they may attain unto a sprinkling from the ocean of
knowledge, and discover the things whereof they are
oblivious in this day.
I was walking in the Land of Tá (Tihrán)--the
dayspring of the signs of thy Lord--when lo, I heard
the lamentation of the pulpits and the voice of their
supplication unto God, blessed and glorified be He.
They cried out and said: "O God of the world and
Lord of the nations! Thou beholdest our state and
the things which have befallen us by reason of the
cruelty of Thy servants. Thou hast created us and
revealed us for Thy glorification and praise. Thou
dost now hear what the wayward proclaim upon us
in Thy days. By Thy might! Our souls are melted
and our limbs are trembling. Alas, alas! Would that
we had never been created and revealed by Thee!"
The hearts of them that enjoy near access to God
are consumed by these words, and from them the
cries of such as are devoted to Him are raised. Time
and again have We, for the sake of God, admonished
the distinguished divines, and summoned them unto
the Most Sublime Horizon, that perchance they
might, in the days of His Revelation, obtain their
portion of the ocean of the utterance of Him Who
is the Desire of the world, and remain not utterly
deprived thereof.
In most of Our Tablets this most weighty exhortation
hath been sent down from the heaven of His
all-encompassing mercy. We said: "O concourse of
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