written about the dream as many times as you wish, thinking about its message to you. Consider its relationship to other dreams you may have had recently, even dreams you may have had during the same night.
* Allow the dream to speak for itself. If you try too hard to understand it, you will no longer be relaxed.

Many dreams are difficult to understand, and only a few will be truly helpful. Sometimes insight about the meaning of a dream may come only after you have "carried" it around with you for several days, or had another dream that is clearer.


In some dreams, the dreamer is aware that she or he is dreaming, and may even attempt to influence the course of action in the dream. These are called lucid dreams. People who dream in this way are more likely to recall their dreams.


It may be time to consult a therapist or health care provider when:

* Your dreams are often nightmares which awaken you.
* You have sleep problems related to your dreams.
* You have a recurring dream that you do not understand.
* You have symptoms of anxiety or depression, such as loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, or loss of pleasure in usual activities.




By Rory Halperin, Family Life Magazine, February 2000

Thirty percent of children ages 5 to 7 have nightmares that are so severe the children need help getting back to sleep, says Cynthia Last, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Nova Southeastern University. To help your child have sweet dreams, find out what frightens him; some children have dreams of being kidnapped, while others fear thunder and the dark.

- "If your child is afraid  of monsters, make sure she doesn't watch scary movies before bedtime," says Last.
- Create calming rituals, such as locking windows or checking for monsters, before turning off the lights.
- Even if it is the middle of the night, let your child talk about her dreams. The issues children have nightmares about are usually things they worry about in real life.




Taken from "Dreaming with the Wheel: How to Interpret and Work with your Dreams Using the Medicine Wheel", by Sun Bear and Wabun Wind, pp. 280-81

What you will need: Yourself, a child or children, time, patience and a pleasant, nonjudgmental manner

Estimated time: Five minutes to half an hour

1) Encourage your child or children to remember their dreams. The best way to do this is to set the example of remembering and valuing dreams by discussing your dreams both with the child and with other adults in your household each morning.

2) Teach your child to complete his or her dreams.

3) If the children have a dream that is frightening, encourage them to relax and enjoy whatever dream situation they have encountered. Let them know that there is a gift for them and for their family at the conclusion of whatever the dream situation is. A common example of a frightening dream is the dream of falling. If children have this dream, tell them to relax and enjoy falling, knowing that there will be a gift for them when they come to the bottom.

4) Another way to deal with a dream of falling is to encourage children to start flying at some point during the fall, and to keep flying until they come to someone or something that has a gift for them or their people.

5) If children dream of a monster or something else they perceive as frightening, tell them that they should not run away but should stand there, look at the monster, and ask the monster what gift the monster has for them or their people. People we know have reported that their children tell them that the monster always has a present, candy, or something nice to give them.

6) Be willing to play-act the gifts or instructions that children receive in the dream state. For example, if the monster sings a song, encourage the children to sing the song, and then sing along with them.




Man sees in the world of dreams:

Consider man while in the state of sleep; it is evident that all his parts and members are at a standstill, are functionless. His eye does not see, his ear does not hear, his feet and hands are motionless; but, nevertheless, he does see in the world of dreams, he does hear, he speaks, he walks, he may even fly in an airplane. Therefore, it becomes evident that though the body be dead, yet the spirit is alive and permanent. Nay, the perceptions may be keener when man's body is asleep, the flight may be higher, the hearing may be more acute; all the functions are there, and yet the body is at a standstill. Hence, it is proof that there is a spirit in the man, and in this spirit there is no distinction as to whether the body be asleep or absolutely dead and dependent. (Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 243)

Furthermore, man sees in the world of dreams. He travels in the East; he travels in the West; although his body is stationary, his body is here. It is that reality in him which makes the journey while the body sleeps. There is no doubt that a reality exists other than the outward, physical reality. Again, for instance, a person is dead, is buried in the ground. Afterward, you see him in the world of dreams and speak with him, although his body is interred in the earth. Who is the person you see in your dreams, talk to and who also speaks with you? This again proves that there is another reality different from the physical one which dies and is buried....(Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 464)


