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September, 2003

A monthly newsletter dedicated to serving the principles of
physical and spiritual health envisioned in the Baha'i Teachings.

Volume 7, Issue #1



- Letter from Editor
- The Exchange
- A Unique Approach to Devotional Gathering
- A Reader Requesting Assistance
- Question of the Month
- Website
- Purpose of Newsletter




Dear Friends,

I hope you all had a wonderful and restful summer. I am writing to share with you my thoughts about the "Healing Through Unity" newsletter.

The newsletter began six and half years ago, in July 1997, after I took it over from Dr. William Saunders, Georgia, Atlanta, United States. At that time, we felt that there was a need to create a newsletter in which we could share thoughts and experiences on how the teachings of the Baha'i Faith on health issues can assist us with our health and everyday lives. We discovered there was a wealth of knowledge and experience on this important subject and a means was required to share this with others.

The newsletter began with about 50 subscribers and grew quickly to over 2,000 subscribers residing in over 115 countries. Because of this, we were able to hear from people living in different parts of the world and dealing with entirely different circumstances. We were able to learn from each other. We are grateful to our readers and all those who have sent articles, stories, words of encouragement, and poems which enriched the newsletter.

It has been with some reflection that I will be unable to continue to publish this newsletter due to increasing commitments and responsibilities in my life. My life is moving in a new direction.  I will be sad to no longer be the editor of the newsletter as I enjoyed this service tremendously. I have communicated with many wonderful people and learned a great deal from you.

It is my hope that a new editor will be interested and motivated to continue the newsletter on email. It will be useful to have someone who is interested in the field of health. The use of email does greatly reduce the amount of administration involved. The newsletter is still a much needed service and I do hope it will be continued. If you are interested in being the editor of the newsletter, please let me know. I will be happy to assist the new editor to get started and to serve as an advisor.

I would like to thank all the helpful reviewers over the years who have patiently reviewed the newsletter - Dr. William Saunders, Bill Sims, Dale Sims, Patricia Coles, Mary Hougham, Kim Bowden-Kerby, and Meryl Cook. Many thanks to Russ Novak for designing and maintaining a beautiful website and for patiently answering my computer questions.

I will continue to publish the newsletter until the end of the year and December, 2003 will be my last issue. I will need to say good-bye to all the wonderful, loyal and encouraging readers. Thank you very much for everything you have taught me.

With Baha'i love and prayers to all

Frances Mezei





"I am 46 years old and have had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 6 years. Please pray for me that something will come along and help me. I can barely walk or stand-up. I have no energy. If there are others that have RA I would like to correspond with them. Also most people do not understand RA because when you tell them you have arthritis, they will say "Oh I have arthritis also, some days I am so stiff with my fingers or other joints" It is much more than a little stiffness; it is a very systemic disorder. It is very hard and depressing for me to deal with. Thank you and please pray for me and others who have been stricken with this.

Editor's Note: I hope the readers will respond further to this request about rheumatoid arthritis, however it the meantime it may be helpful to share with all the readers these earlier responses about arthritis.



There is a Baha'i woman in Bothell, Washington that I gave this to -- a naturopath gave me this combination of herbs and minerals. This woman (at age 66) was in a study at the University of Washington to find a "cure" for her Rheumatoid arthritis. After six weeks on this regimen, she sold her scooter, gave away her walker, and could drive, walk, climb stairs with ease. She is still on this regimen.

For 100 lbs of weight--take 1000 mg of Chondriten; 500 mg of Glucosomine Sulfate. Add to that 1 Yucca capsule, and the smallest dose of B6 you can find. Take this once a day with food.

Six years later she is still active and walking up a storm and for a few minor aches and pains, she is not cured, but able to live a full life and play with her grandchildren.

- Cheryl Martin, U.S.


I will suggest that you try Noni Juice to see if it will help you. This has helped many people in different ways. Below is a testimonial from someone with RA. And you may wish to read others on that site.

Noni juice can be bought directly from distributors. If you are buying a single bottle I would suggest that you find a distributor in your area. I am a distributor also (located in west central Florida), if you buy by the case (4 bottles) I can have it shipped to you.

