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Bahá'í Faith

published in Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia
SoftKey Multimedia Inc., 1994/1996
BAHA'I FAITH. In the middle of the 19th century, there emerged in Persia (now Iran) a new religion — the Bahá'í faith, which had its roots in Islam (see Islam). Orthodox members of the Shi'ah sect of Islam believe that the 12th and last imam, or successor of Muhammad, disappeared in the year 878 and will one day reappear to save the world. For a short time after his disappearance there was a succession of people who assumed the title of the Bab (meaning "the gate") and acted as spokesmen for the imam. This tradition was revived in 1844 by a Persian named Mirza 'Ali Mohammad of Shiraz, who proclaimed himself the Bab.

The Bab predicted that a new prophet, or messenger of God (Allah), would soon appear. This message spread rapidly throughout Persia and aroused the opposition of the ruling Islamic authorities. The Bab was executed in 1850, and more than 20,000 of his converts lost their lives in the persecution that followed.

A follower of the Bab, Mirza Hoseyn Ali Nuri, kept the belief alive even though he had been imprisoned and exiled for his faith. In 1863 he proclaimed himself the long-awaited prophet. Known as Bahá'u'lláh, or Baha' Allah, he became the founder of the Bahá'í faith. Most of the followers of the Bab acknowledged his claim. By the end of his life, Bahá'u'lláh saw his religion spread well beyond Persia into Egypt, the Sudan, Turkestan, India, and Burma (now Myanmar). Bahá'u'lláh was succeeded by his son, Abdu'l-Bahá, as leader of the community and authorized interpreter of his teachings. During the son's ministry, groups were established in North Africa, the Far East, Australia, and the United States.

The Bahá'í scriptures consist of the writings of the Bab, Bahá'u'lláh, and Abdu'l-Bahá. The central article of faith for the Bahá'í sect is that God is absolutely unknowable but does reveal himself through appointed messengers. Among these prophets have been Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, and, most recently, Bahá'u'lláh. Because each messenger speaks from the point of view of a particular time and historical situation, it is believed that all religious truth is relative. Revelation, however, progresses with the appearance of each new messenger, and supposedly the truth that God wants humankind to know thereby increases.

According to the faith, one's purpose in life is to worship God and to advance civilization. The final goal is the unification of all people in one religion that will promote harmony, knowledge, justice, progress, and peace. The practice of religion is intended to promote family unity, equal rights and opportunities for all persons, compulsory education, and the elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty.

Services and Administration

The Bahá'í religion has no clergy, sacraments, or excessive ritual. There are obligations concerning prayer, fasting, and monogamy, and encouragement to abstain from alcohol and tobacco. Members are also expected to attend the Nineteen Day Feast on the first day of each month of the Bahá'í calendar. In the Bahá'í calendar the year is divided into 19 months of 19 days, with four extra days. In leap years there are five extra days. The year begins on March 21, the first day of spring, which is considered a holy day.

In the temples of Bahá'í the services are extremely simple. There is no preaching. Services consist of readings from the scriptures of all religions. The sacred literature of Bahá'í consists of the writings of Bahá'u'lláh and succeeding interpretations of them.

On the local level, the Bahá'í religion is governed by an elected spiritual assembly, which has jurisdiction over all affairs within the church community. Each year, delegates from the local communities attend a national convention.

The supreme governing body is the international Universal House of Justice. It functions as the administrative, legislative, and judicial body for the Bahá'í commonwealth around the world. The headquarters of the Universal House of Justice is in Haifa, Israel, near the shrine of Bahá'u'lláh.

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