of men may be sanctified from the mire of self and
desire, and be made worthy to soar in the atmosphere
of God's love. Wings that are besmirched with mire
can never soar. Unto this testify they who are the
exponents of justice and equity, and yet the people
are in evident doubt.
O Shaykh! Protests have been voiced against Us
from every side--protests such as Our pen craveth
pardon for setting down. Nevertheless, by reason of
Our great mercy, We have replied unto them, in
accordance with the understanding of men, that
haply they may be delivered from the fire of negation
and denial, and become illumined with the light of
affirmation and acceptance. Equity is rarely to be
found, and justice hath ceased to exist.
Among others, these perspicuous verses have, in
answer to certain individuals, been sent down from
the Kingdom of Divine knowledge: "O thou who
hast set thy face towards the splendors of My Countenance!
Vague fancies have encompassed the dwellers
of the earth and debarred them from turning
towards the Horizon of Certitude, and its brightness,
and its manifestations and its lights. Vain imaginings
have withheld them from Him Who is the Self-Subsisting.
They speak as prompted by their own
caprices, and understand not. Among them are those
who have said: `Have the verses been sent down?'
Say: `Yea, by Him Who is the Lord of the heavens!'
`Hath the Hour come?' `Nay, more; it hath passed,
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