I do not sell Noni juice commercially, I mostly buy it for my family's consumption - so don't think this is a sales pitch. I recommend you read more information on the websites and try it as it has helped MANY. Here is the site for Morinda which claims to be the best...

- Janice Gadelha, U.S.


A woman in England, Kathryn Lausevic, has investigated all kinds of remedies for rheumatoid arthritis. You can read her story and advice in her book "The Long Search, Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis without the Use of Drugs - a Personal Story", published by Cromwell Publishers, 405 Kings Road, Chelsea, London SW10 0BB at £5.99. The ISBN is 1-901679-13-6.

- Oliver Christopherson, United Kingdom


I was on sabbatical at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine and met Eugene Zampieron, naturopathic doctor and author of a recent book on arthritis. I also met a patient he cured who had ankylosing spondylitis. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Z and his work and suggest you have your patient contact him. His email is

- Debra Kirchhof-Glazier, Ph.D., Professor of Biology, Director of the Health Professions Program 


I have read a lot about and also experienced myself a great improvement in health from following Dr. Hulda Clark's recommendations and protocol. Her website is ( I think) She has several books out the main one being "The Cure for all Diseases"... It is all very strange sounding if you have never heard of this type of protocol or approach to healing before, but I can assure you she is very advanced in her approach to healing and wellness. 

The first thing that she would recommend doing probably is getting a "Zapper" and using it daily at least once a day and doing a "parasite cleanse" which to ingredients for are on her website and can be purchased through her or other recommended suppliers.

It has been found by very progressive practioners that RA is almost always caused by certain organisms that have taken up residence in the joints, cause inflammation and then deposits form etc.

If you can afford to have your spit analyzed by someone that works with the Dr. Clark group that would be a big start in finding out what organisms and or chemicals are affecting your joints.

- anonymous


I do not suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis but I do have arthritic knees and a year ago I had trouble with every set of stairs that I met. In addition, I suffer from back problems - a form of scoliosis that has resulted in a rather knocked- nee condition and a lot of knee pain. During the last year, I have received some special chiropractic care, adopted the Anti-Arthritis diet, continued my yoga practice, and prayers. The combination has worked very well - now I expect to be able to climb and descend stairs without difficulty. I have very little knee pain, and my mobility has increased.

I got information on the Anti-Arthritis diet from "The Anti-Arthritis Diet" a book by Joseph Kandel & David Sudderth. I understand the personal variation on the effectiveness of various treatments, but this approach has been helpful for me.

- Donna Pickel, U.S.


I would like to suggest a book, "Be Your Own Doctor - A Positive Guide to Natural Living," by Ann Wigmore, who founded the Hippocrates Health Institute, 25 Exeter St., Boston, MA 02116. 617-267-9525, and published by: Avery Publishing Group, Wayne, New Jersey, copyright 1982. She has developed a wonderful program for healing using raw and living foods (sprouts).

- Sandy Jasnau, Georgia, USA


I would like to suggest the book "Let's Get Well" by the late Adele Davis. There is a chapter on Arthritis and one of the things she mentions is that sometimes this illness can be helped through diet.

Adele Davis also mentions that this illness can be caused or made worse by unreleased anger. I remember that she had a person with this kind of arthritis (as described by the reader). This patient was raised in a time when a person was trained from childhood not to show emotions, especially the negative ones. The patient who could hardly walk and was in constant pain was given a pillow to kick. After having done this a few times, the patient was able to get up and walk with less pain. The patient was amazed that she could do this sort of action. This sort of therapy continued along with certain changes in diet and within a month, the patient was relatively pain free.

- Vivian Lee White Baravalle


One of the ideas that comes to my mind when reading the Baha'i quote (see below) about food and a single substance healing is classical homeopathy. In classical homeopathy, all of a person's symptoms (not just the RA for example) are closely matched to a single remedy that is given in a very minute dose to stimulate the body to heal. Symptoms are seen as an expression of the vital force indicating a lack of balance. The goal in homeopathy is to assist the body to restore balance on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual, rather than just to treat specific disorders.

