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USBN #307 September 1956 pp1-2

"The past Baha'i administrative year was one full of events, achievements and anxiety. In looking back over it, he feels that concrete progress has been made in many fields; that the American Baha'i's have reason to feel encouraged by the scope of their activities, and by the fact that many of their enterprises connected with the Ten Year Plan have reached fruition.

"He was particularly glad to note that a friendly contact had been made with the Chief Executive of the United States, and that he had acknowledged over his own signature, in appreciative terms, the receipt of the Baha'i prayer your Assembly had forwarded to him. He was also very pleased to note the helpful attitude of the State Department, particularly in connection with the persecutions of our brethren in Iran.

An Important Turning Point

" The establishment of the South and West Africa National Baha'i Assembly signalizes an important turning-point in the execution of the Divine Plan by the Baha'is of America. A capable and representative national body has evidently been elected ; and the Guardian cherishes the highest hopes for the unfoldment of the work in that part of the world, a work whose foundations have been so brilliantly laid down by a singularly distinguished and devoted group of pioneers from different countries, chief amongst them those from the western Hemisphere. The new world has indeed paid back part of its debt to the " dark continent" it at one time so ruthlessly exploited.

"The Guardian hopes that the Kampala Temple project, designs for which are now well advanced, and, have been carried out by the Hand of the Cause, Mr. Mason Remey, will soon be set in motion. The new National Assembly for Central and East Africa will be directly responsible for this work.

"The new incorporations added during the past year in the United States, although a step in the right direction, are not sufficient. He feels that during the coming year every effort should be made by Assemblies that have a well-grounded, if small, community, to incorporate.

"He was particularly happy to hear of the incorporation of the Tokyo Spiritual Assembly. Indeed the initiative shown throughout the Pacific area in this respect and many others is truly challenging and stimulating ; and the American Baha'is, the parents of so many of these other communities, should take heed and follow the lead of their exuberant offspring.

"The Guardian feels that during the coming year, the National Assembly should pay particular attention to getting teachers with spiritual capacity and a deep knowledge of the Covenant out to the weaker communities on circuit teaching trips, and that an effort should be made for them to stay for some time in each place. It is evident that one of the reasons that the work on the home front in America is so seriously lagging is that the Baha'is themselves, though undoubtedly devoted, loyal and conscientious, are not always very deeply grounded in the spiritual fundamentals of their Faith. This produces a maladjustment, so to speak, in the nature of their service to the Cause ; and only through a deeper understanding of their Faith and the inner spiritual strength that this understanding brings will they be able to reinforce themselves to meet their tasks to see the joy of discharging their duties and grasping their privileges.

Extraordinary Progress

"The Guardian has been particularly happy at the extraordinary progress made in acquiring Haziratu’l-Quds and endowments all over the world. The Baha'is may well look upon the accomplishments in this field as little short of awe-inspiring, and every believer should feel highly encouraged that one of the most difficult aspects of the Ten Year Plan, namely the financing of such enterprises, has been more than two-thirds fulfilled by the end of the third year of the Plan.

" The Guardian feels that if the friends would meditate a little more objectively upon both their relationship to the Cause and the vast non-Baha'i public they hope to influence , they would see things more clearly . The friends are not being forced to do anything , either by the Guardian or by the National Assembly. However, the condition that the world is in is bringing many issues to a head. It would be perhaps impossible to find a nation or people not in a state of crisis today. The materialism , the lack of true religion and the consequent baser forces in human nature which are being released, have brought the whole world to the brink of probably the greatest crisis it has ever faced or will have to face. The Baha'is are a part of the world. They too feel the great pressures which are brought to bear upon all people today, whoever and wherever they may be. On the other hand, the Divine Plan, which is the direct method of working toward the establishment of Peace and World Order, has perforce reached an important and challenging point in its unfoldment; because of the desperate needs of the world, the Baha'is find themselves , even though so limited in numbers, in financial strength and in prestige-called upon to fulfill a great responsibility. They must, at all times , remember that when the Guardian makes his appeals to the friends , he is only presenting the situation to them. Each one must evaluate what his own response can be and should be; nobody can do this for him. There is no other pressure than the pressure of historical circumstances. He fully realizes that the demands made upon the Baha'is are great, and that they often feel inadequate, tired and perhaps frightened in the face of the tasks that confront them. This is only natural. On the other hand, they must realize that the power of God can and will assist them ; and that because they are privileged to have accepted the Manifestation of God for this Day , this very act has placed upon them a great moral responsibility toward their fellow-men . It is this moral responsibility to which the Guardian is constantly calling their attention , as he too cannot but obey the compelling force of circumstances and fulfill his paramount duty of calling to the attention of the believers their opportunity, their privileges, and their responsibilities.

"The American Baha'is have so far never failed in any mission they undertook, and he hopes and believes there will be no failure this time. He has the greatest confidence in their loyalty, their faith , and their devotion , and he feels sure that with the help of Baha'u' llah they will arise to the occasion which history has literally thrust upon them."

July 19, 1956

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