horizon of Revelation, and the whole earth hath been
illumined at the coming of Him Who is the Lord of
the Day of the Covenant!' The doubters have perished,
whilst he that turned, guided by the light of
assurance, unto the Dayspring of Certitude hath
prospered. Blessed art thou, who hast fixed thy gaze
upon Me, for this Tablet which hath been sent down
for thee--a Tablet which causeth the souls of men to
soar. Commit it to memory, and recite it. By My
life! It is a door to the mercy of thy Lord. Well is it
with him that reciteth it at eventide and at dawn.
We, verily, hear thy praise of this Cause, through
which the mountain of knowledge was crushed, and
men's feet have slipped. My glory be upon thee and
upon whomsoever hath turned unto the Almighty,
the All-Bounteous. The Tablet is ended, but the
theme is unexhausted. Be patient, for thy Lord is
These are verses We sent down previously, soon
after Our arrival in the prison-city of Akká, and
We have sent them unto thee, that thou mayest be
acquainted with what their lying tongues have
spoken, when Our Cause came unto them with might
and sovereignty. The foundations of idle fancies
have trembled, and the heaven of vain imaginings
hath been cleft asunder, and yet the people are in
doubt and in contention with Him. They have denied
the testimony of God and His proof, after He came
from the heaven of power with the kingdom of His
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