- anonymous


Do not neglect medical treatment when it is necessary, but leave it off when health has been restored.... Treat disease through diet, by preference, refraining from the use of drugs; and if you find what is required in a single herb, do not resort to a compounded medicament. Abstain from drugs when the health is good, but administer them when necessary. (Cited in J. E. Esslemont, "Baha'u'llah and the New Era", 5th rev. ed. (Baha'u'llah, Baha'i Publishing Trust, 1987), p.  106)


It is, therefore, evident that it is possible to cure by foods, aliments and fruits; but as today the science of medicine is imperfect, this fact is not yet fully grasped. When the science of medicine reaches perfection, treatment will be given by foods, aliments, fragrant fruits and vegetables, and by various waters, hot and cold in temperature.

This discourse is brief; but, if God wills, at another time, when the occasion is suitable, this question will be more fully explained. ( 'Abd'l-Baha, "Some Answered Questions", pp. 257-59)




By Rae Smith and Susan Gammage, Canada

"What they desperately need is to know how to live their lives - they need to know who they are, to what purpose they exist, and how they should act towards one another; and, once they know the answers to these questions they need to be helped to gradually apply these answers to everyday behaviour. It is to the solution of this basic problem of mankind that the greater part of all our energy and resources should be directed". (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Italy, November 19, 1974.)

Rae's initial goal when he contacted some friends to form a prayer circle was simple. He wanted an ongoing group to meet for prayers. He wanted the group not only to experience the benefits of prayer, but also to experiment with the dynamics of prayer, in particular, as it relates to transformation. The process we use has proved to be both simple and profound.

For a year and a half now a fairly consistent core group of people has met to pray together and to support each other's efforts. We usually open with a piece of music, used as transition from the material world to the spiritual. This allows us to let go of whatever we might be bringing in, so that we can focus our attention on what we are doing.

Then we do a round of prayers, followed by a check in (How were your prayers answered?). The check in is handled like a sharing circle: no interruptions, cross talk, comments etc. We then go around the circle again, and identify in one sentence, what we want prayed for in the coming week. If people aren't quite sure how to pare it down to one sentence, or even what to pray for, the group can give guidance if requested.

Each of us writes down what we are praying for, so that we can all be praying for each other during the course of the week. We go around the circle a third time, identifying friends or family members, or issues in the larger community or in the world, which we'd like to add to the prayer list.

We then do another round of prayers, focusing our attention on the issues we have identified. In some groups, we end there, but in others, we identify a specific action step to take, which emerges during the last round of prayer, and commit to doing it through the week. When we come together the following week, we answer the question, "How were  my prayers answered?"

This group is about changing our perceptions. Trusting that our prayers will be answered. They always are, but we don't always like the answer so we tell ourselves that God didn't hear our prayers.

This process does not allow us to be victims. When we focus on how our prayer has been answered, we see that God is constantly giving us just exactly what we need. It changes our way of seeing and being. It changes how we deal with the world.

A variation to this process sprung up when one of our members pioneered to a virgin territory where there were no other Baha'is. She wanted to stay in touch with the Baha'i world, so we hooked her up to our gathering via speaker phone.

>From there, the idea was born to start other devotional gatherings,  held over the phone, using 3 way calling and speaker-phones. Each gathering is unique to the participants but they tend to focus on the 5 Steps of Prayer for solving problems, outlined by Shoghi Effendi. These gatherings have attracted as many as 9 people at a time, linked to a maximum of 4 locations from one coast of Canada to the other.

The groups have been highly successful in assisting people through major life transitions. We have watched and shared with others as they experience both the miracle of changing perceptions and the support and strength to take new actions in their lives. Some of them are going to share their stories with you. We hope it will inspire the readers to start similar groups among their friends (names to remain anonymous).

"The healing prayer group has been my only source of much needed connection with the Baha'i Community. I am not well and don't do anything in the evenings, so this group meets at my house. I don't feel so isolated, and feel I am doing some service: hosting, praying, and consulting. Also the power of regularly praying in a group is so inspiring. It lifts my spirit, keeps me focused on God's Will whatever my physical situation, and so gives me comfort and hope. Also here is a group to consult with on problems who get to know me well, and I can, in turn, support them. This group is a lifeline for me personally, and I feel I am serving in some small way. I am so grateful to Baha'u'llah for providing this gift".

