Abstract: 1852 report in Norwegian on assassination attempt of the Sháh. Notes: The translation was included at the site from which this item is mirrored, www.uga.edu/bahai/2003/Oct301852.html. English corrected by J. Winters, and translation from Norwegian verified by Nicholas Sanders [2010].
Throndhjems borgerlige Realskoles
published in Adresseavisa, 131 Trondheim, Norway: Times, 1852-10-30
1. Text
Lørdag 30. oktober 1852 alene priviligerede
Adressecontoirs - Efterretninger
No. 131 / 85te Aarg.
Verden. Sjahen av Persien er bleven overfalden av 3 Babier, men er dog sluppen derfra med et let Saar. Babierne er en religiøs
Sect, der forkaster Koranen og Troen pâ Mohammed. Man paastaar, at de helde til Communismen og have koner i Fælleskab. Secten har uddannet
sig i de tre, fire sidste Aar og den Tilhengere skal beløbe sig til 50000. De ere for Tiden i aaben Opstand mod Persien og 300 af dem skal
have svoret at ville myrde Sjahen.
2. Translation
The Shah of Persia was attacked by three Babis, but he was only lightly hurt. The Babis are a religious sect, which denies the Quran and the prophet Muhammed. It is said that they are Communists and have several wives. The sect has developed during the last three or four years and numbers around 50,000 adherents. They are now in open revolt against Persia and 300 of the Babis have decided to kill the Shah.
© Copyright 1852, Adresseavisa (Trondheim, Norway)
3. Image