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Eve Nicklin: She of the Brave Heart, Boris Handal, p115-7

Dear Bahà'i Sister:

The Guardian was very happy to receive your letter of Aug. 17th, together with that of the Bahà'i youth, and to see how well the Cause is progressing there.

Regarding your reference to Dr. Aguilar, who seems to be a very enlightened and sincere man, the Guardian feels that you might point out to him that if he, as a Bahà'i, should insist on the right to support a certain political party whose platform he considers highly meritorious, he cannot very well deny the same degree of freedom to other believers; which would mean that within the ranks of a Faith whose primary objective is to unite all men as one great family under God, there would be Bahà'is opposed to each other, and because of the very nature of politics, in violent disagreement with each other. Where then would lie the example of harmony and unity for which the world is seeking?

The Guardian will pray that Dr. Aguilar may feel moved to sacrifice his political associations in order to fully support the Divine system which is the remedy for all the ills of all the people in the world. He will also pray that your friend Irene Silva de Santolalla will feel moved to courageously espouse the Faith which she so admires.

Your long and patient service in Peru has yielded a fruitful harvest, and the Guardian is very pleased over the reports you have given him. He feels you are the best to decide whether you should at present go home for a rest or not, as you can better judge if your temporary absence will seriously affect the work there or not. Meantime you may be sure he will pray for your continuous success, guidance, and health.

With warm Bahà'i love,

R. Rabbani

P.S.: He thinks it would be an excellent idea to translate some of the teachings into the native Indian languages.

With the assurance of my lively and abiding appreciation of your truly remarkable efforts and services, and of my continued and fervent prayers for the extension of your valued activities, and the full realization of your dearest hopes in the service of our beloved Faith,

Your true and grateful brother,


1945-11-17 to Eve Nicklin re politics and Guillermo Aguilar

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