Obtaining answers in dreams:

"...this immortal human soul is endowed with two means of perception: One is effected through instrumentality; the other, independently. For instance, the soul sees through the instrumentality of the eye, hears with the ear, smells through the nostrils and grasps objects with the hands. These are actions or operations of the soul through instruments. But in the world of dreams the soul sees when the eyes are closed. The man is seemingly dead, lies there as dead; the ears do not hear, yet he hears. The body lies there, but he - that is, the soul - travels, sees, observes... It often happens that a man in a state of wakefulness has not been able to accomplish the solution of a problem, and when he goes to sleep, he will reach that solution in a dream. How often it has happened that he has dreamed, even as the prophets have dreamed, of the future; and events which have thus been foreshadowed have come to pass literally." ('Abdu'l-Baha, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 416)

"Meditate thou, perform the ablution and pray to God before sleeping; and whatever the Merciful One may inspire unto thee at the time of revelation in a dream, that will be consistent with obtaining thy wishes." (Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets, pp. 629-30)


Important to test the purity and reality of dreams and visions:

"That truth is often imported through dreams no one who is familiar with history, especially religious history, can doubt. At the same time dreams and visions are always coloured and influenced more or less by the mind of the dreamer and we must beware of attaching too much importance to them. The purer and more free from prejudice and desire our hearts and minds become, the more likely is it that our dreams will convey reliable truth....In many cases dreams have been the means of bringing people to the truth or of confirming them in the Faith. We must strive to become pure in heart and 'free from all save God." Then our dreams as well as our waking thoughts will become pure and true. We should test impressions we get through dreams, visions or inspiration, by comparing them with the revealed Word and seeing whether they are in harmony therewith." ( In a letter written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual believer, May 16, 1925, Lights of Guidance, Helen Hornby, pp. 512-13




Genevieve Metro, Nevada, United States (The source of the ideas and some of the passages from this article have come from the book 'The Mozart Effect" written by Don Campbell. Genevieve is a three year graduate student of Don Campbell's Transformational School of Music.)

Everyone has had the experience of music or sound changing or affecting the mood of a current situation. The intentional increased tempo and deep notes used in a horror or mystery movie automatically intensifies suspense or fright. Upbeat, rhythmic music choices make it easier to complete our aerobic class. Calm, quiet, New Age or wind/string instrumental music can make it easier to drop off into slumberland, or get into a prayerful mode. Music can set the mood for a celebratory graduation, or a wistful marriage ceremony. Many of us have used the technique of humming or whistling through the process of making a tough personal choice or to provide self courage in an uncomfortable new or challenging situation.

Documenting the positive effects on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self has expanded our awareness of just how powerful music and sound can be. Research in the fields of medicine, anthropology, education, (especially in the area of brain development), and even in the field of spiritual transpersonal growth have accumulated our wisdom on not only how music and sound affects individuals, groups and cultures, but has given us insights on how to implement these tools for increased learning in the classroom, increased production in the corporate world, increased health and creativity.

To begin to understand the implications of this power in music and sound, we have to be reminded that from the beginning of time, sound and music have been associated with creation, the primary vibration, and the existence of the universe itself. Most all Holy Writings from all cultures/religious groups contain passages on sound being a creative and healing force. Both ancient Eastern traditions from the I Ching, (the Book of Changes) and the Mahabharata, the epic from India, mentions the harmonic understanding of the beginning of the universe, created by symmetrical and numeric variations . Even ancient Western religious traditions in the Old Testament tell us about the "logos" or Word, that was present in the beginning. In Greek, "logos" not only means word, but also means "sound". Traditions continue the story to tell us about how  sound and music helped Apollo, Orpheus and David with their sacred lyres. (Harps). Cultures in both the Eastern and Western worlds have both used poetry, music, sound, song, and chant to not only pray and honor their Creator, but also as a tool to attune body and mind.