"Our prayer circle has served as an anchor, as a cord to the covenant along side my daily, personal prayer habit. It is a constant reminder that prayers are answered and manifested in my world and where I can see myself receiving the bounties and blessings of Baha'u'llah that constantly are provided by Him."

"These gatherings feed my soul and keep me in touch with the Baha'i world. Those who for reasons of isolation, busy schedules or illness find it difficult to participate in gatherings in their own communities are able to participate from their own homes, taking advantage of technology. I like to think they keep the Concourse on High busy, in all of the host locations and everything geographically between, up and down the phone lines! It's a wonderful format! The group in London has been going for about a year and a half, and they include me every week, via speaker phone. Thank God  for long distance phone plans!"

"I'm used to praying regularly and do sometimes get to see and feel the power of prayer in my life. However, I get that and more from the prayer-problem-solving tele-meetings that are held on a weekly basis. For example, I have been going through a major crisis recently. The combination of prayers, focus on a problem to solve or quality to improve on (e.g. faith, service, patience, etc), and personal/moral support from the group members has helped me to move through that crisis quickly and in what I hope is a mature and responsible manner. All this from only two to three sessions. I highly recommend this process to those who are isolated or otherwise unable to get face-to-face contact with others.

"The reason I like doing prayers? I find it healthy. When I say prayers for something, I get help. When I don't get to do them, I feel like something's missing. When I stop saying prayers for a long time, bad things happen to me. I need the protection. It's nice to do them in a group. When you can't get people together in your own community, at least there are people on the phone, committed to doing them together."

"To pray is something I enjoy, but this type of prayer allows me to concentrate my thoughts on the prayers more. I'm more focused. By praying over the phone, I like to think that some people, somewhere along the phone line, will hear our voices and that we will be a force for teaching this way. I'm always thinking about our Friday night prayers, and when we don’t have it, I notice that something important is missing from my life. Often we say the long healing prayer together, each of us reading a paragraph. This gets into my heart more than when I say it by myself. The process doesn't have to be complicated. Just get together. Be together and say prayers. So much is happening everywhere.




I am living with a compulsive gambler as this is my predicament at the moment (and for the past two years). I have been a Baha'i for 15 years and have been through the whole gamut of emotions with this problem, finally leaving everything in the hands of Baha'u'llah as to the outcome, and managing to act with compassion instead of rage and recrimination towards my husband. He is turning to God now, so I can see how my role should be to help that process. At the same time, he is continuing to gamble and is really in the most desperate of circumstances. There is a great deal of shame attached to this - for various reasons I am not able to talk to very many people about it. I do wonder how to help others in such circumstances to cope. I have found reading "Fire and Gold" - a compilation of quotations to do with tests and adversity, very helpful. Perhaps a focus on this problem in your newsletter would be helpful for others, as I do view it as a disease (more spiritual than anything else, but also a result of social conditions and upbringing, I think).

- Anonymous

(Editor's note - please send your responses to -- . Thank you.)




The topic for the October issue will be about forgiveness. Forgiveness seems to be a powerful source of healing. Please share your insights, thoughts and stories re forgiveness.




You can visit the website, obtain back issues and the Healing Through Unity Course at:




"Healing Through Unity" is published for the purpose of sharing thoughts, comments and experiences on how the teachings of the Baha'i Faith are being applied to physical and spiritual health. Other than the quoted Holy Writings, the material in this newsletter represents the thoughts and opinions of the writers and has no authority. You are free to copy articles, provided you indicate the source of the article. There are 10 issues per year; it is not published during July and August. The newsletter is produced in Ontario, Canada.

Please send your stories, comments, suggestions or "Question for the Month" ideas to Frances Mezei by e-mail:


Many thanks to all of you who send such wonderful contributions for "Healing Through Unity" Newsletter. The decision to select and edit material submitted for publication is determined by the editor.

If you have a change of e-mail address, please inform me with your old and new email addresses. To cancel the subscription, please send message to: --

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