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Her Eternal Crown: Queen Marie of Romania and the Baha’i Faith, Della L Marcus, p59

1926-05-29 Queen Marie’s statement

The copy of the Queen’s appreciation which I enclose is a well- deserved and memorable testimony of your remarkable and exemplary endeavours for the spread of our beloved Cause. It has thrilled me and greatly reinforced my spirit and strength. Yours is a memorable triumph, hardly surpassed in its significance in the annals of the Cause. I have received the paper from Canada, sent to me by Helen Grand whom Lady Blomfield and Mrs Coles know well. I have immediately cabled you care Mr Simpson: “‘Toronto Daily Star” of May 4 published magnificent statement by Rumanian Queen on Cause. Your high endeavours gloriously successful. Consult promptly Mountfort Mills care Banktrust Paris on advisability to approach her regarding Jahrum martyrdom. Exert utmost endeavour. Praying fervently for your success. Mailing copy. Boundless gratitude.’

Dearest Martha: I am also enclosing copies of my circulars on the recent vile atrocities in Persia. I feel strongly the necessity for some vigorous action on their behalf. I wish you to consider carefully and prayerfully the advisability of approaching the Queen. I leave all details, if you so decide, to your discretion and your reliance upon Divine Guidance. Do not press the issue if you do not find it feasible. I advise you to consult Mr Mills, Lady Blomfield and others who might help in their advice and assistance. I have, last night, being Ascension night, specially and tenderly remembered you at Bahà’u’llàh’s Shrine and supplicated for you from the bottom of my heart Divine Guidance and Strength. I would greatly appreciate any particulars you can give me about the Queen’s ‘Book of Love’, any references to it in newspapers, reviews, and periodicals and, if it can be secured, a copy of the book itself. I hold myself in readiness to do all I possibly can to assist in this vital and far-reaching task. Your perseverance, your indomitable faith, your heroic courage, your sweet and gentle nature are yielding the promised fruit! Persevere, nay redouble in your efforts and be always assured that my earnest and continued prayers follow you wherever you go.

[1926-05-29 Shoghi Effendi to Martha Root]

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