The world is inherently musical. Embodied in all cultures, religions, nationalities, races, sexes, ages, income and social classes and levels, music can be thought of as a language with universal components. Music speaks to everyone, including species other than human beings. Who has not heard the musical language of the dolphins as they talk in their vibratory language to each other, or the melodies of birds who sing for their pleasure, and for those who overhear their melodic conversation? Even the spacecraft Voyager carried on it 90 minutes of music for the listening pleasure of any extraterrestrials who had the capabilities of listening in to the folk, rock, classical and jazz selections which were included onboard.

Our current English language, as well as other ancient and modern languages, abounds in sonic imagery and reminds us of the power of sound to better our lives and even to help us become more healthy. Indeed, even the word "health" comes from a root word meaning hale, whole, and "to make sound", or become healthy again. We talk about when our lives are healthy and whole, how we are "living in harmony" and how "in sync" and "in tune" we are with God, nature, or others. Who hasn't heard the terms "sound judgment", "sound advice", even "sound investments"? Even if we don't fully consider ourselves as musical beings, our human  languages and communication abounds in musical metaphors.

Using "sound techniques", humans are beginning to remember and effectively use the powerful healing medium that music and sound has always possessed. Spurred on by the popularity of the alternative healing method movement, one out of three Americans today are seeking methods of healing, educating, and ways to increase productive lives that are safe, inexpensive, effective, easy to follow, and are preferably self-administered. (Don Campbell, The Mozart Effect, p. 150 - from the New England Journal of Medicine, 1993) We find numerous sonic and musical ways to accomplish this. We can use techniques to listen more intently to our own inner sound system, we can learn more about the large role that our ears, our voice, and our intention, plays in increased learning and healing. We possess a large arsenal of self-generated healthful techniques just by recognizing that the choice of music that we listen to at home, at work, in our cars, in the classroom, or at our doctor's office can have a positive effect on our lives. Our health and lives can profit by using self-generated sound, through chanting, toning, humming, and even over- exaggerating long vowel sounds, to achieve an increased state of learning, relaxation and health.





I am a Baha'i pioneer on a small Pacific Island. In my small way, I have "Virtues" classes and a Baha'i Class at the College, but only a handful of students come. The challenge to handle the problems that face youth influenced by circumstances of a troubled environment needs constant professional counselling service.

How can we help youth who are lured into crime? In the past, the legal counsel requested professional counsellors from the main island to come and assist. But they were only able to come for about a couple weeks, where "on-going" counselling is really required. Since this is a small island community, funding to have professional counsellors is required. Those of you who have had such experience, is there funding available for this island? During this period when the professional counsellors were here, they discovered among many problems, that the parents still used the "big stick" methods for discipline. On the other hand, there are parents who would gloss over and could not mentally accept that their children were trouble makers. What can we do? What can be done?

Thanking you for any assistance, suggestions or guidance. (The readers can write to -- with their responses to the above request.)




"In every avenue of service, the friends need sustained encouragement...When training and encouragement are effective, a culture of growth is nourished in which the believers see their duty to teach as a natural consequence of having accepted Baha'u'llah". (dated 9 January 2001 letter from the Universal House of Justice)

How can we create healthy, strong, creative and sustaining communities? We would like to hear about your health care projects or social and economic development projects to assist the growth and development of your community. What methods or projects have been successful in your community in creating a culture of growth?




You can visit the website, obtain back issues and the Healing Through Unity Course at:




"Healing Through Unity" is published for the purpose of sharing thoughts, comments and experiences on how the teachings of the Baha'i Faith are being applied to physical and spiritual health. Other than the quoted Holy Writings, the material in this newsletter represents the thoughts and opinions of the writers and has no authority. You are free to copy articles, provided you indicate the source of the article. There are 10 issues per year; it is not published during July and August. The newsletter is produced in Ontario, Canada.

Please send your stories, comments, suggestions or "Question for the Month" ideas to Frances Mezei by e-mail: -- .


Many thanks to all of you who send such wonderful contributions for "Healing Through Unity" Newsletter. The decision to select and edit material submitted for publication is determined by the editor. If you have a change of e-mail address, please inform me with your old and new email  addresses. To cancel the subscription, please send message to:

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