been sent down by the All-Merciful in the Qur'án.
Blessed are the men of insight; blessed they that attain
O Shaykh! I swear by God! The River of Mercy
floweth, and the Ocean of Utterance surgeth, and
the Sun of Revelation shineth forth resplendent.
With a detached heart, and a dilated breast, and an
utterly truthful tongue, recite thou these sublime
words that have been revealed by My Forerunner--the Primal Point.
He saith--glorified be His utterance--addressing his honor, Azím: "This, verily, is
the thing We promised thee, ere the moment We
answered thy call. Wait thou until nine will have
elapsed from the time of the Bayán. Then exclaim:
`Blessed, therefore, be God, the most excellent of
Makers!' Say: This, verily, is an Announcement
which none except God hath comprehended. Ye,
however, will be unaware on that day." In the year
nine this Most Great Revelation arose and shone forth
brightly above the horizon of the Will of God. None
can deny it save he who is heedless and doubteth.
We pray God to aid His servants to return unto Him,
and beg forgiveness for the things they committed
in this vain life. He, verily, is the Forgiving, the
Pardoner, the All-Merciful. In another connection
He saith: "I am the first servant to believe in Him,
and in His signs." In like manner, in the Persian
Bayán, He saith: "He, verily, is the One Who, under
all conditions, proclaimeth: `I, in very truth, am
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