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Notes: Delivered at the 29th ABS Annual Conference "Science, Religion and Social Transformation," Cambridge MA, August 11-14 2005.
Mirrored with permission from www.bahai-studies.ca/proceedings.
Author affiliation: professor of developmental cognitive neuroscience and department head at the Institute of Child Health, University College, London
Mind and Spirit:
Convergence of Neuroscience and Revealed Knowledge
Abstract: Recent advances in neuroscience and brain imaging techniques have enabled studies of unique human attributes such as consciousness, thought, language, and memory. There is growing awareness among neuroscientists that the products of
the human mind transcend the functions of the brain. This in turn has led to questions about how modern humans evolved and became distinct from other species; what attributes make us human; and what are the neural substrates of our moral, ethical, and belief systems. This presentation will address the convergence between the modern neuroscience view of the mind, and the Bahá’í view
of humans as spiritual beings. [Abstract taken from conference program.]
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